20th Century History Pre-Test

Spring 2018

  1. Who was the President who pardoned Nixon?
  1. Jimmy Carter
  2. Lyndon Johnson
  3. Gerald Ford
  1. Who was President during the onset of the Great Depression?
  1. Franklin Roosevelt
  2. Herbert Hoover
  3. Calvin Coolidge
  1. The only president to ever resign was?
  1. Herbert Hoover
  2. Woodrow Wilson
  3. Richard Nixon
  1. Body of water in which 2 US destroyers were allegedly attacked by North Vietnam in 1964
  1. Pacific Ocean
  2. Atlantic Ocean
  3. Gulf of Tonkin
  1. How did Hitler die?
  1. Execution
  2. Natural death
  3. Suicide
  1. The nuclear accident in Russia was
  1. Watergate
  2. Chernobyl
  3. Stalin Nuclear Plant
  1. The president who introduced the 14 Points address leading to the winning of the Nobel Peace Prize?
  1. Ronald Reagan
  2. Woodrow Wilson
  3. Franklin Roosevelt
  1. The country in which Desert Storm was fought?
  1. Iraq
  2. Kuwait
  3. Saudi Arabia
  1. The President who took over after Harding's death?
  1. Herbert Hoover
  2. Calvin Coolidge
  3. Lyndon Johnson
  1. Ronald Reagan's vice president
  1. George H. W. Bush
  2. Richard Nixon
  3. Jimmy Carter
  1. What was the 18th Amendment?
  1. Prohibition
  2. Woman's Right to Vote
  3. Black Rights
  1. President during the Persian Gulf War
  1. Bill Clinton
  2. George H. W. Bush
  3. Ronald Reagan
  1. Russian dictator in WWII
  1. Hitler
  2. Lenin
  3. Stalin
  1. VE Day
  1. May 8, 1945
  2. June 11, 1945
  3. July 12, 1946
  1. D-Day
  1. June 24, 1944
  2. June 11, 1944
  3. June 6, 1944
  1. The president who served 4 terms
  1. Franklin Roosevelt
  2. John Kennedy
  3. Ronald Reagan
  1. The year in which the Social Security Act was passed
  1. 1935
  2. 1965
  3. 1956
  1. The country Nixon secretly bombed
  1. Vietnam
  2. Russia
  3. Cambodia
  1. Year of the cease fire in Vietnam
  1. 1975
  2. 1972
  3. 1973
  1. Event triggering US involvement in WWII
  1. Battle for the Atlantic
  2. World Trade Towers bombing
  3. Pearl Harbor
  1. President during the Korean War
  1. Harry Truman
  2. Lyndon Johnson
  3. Richard Nixon
  1. Vietnam's official name after 1976
  1. Vietnam
  2. Republic of Vietnam
  3. Socialist Republic of Vietnam
  1. The year in which WWII started
  1. 1942
  2. 1938
  3. 1939
  1. Name of the space shuttle that exploded in 1986
  1. Jupiter
  2. Columbia
  3. Challenger
  1. Length of days the Iran Hostage Crisis lasted
  1. 365
  2. 117
  3. 444
  1. Another name for the "Night of Broken Glass"
  1. The Eve of Destruction
  2. The Night of Tears
  3. Kristallnacht
  1. Last crowned Russian emperor
  1. Nicholas II
  2. Ferdinand V
  3. Stalin
  1. The president who introduced the "Fair Deal"
  1. Franklin Roosevelt
  2. Harry Truman
  3. Jimmy Carter
  1. Italian leader in WWII
  1. Franco
  2. Stalin
  3. Mussolini
  1. Watergate President
  1. Gerald Ford
  2. Richard Nixon
  3. Lyndon Johnson
  1. 1st city atomically bombed in WWII
  1. Nagasaki
  2. Tojo
  3. Hiroshima
  1. Parallel dividing North and South Vietnam
  1. 38th
  2. 17th
  3. 45th
  1. Parallel dividing North and South Korea
  1. 38th
  2. 45th
  3. 17th
  1. Longest battle in WWII
  1. Battle of the Atlantic
  2. Battle of Normandy
  3. Battle of Verdun
  1. President elected in 1964
  1. Jimmy Carter
  2. Lyndon Johnson
  3. Harry Truman
  1. Leader of Japan responsible for the Pearl Harbor attack
  1. Tojo
  2. Hiroshima
  3. Hirohito
  1. US backed leader of South Vietnam until 1963
  1. Ho Chi Minh
  2. Kim Il-Sung
  3. Ngo Dinh Diem
  1. Longest conventional war
  1. WWII
  2. Korean War
  3. Iran/Iraq War
  1. City in which Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated
  1. Brussels
  2. Sarajevo
  3. Vienna
  1. FDR's 3 R's
  1. Rebuild, Reunite, Renew
  2. Remember, Reconstruct, Renew
  3. Relief, Recovery, Reform