January 19, 2012

Public Service Building, Room 251-A/B

255 Capitol St. NE, Salem, OR 97310

Members Present

Brenda Frank Board Chair Duncan Wyse Board Member

Samuel Henry Board Member

Artemio Paz Vice-Chair Gerald Hamilton Advisor, Community Colleges Pres.

Serilda Summers-McGee Board Member Colt Gill Advisor, K-12 Admin.

Members/Advisors Excused

Leslie Shepherd Board Member Ted Wheeler Ex Officio Board Member

Sena Norton Advisor, K-12 Teacher Rep Kate Brown Ex Officio Member

David Rives Advisor, Com. College Faculty

Other Participants

Supt. Castillo Supt of Public Instruction Camille Preus Commissioner, CCWD

Colleen Mileham Asst. Super., ODE Susan Inman Learning Ops, ODE

Margaret Bates Charter Schools, ODE Kathleen Vanderwall Assessment Mgr., ODE

Doug Kosty Asst. Supt., ODE Ben Cannon Office of the Governor

Cheryl Kleckner Science Education Spec., ODE Ed Dennis Deputy Supt., ODE

Theresa Richards Teaching & Learning Dir., ODE Sue MacGlashan Asst. Supt., ODE

Carla Wade Education Specialist, ODE Michael Elliott Fiscal Analyst, ODE

Drew Hinds Instructional Materials, ODE Tom Thompson Education Specialist, ODE

Julie Anderson Education Specialist, ODE Derek Brown Assessment Mgr., ODE

Stephanie Hinkle Ivy Charter School Alexis Baghdadi Ivy Charter School

Kim Carlson Ivy Charter School Steve Slater Assessment, ODE

Digital Recording: January 19, morning session

Watch Meeting Recording

Preliminary Business

Hour 00.00.00
(9:02 am) / Call to Order/Roll Call/Flag Salute

Acting Chair Paz called the meeting to order at 9:02 am and called the roll and reviewed the agenda. Frank participated by phone. Excused were Directors Shepherd, Brown and Wheeler; and Advisors Norton and Rives. Wyse was 15 minutes late.

Hour 00.00.00
(9:06 am) / Public Comment

No public comment.

Hour 00.00.00
(9:05 am) / Superintendent Report

Superintendent Castillo updated members on activities of the last month, which included work on the federal ESEA waiver, attending OEIB meetings; a meeting with representatives from the national Data Quality Campaign and the use of collected data—they are big fans of Oregon’s Data Project and has received national awards; was interviewed by Rep. Cliff Bentz who had many questions about the OEIB; and attending the fall meeting of the Oregon Leadership Network which works to bring equity to schools.

Hour 00.00.00
(9:12 am) / Member Comments

Henry noted the federal waiver work and OEIB meetings. OEIB is working hard and delivered its December report and has proposed legislation for the February session. OEIB has scheduled informational meetings around the state to better explain the mission of the board and its vision for education. The OIEB is in the process of hiring a Chief Education Officer and is doing a national search.

Wyse stated that he thought 2012 would be a good year for education.

Hamilton stated they had a meeting with the Treasurer Wheeler and Governor Kitzhaber concerning putting more money in the Oregon opportunity grant; that’s an important tool for community college students. Debt is a big concern for students.

Gill stated that people are excited and nervous about the changes in education. There was appreciation from the field in being involved in the waiver work. People want to expand what we measure.


·  Whether students of color and their treatment in the classroom was being discussed within the OEIB.

·  The importance of graduating students of color and consequent enrollment in college.

·  Importance of discovering and sharing promising education practices.

·  How Oregon’s Data Project meshes with the Common Core State Standards. Both coordinate with the Smarter Balanced Consortium (CCSS assessments).

Information/First Reading

Hour 00.00.00
(9:32 am) / Sauvie Island Charter School Waiver Request

Susan Inman, Director, Learning Opportunities, Options, and Support, ODE

Margaret Bates, Education Specialist, Charter Schools, ODE

Darla Meeuwsen, Sauvie Island Charter School

Inman and Bates explained that the request was to allow a preference in enrollment of children of school employees, founders, and board members as well as students who reside on Sauvie Island. Staff is recommending that the first request be approved and the second be denied, as charter schools are schools of choice and giving enrollment preference to Sauvie Island children would diminish that choice.


·  The capacity of Sauvie Island Charter School; whether the enrollment priority would be an issue.

·  The differences between living on an island and living down the street from a charter school.

·  Whether the geographic issues warrant making an exception to the usual lottery enrollment process.

·  The tipping point between a school of choice and a neighborhood school.

·  Whether granting certain public employees something not available to others would run afoul of the ethics law.

·  Whether giving preference to Sauvie Island students would decrease the choice of Scappoose School District students.

·  Primary concern is the incoming kindergarten class.

·  Place-based curriculum, using island resources for the school.

·  How many kids are founder’s and board member’s children and how many are island residents.

·  Whether Sauvie Island has a special sense of identity that deserves special treatment.

·  The importance of connecting the community to its local school.

·  Population, socio-economic demographics of Sauvie Island and diversity of the charter school.

·  Enrollment preference board children were requested, but staff did not recommend that waiver.

·  Whether to include board members’ children for enrollment preference.

MOTION: Wyse moved to allow residents of Sauvie Island to have enrollment preference in the charter school; Henry seconded the motion.


·  Creating a community-based charter school.

·  Whether the school is open to others in the district.

·  Whether to vote this month.

·  Sauvie Island February enrollment period.

MOTION: Wyse moved to amend his motion, to give residents of Sauvie Island enrollment preference but vote in March and the item can be placed on the consent agenda and pulled if members want to discuss it. Henry seconded the motion.


·  Whether the motion includes preference for board members’ children.

·  Whether to vote up or down on the three issues raised separately.

·  Whether the Sauvie Island charter school needs to know sooner than March who may get preference.

·  Whether there was board support for founder and employee children and that could be voted on now, and vote on board member children and SI resident children in March.

MOTION: Wyse moved to approve the request as it relates to founders and employees; Henry seconded the motion.

VOTE: The motion passed 4-1, Frank voting no, Shepherd excused.

Information/First Reading

Hour 00.00.00
(10:25 am) / Coburg Community Charter School Waiver Request

Susan Inman, Director, Learning Opportunities, Options & Supports, ODE

Margaret Bates, Education Specialist, Charter Schools, ODE

Inman and Bates explained that the request was to allow a preference in enrollment of children living within the former attendance boundaries of the former Coburg Elementary School. Staff recommended a denial. It would set a precedent for a closed school that converts to a charter school but gives preference to students who lived within the boundaries of the closed school.

MOTION: Henry moved to accept the staff recommendation. Not hearing a second, the motion died.


·  Whether this is different from the Sauvie Island example.

·  Student demographics of Coburg Community School.

Information/First Reading

Hour 00.00.00
(10:25 am) / Ivy Charter School Annual Report

Susan Inman, Director, Learning Opportunities, Options & Supports, ODE

Margaret Bates, Education Specialist, Charter Schools, ODE

Stephanie Hinkle, Business Manager, Ivy Charter School

Alexis Baghdadi, teacher, Ivy Charter School

Kim Carlson, Principal, Ivy Charter School

Carlson introduced members of the Ivy Charter School, a State Board of Education-sponsored school. Hinkle, Baghdadi, and Carlson reported on the school’s success in the prior year (slides).


·  The importance of community relationships and contextualized learning.

·  Disseminating the Montessori model as a promising practice.

·  Whether Portland Public Schools would sponsor the school.

·  Recruiting more minority teachers.

11:15 Chair recessed for a brief break.

11:25 Chair reconvened the meeting.

Information/First Reading

Hour 00.00.00
(11:25 am) / Oregon STEM Education Initiative

Colleen Mileham, Educational Improvement & Innovation, Asst. Supt., ODE

Carla Wade, Science Education Specialist, ODE

Mileham introduced the team who works on STEM, Tom Thompson, Mark Fridley, Cheryl Kleckner, and Carla Wade. Wade updated members on the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Initiative in Oregon (slides).


·  The need for measurability of outcomes.

·  The need to reach out and encourage women and minorities to become involved in STEM areas.

·  Sharpening the focus of the goals, across the sectors, with business needs; targeted investments.

Information/First Reading

Hour 00.00.00
(11:45 am) / Common Core State Standards Update

Doug Kosty, Assessment & Information Services, Asst., Supt., ODE

Colleen Mileham, Educational Improvement & Innovation, Asst. Supt., ODE

Kosty and Mileham described the last month’s activities to help implement the Common Core State Standards in Oregon. He noted that the work has not been funded. The message is getting out; most understand that the Common Core State Standards are coming. They are looking at aligning OAKS with the CCSS and looking for funds to do that. The work on CCSS has been an integral part of the federal waiver application process.


·  The resources needed to continue the work.

·  Extending the CCSS into community colleges and OUS.

·  Organizing and integrating the three sectors in terms of standards and assessments.

·  The importance of design and linking all the pieces together.

·  Whether to set time aside to bring all the education vision pieces together in a coherent framework.

Hour 02.33.00
(11:55 am) / Lunch Break
Chair Frank recessed the meeting at 11:50 pm. Chair Frank reconvened the meeting at 1:00 pm.

Information/First Reading

Digital Recording: Dec. 1, afternoon session

Hour 00.00.00
(1:05 pm) / ESEA Waiver Update

Ben Cannon, Education Policy Analyst, Office of the Governor

Susan Castillo, Superintendent of Public Instruction

Whitney Grubbs, Education Policy Analyst, Office of the Governor

Christine Miles, Communications Director, ODE

Castillo and Cannon described the process and content of Oregon’s application to the US Dept. of Education asking to waive certain provisions of the Elementary & Secondary Education Act (slides). Christine Miles, ODE, described the outreach and communications effort for the waiver, including surveys. Castillo noted that Oregon would submit its application on Monday (January 23). The application was not a contest; the federal government has committed to working with the state on developing a proposal that is approved. Oregon expects a response in the spring. A list of frequently asked questions was distributed.


·  Whether the board should draft a letter to the legislature in support of achievement compacts.

·  The role high performing schools would play to help improve low performing schools.

·  Whether the proposed accountability system would continue to disaggregate student populations.

·  Effect on small rural schools.

·  How special education students are treated in the application.

MOTION: Wyse moved to send a letter in support of the state’s waiver application to the US Dept. of Education, leaving the wording to ODE; letter to legislature supporting waiver and achievement compacts; and a third letter to Oregon’s congressional delegation; Henry seconded the motion.


·  How the waiver connects to the achievement compacts.

VOTE: The motion passed 5-0.

Information/First Reading

Hour 00.00.00
(1:59 pm) / ODE Budget Implementation Plan

Ed Dennis, Deputy Superintendent, ODE

Sue MacGlashan, Asst. Superintendent, Finance & Administration, ODE

Doug Kosty, Asst. Superintendent, Assessment & Information Services, ODE

Dennis, MacGlashan, and Kosty described the draft of the budget implementation plan that is to be submitted to the legislature from the department and the board in response to a budget note. The board will vote on it in March. Staff will likely review the draft in the February legislative session.


·  Governance is in flux; it is difficult to do strategic plan in that environment.

Information/First Reading

Hour 00.00.00
(2:22 pm) / Special Education Rule Amendments to Conform with IDEA Parts B & C Regulations

Claudette Rushing, Education Specialist, Special Education Data, Legal, Fiscal; ODE

Nancy Dorn, Director, Early Childhood, ODE

Johnson-Dorn described the program and its funding. When federal law changed, Oregon needed to amend its rules to be in compliance. Most changes are minor. In some cases this meant adjusting Oregon’s wording to federal wording. She highlighted some substantive changes.


·  Funding of the program; 28% are federal funds.

Information/First Reading

Hour 00.00.00
(2:34 pm) / Notice of Proposed Rule, Model Rules of Procedure OAR 581-001-0000; -0005

Cindy Hunt, Government & Legal Affairs Manager, ODE

Hunt described the need to amend this administrative rule, due to changes in technology, state agencies, and education organizations. Section 5 pertains to IDEA implementation requirements.

Information/First Reading

Hour 01.27.00
(2:40 pm) / Calculation of Extended ADMw for Charter Schools OAR 581-023-0106

Michael Elliott, Fiscal Analyst, School Finance, ODE

Cindy Hunt, Government & Legal Affairs Manager, ODE

Elliott described what prompted the rule and how this rule changes the school funding formula for charter schools—three legislative bills from 2011.


·  The effect this change could have on districts and charter schools.

The board recessed for a 15-minute break.

Information/First Reading

Hour 01.38.20
(3:15 pm) / Bridge Year Instructional Materials Criteria: Common Core State Standards Mathematics & English Language Arts Criteria 2012

Theresa Richards, Director, Teaching & Learning, ODE

Drew Hinds, Education Specialist, Instructional Materials, ODE

Richards and Hinds described the need to adopt mathematics and English Language Arts instructional materials to bridge the time between now and when the Common Core State Standards are in effect.


·  Timeline; why the board must see the materials and adopt them at the same meeting.

Information/First Reading

Hour 01.52.52
(3:20 pm) / CTE Revitalization Grant OAR 581-044-0210; -0220; -0239; -0240; -0250; -0260

Tom Thompson, Education Specialist, Industrial & Engineering, ODE