Minutes of the RYA Thames Valley Region held at Hampton Motor Yacht Club on 28th March 2006
Mike Shefras introduced the meeting, noting his disappointment at the low turnout.
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Ralph Anderson ATVSC Chairman who is due in hospital tomorrow our best wishes go to him.
2. Receive the new constitution
The new constitution was received. Mike explained that there are 3 reps from ATYC, 3 from ATVSC, Welsh Harp Sailing Association, NSSA – Nigel Vick. There is now the opportunity for 4 members from Thames Valley Clubs
3. Appoint the Chairman – Alan Woolford took the Chair and introduced
Michael Shefras as being prepared to stand and he was appointed nem con.
Michael noted that he would probably not serve the full five years as he has already put in a number of years as Chairman
4. Appoint a Deputy Chairman - Michael resumed the Chair and introduced
Alan Woolford as being prepared to stand. He was appointed nem con.
5. Appoint an Hon Secretary
Nigel Vick being prepared to stand was appointed there being no one else prepared to take the position.
6. Appoint an Hon Treasurer
Richard Cannon being prepared to stand was appointed nem con.
Richard explained that there have been major changes since April last year and now we have to account for VAT, on the plus side insurance and some admin is covered by HQ. We have purchased 6 Picos on trailers
Paul Robson was introduced as the Fleet Manager who emphasized the availability of the Regions Fleet of Picos and Oppies.
Chris Drake was introduced as the Regional Communicator. He asked that anyone not receiving the Regional Newsletter let him have their e-mail addresses.
7. Report from Rod Carr RYA Chief Executive
Rod reported internal changes at the RYA aimed at removing the boundaries between the different disciplines in sailing and disseminating Good Practice. He emphasised the RYA work in keeping the regulators off our backs, and hard on RYA Training Programmes and RYA Racing.
He explained the increased focus the RYA now had on promoting the sport, increasing participation in sailing, and motor boating. These people have been brought together into the Sport Development Group now comprising some 14 people. Due to the size of the task and the organisation there has had to be an emphasis on some areas, which will change, one of these is On Board.
Another is Inland Waters – there is now the Inland Navigation Working Group which should be reasonably powerful. The Environment Agency is thought to be about to propose a 14% year on year increase in charges. There seems to have been little consultation. Normally, the RYA would try to work with the legislators, but this might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. The RYA are not opposed to paying but feel that there should be a balance with exchequer funding, dmca[1] as well as owners. Whilst the details are yet to be announced you can expect a vigorous campaign by the RYA, in conjunction with the British Marine Industry and other partners.
Harmonisation of Inland Water Regulations seems to be OK. RYA have checked it out and it seems to be OK.
Inland Training – there are eight centres on the Thames, Bisham is in the top three of powerboat centres in the UK. Inland Waterways training is increasing markedly.
Overall membership is increasing at 3% per year but with quite a bit of churn – the RYA is going to work hard at retaining members. Participation is up. Business (RYA Trading) is up – generating an income to support participation programmes. 2012 offers a great Opportunity RYA now have 8 x increase in sponsorship. Clubs should think about how to exploit this opportunity.
Club activity generally is variable and there are real challenges out there to make getting on the water easier. The re-designed website will be a major vehicle in doing this.
8. Report from Jon White RYA Sport Development Manager
Jon is learning to drive a Motor Boat. His new Department tries to promote participation with Sailing, Windsurfing,Volunteer and Sailability Development Officers at Hamble. They are now employing Regional Development Officers, in this region it is Guy Malpas covering Thames Valley and London inside the M25. Some of the projects Guy has introduced are:-
Instructors Principals and Club Officers Conference on March 11th had over 70 people attend, there were many useful workshops and Guy hopes to expand this. There is a Regional SI Course which is full with people from 10 different clubs. He is putting together a Powerboat Instructor Course for the summer. Guy has access to various funds to support these sort of initiatives which will assist your clubs. John mentioned that Charles Wand-Tetley is leaving Queen Mary and thanked him for all the hard work he has put in over the last few years.
The On-Board Scheme has a great challenge aiming to increase the regular participation of young people. Where this happens it improves the whole club environment. Helen Manners is the On-board officer at Queen Mary. Tristan Shearing has now been appointed in Oxford, Milton Keynes will soon have one at the Caldecott Project and we are looking forward to getting into London. The Volunteering thread is essential to the On-board project and Jon is keen to get everyone involved. One of the main ways going forward is to have a club development plan and Jon distributed of the Guide to Club Development with the caveat that they be used.
9. Open Forum
Environment Agency Charges
Mike Shefras has written to all the clubs advising them of the increase, which originally appeared about to be suggested as 25% - it now seems likely to be 14% for 3 yrs.
Sailing Dinghy will go from £21.50 to £43 in 5 yrs, Motor boat fees will double. Some people get charged for a tender on davids which never goes in the water. There will be discussion at various forums.
Grant in Aid is given to the EA Anglia 80% funded, Medway 80% the Thames is 40% funded yet produces 50% of the income.
Users think 6.9% is a reasonable figure for the increase, on the basis of user pays 10% might be reasonable for one year but we feel this is an unacceptable increase.
The meeting felt that there are other users, such as walkers and wondered why they are not being asked to pay more.
Rod emphasised the unacceptable nature of the situation when the EA will not commit to improvements. Members remembered 12-15yrs ago when there was a 25% increase on the basis of 4 locks being replaced. In reality they replaced one lock and took the increase as revenue.
The need for a commitment was stressed. Rod explained that the RYA will get full disclosure on their figures. The RYA will then examine it carefully. The RYA will challenge their figures. RYA will challenge their consultation and then go to lobby the politicians.
Accommodations – piles, moorings etc. and the charges for them are of concern to some members. MS explained that they seemed to have a reasonable attitude to clubs. Rod Carr promised to keep an eye on this capital revenue stream.
A representative of Desborough pointed out that their sailing cruisers pays the same as a motor cruiser but is limited to one stretch of the river. Trees on this stretch are a problem and EA are not doing the necessary work. Volunteers are not able to do the work and sailing could soon stop.
Rod asked that be sent these examples so that the social argument can be made effectively with hard evidence and examples.
Thamesis asked about the anglers. MS explained that they pay £25 for two rods but they are as angry about the way their money is going out of the region.
Powerboat Schools to be included.
Longridge Boating Centre
MS thanked Jon and Rod for giving up their time and closed the meeting at 9.50pm
NG Vick
[1] Dmca = Department for Media, Culture and the Arts.