Agenda for the East Hanney Parish Council–2nd August 2017 – 8pm

To Members of the East Hanney Parish Council YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to attend the meeting commencing at 8pm on Wednesday 2nd August2017 to be held in the Old Hanney Room, Hanney War Memorial Hall for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business set out in the following agenda.

Press and members of the public: You are welcome to attend the meeting.

  1. Apologies for absence.
  2. Members Declarations of Interest.
  3. To confirm and sign:
  4. The minutes of the meeting held in May 2017(P1 (08.17))
  5. The minutes of the meeting held in June 2017(P2 (08.17))
  6. The minutes of the meeting held in July 2017(P3 (08.17))
  7. Update on matters arising from the minutes not otherwise on the agenda.
  8. To receive: Public Participation Period.

Up to 15 minutes are allowed for public participation. Participants are restricted to 3 minutes


  1. To receive: reports from District and County Councillors (if available).
  2. To consider: supporting the Hanney Youth Club with funds.(P4 (08.17))
  3. To receive: an update on meeting with Bovis Homes concerning possible proposals for Dews

Meadow (land north of Summertown) and other options for the future use of the land.

  1. To receive: update on works at Kings Leases and allocation of funds to support the work.
  2. To consider: response to planning application P17/V1823/O – Up to 56 dwellings on ‘Land at Main Street, West Hanney’ (response date 17th August 2017).
  3. To receive: letter regarding the works atHalls Lane Bridge.(P5 (08.17))
  4. To consider: works on and the future of the land at Ebbs Lane donated by Ede Developments.
  5. To consider: potential Assets of Community Value in East Hanney.(P6 (08.17))
  6. To consider: supporting the school with a grant.(P7 (08.17))
  7. To consider: access for Flynn Cottage.(P8 (08.17))
  8. To consider: organization and marking of the allotments and acquisition of a noticeboard the site.

(P9 (08.17))

  1. To consider: acquisition of an A3 colour printer.(P10(08.17))
  2. To consider: donation to the Michaelmas Fayre.
  3. To receive: invoices paid since last meeting and current statement of account. (P11 (08.17))
  4. To receive: an update from the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and to receive a copy of

the accounts for the plan.(P12 (08.17))

Guy Langton, Clerk to East Hanney Parish Council ()1