Southland College Prep Charter High School

Course Title: Physical EducationInstructor: Ms. Erica Bartley

Grade Levels: Junior PEContact Info:

Semesters: First and Second

Prerequisites: PE1 and PE2


This course includes the study and physical experience of individual, dual, and team sports. There will be an emphasis on participation by learning basic and advanced skills, and offering specialized physical education activities. This course will cover skill development in a variety of team and individual sports. The student will be able to not only participate in various activities/sports that help build healthy foundations for their futures, but they will also be able to identify and define the rules and basic skills in each category of the five categories of fitness: flexibility, body composition, muscular endurance, muscular strength, and cardiovascular endurance.There will also be an introduction to two of the major body systems, skeletal and muscular, giving students the basic knowledge for any future science courses.Students will need to be self-motivated and ready for full participation everyday.


  • Students will demonstrate and deepen their understanding of basic knowledge and skills.
  • Students will recognize and investigate problems; formulate and propose solutions supported by reason and evidence.
  • Students will learn how to acquire and understand basic health information, assess such information, and address health problems.
  • Students will express and interpret information and ideas.
  • Students will use appropriate instruments, electronic equipment, computers, and networks to access information, process ideas, and communicate results.
  • Students will monitor fitness and analyze movement skills.
  • Students will learn to recognize individual strengths, resolve differences, and use teamwork as a necessary tool for working with others.
  • Students will recognize and apply connections of important information and ideas within and among learning areas.


  • Be on time!
  • Be prepared!
  • Be respectful!
  • Be productive!
  • Be active!


  • Value yourself and your abilities at all times.
  • Be respectful and polite towards all members of the school and visitors.
  • Honor the ideas and opinions of others even if you do not agree with them.
  • Be responsible with property and belongings.
  • Remember… Every action has a consequence:

Swearing/offensive language or comments

  • Loose Participation Points (Possible Referral)

Disrespect towards fellow students, teachers, or admin

  • Loose Participation Points (Possible Referral)

Ditching or sleeping during class

  • Loose Participation Points (Possible Referral)


  • Bring writing utensils everyday.
  • Multiple utensils are a must. I will not have extra writing materials for you to use for class assignments.
  • Have a handout folder/binder with you everyday.
  • You will be receiving handouts for all units.
  • Turn in all assignments on due dates.
  • The acceptance of late work changes from quarter to quarter.
  • Be in full uniform everyday.
  • From the first day until the last day you need to be in your PE uniform.



Each student participant in the Physical Education Program is required to wear the Southland physical education uniform. The student's last name should be placed on the appropriate space on the uniform.

  • Shorts and pants are to be worn with the waistband at the waist.
  • All students should have athletic-type socks and tennis shoes. A student who comes to class without proper shoes will not be allowed to participate, and will then loose points for participation.
  • A student may also need a sweatshirt and sweatpants.The blue Southland sweatpants and a Southland hoodie are acceptable for cold weather. The sweatshirts are to be worn over the physical education uniform, not in place of it. (You will need to show your uniform for credit) Southland sweatpants can count as your PE bottoms.
  • Students are not allowed to wear school uniform over or under the physical education uniform for any reason.(Loss of points will occur)
  • Hats/headwear and scarves are not permitted in Physical Education class.However, students can use hats, gloves, and scarves to travel from Southland to the Rec Center or the Bowling Alley if needed.
  • Uniform Deductions:
  • No Dress: -5 points per day
  • No PE Shirt: -1 point per day
  • No PE Pants/Shorts: -1 point per day
  • Inappropriate PE shoes (Safety Concern): -3 points per day

~UNIFORM RENTALS~(Ms. Bartley’s PE Classes Only)

  • Uniform rentals will be available this year for those students who wish to rent one.
  • Rentals keep students from loosing all points for not being in uniform. Students will not receive full credit for having a rental uniform on, however they will receive half credit.
  • The rental fees are listed below:

Top: $.50Shorts: $.50Pants: $1Sweatshirts $1

  • If a rental uniform is stolen the student will be held responsible and will be issued a referral for theft. The student will also be charged for the uniform.
  • Please note – All uniforms that are available this year were donated from last year’s seniors. Uniforms will be washed every weekend and will only be issued out if they are clean. (This means you may not be able to rent one if all uniforms are used.) Also, the uniforms are in all styles and sizes so you may not get what you want when you come to rent.
  • At the end of the year all the money will be combined and presented as a small scholarship to the senior with the highest overall GPA in Physical Education class. This senior must also be in PE for both the 1st and 2nd semesters. (Pending Approval)

Cell Phone/Electronics Policy

  • Cell phones/electronics are strictly prohibited during PE time. This includes the fitness center, dance room, hallways, and any other PE space during class times (bell to bell) on or off campus.
  • First offence: verbal warning and point loss.
  • Second offence: item confiscated until the end of the day and point loss.
  • Third offence: item confiscated and will be brought to the office for parent/guardian retrieval and point loss.

Reminder: If a student refuses to hand a phone or electronic device to a teacher then a dean/administrator will be contacted and student will receive a referral.


  • No food, drink, or glass containers are allowed in the locker room or activity areas.
  • Students are not allowed in the locker room during their Physical Education class period. (Only at the beginning and end to change)
  • Students are responsible for keeping the locker room clean and orderly.
  • Southland is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • Locks and Lockers: Each student will be assigned a locker and must have only the school approved lock on the locker. When you are not in the locker room, the lock should be locked on the locker. Lock up your purse, wallet, books, clothing, cell phone, and other valuables in the locker during class. If your lock is missing, see your teacher or the locker room attendant immediately. No student will be allowed to share a lock and locker except under special temporary permission by teacher.
  • We are not responsible for your lock or locker being taken if you do not place your lock securely on your locker.
  • Also, if your lock is stolen or lost, a fee will be applied to your school bill at the end of the school year.


  • Students who are late getting to the locker room will be marked "TARDY". If you are going to be late to the locker room for a legitimate reason, you should get a pass from your previous teacher or the dean, etc.
  • Attendance for class is taken as soon as the bell rings for class to begin.
  • A student must bring all materials to class on time. If a student needs to get their jacket, shoes, socks, or uniform from their locker they must do it during passing periods only. Students will not be allowed to go after the class bell has rung.
  • If a student arrives more than one minute after the bell rings they will not be allowed to change. This will affect the daily dress and participation grades for the day.
  • Students are allowed 10 minutes to dress at the beginning and end of each period.
  • Students are not allowed to leave the locker rooms before the dismissal bell rings. Students who leave early without an instructor's permission will be referred for cutting class.
  • If it is necessary to be excused from an activity, report to your Physical Education teacher first. DO NOT REPORT TO THE NURSE.
  • A note from a parent is a valid excuse from participation for a maximum of 2 days, after which time a doctor's note must be obtained; however, that student must complete any written assignments given.
  • All injuries, even though minor, should be reported to your PE instructor.
  • Students will not be allowed to use an activity area or equipment without teacher supervision.
  • Any student who willfully damages equipment will be charged for the cost of replacement.
  • Any student who is not dressed will not participate in the activity.
  • Students can receive 50 points a week for participation
  • Participation Deductions:

No Participation: -10 points per day

Lack of Effort: -5 points per day


1st Quarter: Late work will be frowned upon; students will have at most a three-day extension for half credit. After three days the grade will be a zero. (The half credit comes into effect after the project has been graded.)

2nd Quarter: Late work will be frowned upon; students will have one-day extension for half credit. After one day the grade will be a zero. (The half credit comes into effect after the project has been graded.)

3rd & 4th Quarter: Late work will not be accepted unless there are extreme extenuating circumstances. Time to get ready for college.


  1. If a student is absent from PE he/she will be excused from the daily points. These points will not affect the student’s final grade.
  2. If students are physically unable to participate in an activity they will need to meet with the teacher to discuss other available options.


If you are at school you need to be in class. If you are meeting with the college counselor you need to bring Ms. Bartley a pass beforehand with the date and time/class periodand you will be excused from dressing that day. Remember if you are in school and you are not in Ms. Bartley’s class, and she has not received a pass for you, you will be considered ditching and will then be issued a referral for cutting class.

Grading Scale

Southland College Prep High School grading scale as stated in the Student/Parent Handbook. It is as follows:

Grade / Scale / Description
A / 92.5-100% / Exceeds Expectations, Exceptional level of quality and effort.
B / 86.5-92.4% / Meets Expectations, Did quality work with a few flaws.
C / 77.5-86.4% / Passing, Meets some standards, Showing average effort.
D / 69.5-77.4% / Passing, Meets minimum standards.
F / <69.4% / Failing, Does not meet standards or expectations.

*Grades will be posted on power school at least once a week. The frequency may increase as assignments are graded and recorded in the grade book.

Semester Grades are calculated by the following:

1st Quarter40%3rd Quarter 40%

2nd Quarter40%4th Quarter40%

Final Exam20%Final Exam20%



The Final Exam

The final exams are 20% of the grade. Part of the finalis a written portion and part of the test will be a physical fitness exam covering exercises repeated every day in class. These tests measure muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance.

Semester 1: Part A) All Outdoor & Indoor Sports and Activities Covered Q1&Q2

Part B) All Anatomy & Physiology Material Covered

Semester 2:Part A) Physical Fitness Testing

Part B) All Outdoor & Indoor Sports and Activities Covered Q3&Q4

Rewards towards finals:

  • If a student earns an A for both Quarters during a semester then said student will be exempt from one of the final exams that semester.
  • Any and all other students will be required to take all final exams.

Bone Bucks & Muscle Money

Students are constantly working on an awards system during their physical education class. The students will have the opportunities to earn extra credit dollars called Bone Bucks and Muscle Money.

The money will be utilized as currency within the class. Students will need to learn how to save and use their earned funds in appropriate ways, otherwise they may not have any money left to help them during finals time.

The money is only allowed to be usedfor each semester. Bone Bucks are for the first semester and Muscle Money will be used during second semester. The students start off with an initial allowance at the start of the school year and will only increase their allowance at Quarter breaks and by doing some of the following:

  • Answering questions during reviews or warm ups
  • Taking a job in the classroom (pick from the list)
  • Random acts of kindness and service towards the school

Scope & Sequence

The scope and sequence for this course can be viewed on the school website: scope and sequence is detailed with each unit/lesson. The scope and sequence documents the Illinois Art Standards that are utilized on a weekly basis. However, the scope and sequence is a tentative schedule and may be altered as needed throughout the school year.


Listed below are the units that may be covered for the 2016-2017 school year. Each unit covered will be accompanied by a history section including: important dates, athletes, rules, and skills.

  • Advanced Kickboxing
  • Advanced Weight Training
  • Anatomy
  • Bowling
  • Dance
  • Fitness
  • Football
  • Nutrition
  • Recreational Cardio
  • Soccer
  • Softball
  • Team Games
  • Team Handball
  • Yoga





Syllabus Signature Page

Success in physical education stems from the teacher and with a directed focus a teacher can engage students. Students need enthusiasm as well as a good role model to follow. The more we can connect with our students the better we are and the better the students are at retaining all the information we are presenting.

My goal is to increase their life expectancy, aim to adapt positive lifestyle behaviors, and to overall increase their desire to live a healthy life. A parent-teacher and teacher-student relationship are vital for the overall success of the student. Please feel free to contact me at any time in order to best serve your child.

-Ms. Bartley

Student Name:(PRINT)______

I acknowledge that I have read and understood Ms. Bartley’s Physical Education syllabus and I am prepared to abide by all the expectations, rules, and policies listed above.

Student signature: ______

I (parent, guardian) am acknowledging that I have received, reviewed, and understand what is expected and required from my child after reading Ms. Bartley’s Physical Education syllabus. I agree to help my child achieve the highest degree of success during his/her PE class.

Parent Name:(PRINT)______

Parent signature: ______


Parent’s E-mail address:______