2016-2017 Kindergarten Curriculum

1st Trimester

Week of...... / Letter/s / Sight Words / Lang. Arts
Journals 2x/wk / Books / Social Studies / Science / Math
Aug. 18-22
Aug. 23 - 24
Aug. 25 - 26 / Staff Days
Testing / Tues. 
Names / Wed. 
Meet & Greet
Name Writing / Kissing Hand
First Day of Kdg
We Share Everything / Getting to know you!
Rules / *Monthly math journals 2days/week
Aug 29 / A-Z songs
ABC Cards
& Digraphs / red, yellow
Names / Beginning writing skills
Syllables - name
Start Journals / Nursery Rhymes / Getting to know you!
School Rules "Rules"
Labor Day / Calendar
Counting orally
Set. 6
(4 day week) / A-Z songs ABC Cards
& Digraphs / blue, green
the, a / Beginning writing skills
Syllables - months
Rhyming / Nursery Rhymes
Author: James Dean - Pete the CatRocking in my School Shoes / Personal History
Rules: Playground,
School vs Home
"Making Friends" / Calendar
Intro. weather graph
Sept. 12 / Tt, Ff / orange, purple
of, and / ID parts of a book
Author/Illustrator / Pete the Cat and His 4 Groovy Buttons / Personal History
Time Line - Birth to now / Scientific Method Introduction
"Five Senses" / Counting to 20
Writing 0,1 touch points
Numeral Song
Sept. 19 / Aa, Bb / brown, black
to,in / Word families
-ab, -at
Author/Illustrator / Johnny Appleseed
Pete the Cat and His Magic Sunglasses / Johnny Appleseed / "Apples"
Vocab. :harvest
Fall / Counting to 100
Writing 2,3,4,5
Touch points/song
Sept. 26 / Hh, Kk / pink, white
is, you / Ask/Answer ?
Distinguish between letters, words, #'s / Pete the Cat: I Love my White Shoes / Manners / Seasonal Changes
"Be Healthy" / Counting to 100
Writing 6,7,8,9
Touch points/song
Week of...... / Letter/s / Sight Words / Lang. Arts / Books / Social Studies / Science / Math
Oct. 3 / Long/Short
Ii, Nn / that, it / Word families
-in, -it,
Story Elements
Labeling / Author: Audrey
Alpha. Adventure
Alpha. Mystery
Alpha. Rescue / "Fire Safety" / Seasonal Changes
Weather/trees / Counting to 100
Writing 10, 11, 12
Oct. 10
(4 day week) / Review &
Assess / he, was / Reading Strategies
Holding bk correctly
Labeling / Napping House
The Full Moon @ the Napping House / Columbus Day / "Owl Babies"
Book- Owl Moon / Counting to 100 - test
Writing 13, 14, 15
Graphing/2D shapes
Oct, 17 / Ee, Dd / for, on / Word families
-ed, -en, -et
Blending Sounds / Blue Sky
The Deep Blue Sea
The Red Racer / "Pumpkins"
Book - The Big Pumpkin / 2D Shapes
Writing 16, 17, 18
Oct. 24 / Mm, Ss / are, as / Writing:
Ask/Answer ? / Stellalunia – Storylineonline.net / Oct. 28th - Fall Party / "Nocturnal Animals"
Bats / 2D Shapes - test
Writing 19, 20
Test on # ID
Oct.31 / Oo, Pp / with, his / Word families
-op, -ot
Blending Sounds / My Teacher for President
Duck for President / Halloween
Voting - Hold a school wide election
"Let's Vote" / 2D Shapes
Counting objects to tell how many
Nov. 7
(4 day)
End of Tri. 1 / Review &
Assess / they, I / Beginning & End Sounds
Spelling words / Author: Laura Numeroff
If you give.....
Mouse...Moose / Voting
Day 50 - Nov. 4th
Veteran's Day / Counting 20 objects
# ID to 20
Graphing, 2D Shapes
Count to 100

Notes:Identify and spell: if, a, in, it, that, he, I, at, had, can ______
