Exploration and Production Standards Conference on Oilfield Equipment and Materials

Subcommittee 11 - Field Operating Equipment

Renaissance Worthington Hotel, Ft. Worth, TX, USA

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Chair: Bryan Freeman

Vice Chair: Darrell Copsey

Secretary: Tom Van Akkeren

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Agenda Items are provided below in the approximate order to be addressed.

Breaks are at the chair’s discretion

1.  Meeting Opening/Safety Issues

2.  Adoption of the Agenda – Bryan Freeman

3.  Attendance – Ed Baniak

4.  Adoption of the Minutes [see attached] from the June Meeting (San Francisco) – Bryan Freeman

5.  Summary Status of Work – Ed Baniak

a.  Review 2011 ballot outcome summary

i.  Ballot 2341 API 11AX Addendum 1 (August 2011)

b.  Other Document Actions

i.  API 11B Errata 2 (February 2011)

c.  Action Needed

i.  (2012) API 11AX, Subsurface Sucker Rod Pumps and Fittings (2006) – Reaffirmation

ii. (2013): 7B-11C; 7C-11F; 11AR; 11BR; 11D3; 11E; 11G; 11S, 11S1; 11S2; 11S3; 11S4; 11S5; 11S6; 11S7; 11S8

6.  Report or Update from ISO/API SC11 and ISO Cooperation – Bryan Freeman

a.  Electric Submersible Pumps

b.  Progressing Cavity Pumps – Drive Strings

7.  Report/Updates from task groups

a.  11S Suite of RPs – Bryan Freeman

Action Item 10-1 (6/30/10): SC11 Chair to approach those people interested in the revision of API 11S-suite of documents to determine if one or several would be willing to take on the revision of the documents as chair(s). In Process (1/26/11)

Action Item 10-2 (6/30/10): SC11 Chair to approach the ISO 15551 project lead to determine how the API documents are intended to be used in the ISO document. In Process (1/26/11)

b.  11AX Revision – Benny Williams

Action Item11-1 (6/29/11): TG Chair to send changes to 11AX to API for normal front and Monogram sections to be added, then the document sent for ballot

c.  11B Corrections – Benny Williams

Action Item11-2 (6/29/11): TG Chair to determine the extent of changes required to the document and to determine if the SRRR form should be completed or if the addendum/errata change are appropriate.

d.  11BR Revision – Darrell Copsey

No action items

e.  11E Revision – David Doyle

Action Item 11-3 (6/29/11): TG Chair to provide the list of requested documentation to the CNPC contact by the end of July, and to review documentation upon receipt.

f.  11G Revision – David Doyle

Action Item 11-4 (6/29/11): Send RP 11G to ballot after API completing style guide changes.

8.  New Business

9.  Next Meetings:

a.  API Summer Standards Conference in Westminster, CO (June 11-15, 2012)

b.  Winter Standards Conference, New Orleans, LA (January 21-25, 2013)

10.  Adjourn

Draft Minutes

Exploration and Production Standards Conference on Oilfield Equipment and Materials

Subcommittee 11 - Field Operating Equipment

Hyatt Regency, San Francisco, CA

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Chair: Bryan Freeman; Vice Chair: Darrell Copsey (presiding)

Secretary: Tom Van Akkeren; Norman W. Hein, Jr (acting)

11.  Meeting Opening/Safety Issues

Darrell Copsey, Vice Chair of SC11, presided over the meeting due to medical restrictions of Bryan Freeman, Chairman. He called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm in the Seacliff A meeting room.

Norm Hein volunteered to be acting Secretary due to absence of Tom Van Akkeren.

A safety moment started the meeting with discussion of evacuation processes, if required.

Attendees introduced themselves around the room with announcement of voting membership, visitor, and staff.

12.  Adoption of the Agenda –

Darrell Copsey requested the agenda be reviewed, changes, and new business be added. MSP-U to accept the agenda with the additions of update from WI 3070, Gauge Laboratory Witnessing Program and a proposal on double circular arc (DCA) gear reducers for pumping units.

13.  Attendance – Ed Baniak

a.  Attendance Sheet was circulated for sign-in.

b.  Determination of Quorum was conducted by Ed Baniak, API Staff.

A quorum of voting members was verified.

14.  Adoption of the Minutes [see attached] from the January Meeting (Ft. Worth, TX)

Ed Baniak to verify the minutes from the January workweek meeting were posted on the API web site. It was MSP-U, to accept the recorded and published minutes.

15.  Summary Status of Work – Ed Baniak provided an update on:

a.  Review 2011 ballot outcome summary

Special ballot from Spec 11AX was discussed. A negative ballot was provided along with 3 editorial changes. The action will be discussed in the Task Group Report; no other ballots to report.

b.  Other Document Actions


c.  Action Needed (2011)

Ed Baniak announced that API 11AX, Subsurface Sucker Rod Pumps and Fittings (2006), needs action; either reaffirm existing standard or submit new revisions for ballot. This was discussed in detail in the Task Group Reports.

d.  Report or Update from ISO/API SC11 and ISO Cooperation

Bert Dijkhuis, Covenor of ISO/TC67/Work Group 4, provided a summary of his annual report to TC67. This included the main items of the Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) and PCP drive strings task groups along with the newly formed API SC 19 parallel projects. A copy of the electronic report file is attached for information.

e.  Standard ISO 15551 Electric Submersible Pumps

Ed Baniak provided a summary report for Bryan Freeman stating the on-going cooperation of API Task Group on 11S with the ISO ESP task groups.

f.  Standard ISO 15136-3 Progressing Cavity Pumps – Drive Strings

Bert Dijkhuis reported that the ISO task group had a change in the task group Chair which has halted the progress in this work. They are actively seeking a new Chairman.

g. Ed Baniak discussed the difficulties with obtaining ISO agreements on the ownership of the originally fast-tracked and recently fast-tracked/adopt back API standards. He reported the following three working rules:

1. For those active projects that are being worked jointly, they will continue to progress on the work charge

2, For those standards that have been completed, any ISO references will be stripped and the documents only will be published as API standards.

3. For new projects slated, even currently co-branded, adopted back standards, the document origins shall be determined. API original standards and new API assigned work only will be done as API standards.

While continued international cooperation is encouraged, and these actions do not reflect any process or working problems at the committee/subcommittee levels, it reflects intellectual property ownership commitments that need to be resolved.

16.  Report/Updates from task groups

a.  11S Suite of RPs –

Progress was reported by Ed Baniak for Bryan Freeman, TG Chair. 11S8 on vibration had original technical content specialists meet, review the document and work with other existing members to update the standard for ballot. The next two API standards, 11S1 and 11S3, will be the worked.

b.  11AX Revision –

Benny Williams, TG Chair reported on the progress that has been made, addressing the originally charged work scope plus the expanded requested changes. After the TG meeting yesterday, all TG membership comments have been addressed. It was MSP-U that the changes be sent to API for normal front and Monogram sections to be added, then the document sent for ballot. Benny Williams also addressed the special ballot results on the changes associated with master gauges and approval agencies. The one negative and the proposed change to the standard to resolve the negative were accepted along with incorporating proposed editorial changes. Since the negative voter accepted the changes and withdrew the negative, a special 3 week letter ballot was MSP-U to ballot the changes and incorporate the editorial changes that were accepted.

c.  11B Corrections –

Benny Williams reported that there were a number of changes required to this standard. These included both editorial and technical changes. It was discussed that if there were to be a number of editorial and/or major technical changes, then rather than handle as a errata or addendum, it may be better to request a new work item for standard revision be developed. The TG is to meet in the fall to determine the extent of changes and determine if the SRRR form should be completed or if the addendum or errata changes were appropriate.

A break was conducted at 2:25 to 2:35 pm.

d.  11BR Revision –

The meeting reconvened with Darrell Copsey Task Group Chair reporting on the major format changes and assignments to incorporate installation, operation, usage, and storage information on all annexed equipment from API Spec 11B to corresponding annexes in 11BR. Additionally, current 11BR sections will be updated and revised to incorporate changes and new technology. The TG will meet again in the fall to continue with the changes and complete by the expected schedule of 2013. One of the things to consider in the future with the extensive revisions, additions, and new requirements, a change in document status from RP to just “standard” may be appropriate. During the discussions the API staff document tracking spread sheet was reviewed. It showed the standards are on schedule. But, it might be appropriate to consider a status change of 7B/11C and 7C/11F from RP. This will be discussed during the next SC meeting and SRRR forms would need to be developed.

e.  11E Revision –

David Doyle Task Group Chair reported the updated standard was submitted to API for regeneration of graphs and incorporation of API standard sections for the beginning and Monogram for the end. MSP-U to go to standard 6 week ballot for this Spec.

f.  11G Revision –

David Doyle reported on the extensive revision to this RP. While it was originally thought the revised document was not ready for ballot, it was felt to expedite obtaining changes, the standard should be balloted. MSP-U to send RP 11G to ballot after API completing style guide changes.

g.  Action Item 6/30/10: SC11 Chair to approach those people interested in the revision of API 11S-suite of documents to determine if one or several would be willing to take on the revision of the documents as chair(s). In Process (1/26/11). Since the Chair was not in attendance, this item was left in the agenda for action at the next SC meeting.

h.  Action Item 6/30/10: SC11 Chair to approach the ISO 15551 project lead to determine how the API documents are intended to be used in the ISO document. In Process (1/26/11. Since the Chair was not in attendance, this item was left in the agenda for action at the next SC meeting.

17.  New Business

a.  Mr. Karl Bly, as a representative from the SC5 on gauge witnessing program discussed their resolution to pull the reference to specific certification agencies from the base standards and include an information annex that has a link to the current list of agencies. Additionally SC5 17025 charge on certification of independent agencies was discussed. At this time NIST would not need to be included in these approval audits. Appropriate changes to Spec 11B will be requested for the 11B TG.

b.  A small bi-fold pocket reference card entitled: “API Antitrust Guidelines” provided to each attendee in the meeting. This document provides API’s policy to comply with the antitrust laws. Additionally, guidance is included for standards development on maintaining written meeting minutes, obtaining advance legal clearance from API for all written presentations, making sure all materially affected by an adoption or revision of an API standard have an opportunity to comment and conferring with API legal counsel beforehand if it is believed that antitrust issues could arise. These requirements and antitrust policy guidelines should be provided and reviewed by all subcommittee, work group, and task group members representing any company involved in the standardization process.

c.  Mr. Guo Dong, CNPC, Bohai Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd made a presentation on possible changes to API Spec 11E to incorporate a lower yield strength material and box beam construction for the pumping unit walking beam structure along with incorporation of double circular arc (DCA) gear for the reducer. This presentation will be incorporated as an electronic file attachment to the minutes.

Considerable discussion on the prior work the API TG on 11E conducted to try to incorporate the materials, design, rating and construction requirements were reviewed. The prior charge to incorporate DCA gears was closed when previous requests for information, data, testing from various contacts in China did not provide the necessary requested documentation.

It was resolved that the API TG 11E Chair, David Doyle, was to provide the list of requested documentation to the CNPC contact by the end of July. CNPC was to provide the necessary response documentation by the end of August, 2011. The TG Chair will review the submittal to determine if the required information was provided. If it was, then it will be proposed to request resurrection of the TG charge to incorporate DCA gears in Spec 11E. When this work is completed, the TG will investigate needed changes to API Spec 11E to possibly incorporate the structural changes.

18.  Next Meetings:

a.  API Winter Standards Conference, Ft. Worth, TX (January 23-27, 2012)

b.  API Summer Standards Conference in Westminster, CO (June 11-15, 2012)

19.  Adjournment –

The meeting was MSP to adjourn at 5:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Norman W. Hein, Jr.