2012Badge Ordering Instructions

Please Read This Information Prior To Completing Forms

  • Official 2012 Miss America badges are required and issued for identification and security purposes.
  • Badgesallow access to: Open Rehearsals (cameras not permitted), the Miss America Trade Show and ContestantVisitation. Please see restrictions for Special Guest badges outlined below.
  • Badge orders with payment must be receivedbyFriday, November 11, 2011. Badge Request Forms received incomplete or after November 11thmay not be processed until the staff arrives in Las Vegas.
  • All badges require a recentphotograph of the proposed badgeholder. If the proposed badge holder was issued a badge to the 2010 or 2011National Finals, then their photo is on file. We do not have photos on file from badges issued 2009 or earlier.
  • Badge Request Forms requiring more than five (5) photosmust submit the photos to the Miss Arkansas Business Office, P. O. Box 1143, Hot Springs, AR 72102on a CD or flash drive. Less than (5) photos required can be e-mailed . All photos must be .jpg files.
  • Each photo must identify: Name, Title,State Affiliation and/or Relationship to the Contestant.
  • One full payment (Checkor Money Order only) must accompany the Badge OrderForms submission. Please submit only one (1) check or money orderto cover the cost of the entire badge order. We cannot accept multiple checks or money orders for payments for the badge orders.
The Miss America Organization provides complimentary badgesto the 2012 Miss America Contestants and the MAOTeenStateTitleholders.
  • The 2012 MAO Badge price is $40.00 each. However,all badge orders submitted with full payment and photo disc before September 20, 2011 will receive last year’s badge price of $35.00 each. Orders received after this date and incomplete orders will be charged the 2012 price of $40.00per badge.
  • In addition, any badge order received after Friday, November 11th will be charged the Las Vegas “on-site” price of $55.00 per badge and must be purchased at Las Vegas. Badges requested in Las Vegas require State ED approval.
  • Replacement cost for a lost badge is $55.00 regardless of initial payment price.
  • Badges must be kept clear of any stick-on logos or slogans.
  • Badges are the property of the Miss America Organization and may only be used by the person whom it is issued. Sharing of badges is a serious security breach and will result in badge confiscation and removal of both parties from the event. A Miss America Organizationofficial may at their discretion, revoke the use of a badge at any time.

State Committee Badges(Blue Forms) - All State Committee members,their spouses and children 21 yrs older

Local Committee Badges(Yellow Forms) - All Local Committee members,their spouses and children 21 yrs older

Guest Badge(GreenForms) - Sponsors of your program, their guests,and former “Miss” National Contestants, their spouses and children 21 yrs older

Special Guest(Pink Forms) - State and Local Contestants currently eligible to compete in the Miss America system and the children of our state and local volunteers betweenthe ages of 6and20 years old. May attend “open” rehearsals, but not functions with certain age restrictions or possible future judging conflicts.

Parents, Family & Friends (Purple Forms) - Parents, family members and friends of the National Contestant only. Organizational volunteers must be included on the State or Local Committee Forms - NOTthis form

For any badge or badge photo-related questions, please contact:
The Miss Arkansas Business Office. P. O. Box 1143, Hot Springs, AR 71902. or email Vicki Rima at or call 501-321-3506; Fax 501-624-4043

Identify each photograph with person’s name, state affiliation, title and/orrelationship to contestant.

We appreciate your cooperation!