North Langley Community Church



When Jesus and the apostles wanted to train up leaders for the mission of the church, they called out disciples for a season of along-side mentoring and equipping. NLCC believes that God has called us as a church to prepare workers who are mature and ready to serve as church planters, pastors and leaders in emerging and existing local churches.

We are excited about equipping emerging leaders to discern their personal calling within the larger vocation of living on mission with God, or as we like to put it, “connecting people to the life-changing power of Jesus Christ to love God and others.” The NLCC Ministry Internship is designed to provide immersive ministry experiences and intentional instruction and mentoring that reflects NLCC's Core Values:

1.  On Our Knees: Nurturing leaders in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

2.  Living the Gospel: Equipping leaders with a gospel-centred approach to life and ministry.

3.  With Shared Lives: Modeling and enveloping leaders in a community of Christ-centred leaders.

4.  Through Boundless Love: Challenging leaders to expand the reach of their love for others by participating in various ministry opportunities according to, and sometimes beyond their giftings and abilities.


·  Discern gifts and calling of intern

·  Recommend next steps in future training

-Encourage towards ministry in a local church, missions, church planting

-Encourage and offer support towards further education

-Recognize as potential team member at NLCC

The Program

The internship commitment runs from September 12, 2017 – May 13, 2018. It is a part-time (25 hours) paid position involving a discipleship lab, ministry training, personal mentorship, participation in staff prayer and team meetings, and a variety of ministry experiences, with a focus in a particular area of ministry.

General Requirements: in addition to the ministry-based assignments, each intern will be responsible to complete the following general assignments under the oversight of the Intern Director.

·  Initial Orientation Day, Tuesday, September 12, 2017 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.

·  In addition to 25 paid hours, a weekly 1.5 hour Discipleship/Leadership Lab which will include personal growth, peer mentoring, staff coaching, guest speakers, field trips, theological instruction/dialogue, and approximately 1 hour of reading/reflection assignments per week.

·  Regular personal mentoring meetings with supervisor and internship director.

·  Participation in Staff Prayer (daily, 9:00-9:30 am)/Life Journaling (Tuesdays, 8:15-9:00 am), ministry team meetings (as scheduled), and staff retreat (October 2-3, 2017).

·  Regular Sunday Gathering ministry (as assigned)

·  Weekly evening ministry (as assigned).

·  Possible trips/excursions to conferences, seminars, workshops, or missions trips.

·  3 feedback/evaluation meetings: November, February, May

·  Involvement in church-wide events such as Kickoff Sunday (September 24, 2017), Missions Feast (TBD), Making Spirits Bright (December 6-9, 2017), Night of Prayer, Celebrate Single Moms (May 12, 2018), etc.

Specific Ministry-based Requirements: These hours are determined by the Ministry leader/pastor giving oversight and will include a wide variety of activities that will introduce the intern to ministry life in the local church. The time allotment will also include weekly time allocation reports, instruction and follow-up interaction.

Ministries Involved

In 2017-2018, there are 2 positions available for qualified candidates, in Youth Ministry and Adult Ministry (focussed on Freedom Session and Life Groups/Discipleship).

Who Should Apply

The ideal candidates are Christian men and women between 19-30 years old who...

·  are baptized or willing to be baptized

·  are affirmed by ministry leaders as an emerging leader

·  are expressing a desire to explore church ministry leadership as a vocation

·  evidence at least 2 years of active, volunteer ministry in a local church

·  have completed a minimum of 1-2 years of study in university, Bible college, YWAM, Capernwray, or other similar experiences

·  Priority consideration will be given to emerging leaders from NLCC and/or other Mennonite-Brethren churches and Bible colleges.


We remunerate for the 25 hours of work time based on the applicable legislated minimum wage at the time. Funds are also budgeted for professional development (e.g. conferences, workshops, seminars), and expenses incurred (approved by the overseeing pastor) while involved in ministry.

Internship Application

Application Instructions

1.  Pray for discernment and God’s leading in this process.

2.  Please return application, filled in completely and legibly, ASAP, but no later than July 31, 2017. This is the official closing date, but positions may be filled before that date if suitable candidates are identified, or, alternatively, the position may still be open after this date if no suitable candidates are identified. Either way, feel free to apply, and we’ll let you know where we’re at!

3.  Email application and digital photo to: or mail to:

North Langley Community Church or fax: 604-888-2605

c/o Tim McCarthy

21015 96 Ave

Langley, BC V1M 2Z3

4.  If you have any questions when filling out this application, please feel free to contact Tim McCarthy at 604.888.0442 or

General Information

Home Address:
Current Mailing Address:
Phones / Cell: / Home: / Work:
Birth date:
DD/MM/YYYY / Age: / Gender:
Present occupation:
SIN# / Citizenship:
Do you have a current passport?
Emergency contact
Name: / Phone:
The NLCC Internship Experience runs from September 13, 2016-May 14, 2017. Do you foresee any problems fulfilling these commitment dates?
Yes No
If Yes, please explain:

Academic Background

List below any post secondary schools you have attended:

Name: / Location:
Dates: / Diploma/Degree:
Name: / Location:
Dates: / Diploma/Degree:

Work Experience:

Please list the places and employers you have worked for, including start and end dates, contact information and your basic responsibilities:

Employer: / Supervisor & Contact:
Dates: / Responsibilities
Employer: / Supervisor & Contact:
Dates: / Responsibilities
Employer: / Supervisor & Contact:
Dates: / Responsibilities

Church Experience:

Home Church: / Pastor:
How long have you attended (dates)? / Reason for leaving (if applicable)
Current Church: / Pastor:
How long have you attended (dates)? / Reason for leaving (if applicable)


(please do not list family members as references)

Spiritual Reference
Name: / Relationship:
Phone: / Email:
Character Reference
Name: / Relationship:
Phone: / Email:
Employer Reference
Name: / Relationship:
Phone: / Email:

Legal and Lifestyle Concerns:

We believe it is our responsibility to ensure that team relationships are healthy, safe and positive. Please answer the following questions, preferably typed. Any special concerns can be discussed individually with the Intern Director or Overseeing Pastor.

Describe your general health:
Any concerns to be aware of? Describe any physical limitations, disabilities or health issues you may have:
Do you have any chronic illnesses?
Are you taking any medication? If so, please explain:
Do you have any school or outstanding debts that you are personally responsible for? If yes, please explain:
Will you refrain from activities that could cause another believer to stumble, such as abusing prescription drugs, consuming alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs; or any social or sexual activity that would bring into question your intentions or your character?
Yes No
If not married, are you currently involved in any kind of dating/courting relationship? How do you anticipate this ministry opportunity affecting, or being affected by, this relationship?
Have you ever gone through treatment for drug or alcohol abuse?
Have you ever been accused or convicted of a crime?
Have you ever been accused or convicted of any form of child abuse?
Is there anything from your past that many come up in the future that could potentially hurt the ministry of North Langley Community Church? If yes, please explain:

Ministry Information:

Internship Focus Preference (check all that apply)

q  Student Ministry (Middle and High School Youth)

q  Adult Ministry (Discipleship, Life Groups, Freedom Session, etc.)

Aim for approximately 50 words for each answer.

Why do you desire to serve as an intern at NLCC?
What do you hope to gain from an internship at NLCC? (spiritually, vocationally, personally)
After this internship is over, what do you hope to do?
With what affinity group/age group do you feel you can make the greatest positive impact?
What needs do you love to meet?
What would you most like to do, change, try?
Abilities and Skills (please indicate and describe as applicable):
q  Administrative -organizing, planning, event production:
q  Communication - teaching, preaching, leading small groups:
q  Computer -programming, power-point, correspondence:
q  Design - video editing, graphic design, web design:
q  Drama - acting, writing, lighting
q  Music - vocal, instrumental, production:
q  Missions - global, local, speak foreign language
q  Relational - greeting, ushering, hospitality, mentoring
q  Sports - high-level participant, coaching
q  Writing - bible studies, editing:
q  Other:
q  Other:
List your 3 top strengths or spiritual gifts:
List your 3 top weaknesses:
In the past, what ministries, small groups, or other related activities have you been involved in?
What is your current ministry involvement?

Christian Life Experiences

Aim for 50-100 words per answer.

Describe when and how you became a Christian:
When were you baptized?
How would you describe your current walk with the Lord, including how your faith is growing and the spiritual influences in your life?
What changes do you and others recognize in your life currently?
Describe your devotional and prayer life:
Do you tithe regularly?
Who has been the most influential spiritual mentor in your life?
When you consider North Langley Community Church’s mission and core values, (See Appendix A), in what ways do you connect with these? Any concerns?
NLCC is part of the Mennonite Brethren Conference of Churches. Have you read the Mennonite Brethren Confession of Faith? See Appendix B
Are there any areas in the Confession of Faith that you do not agree with? If so, explain:

Internship Responsibilities and Covenant:

We believe that participating in an internship at North Langley Community Church represents significant leadership in the body of Christ. It is an honor that carries with it additional responsibilities before God. Therefore, we ask that you affirm the following statements by signing this document:

1.  I will come under the authority and covering of North Langley Community Church and its leaders.

2.  I will seek to maintain unity and confidentiality on all issues and with all persons involved.

3.  Recognizing God’s hand of blessing in my life, I will joyfully tithe a minimum of 10% of my income.

4.  During my internship, I will avoid immoral or illegal activities and refuse to engage in any behavior that is contrary to biblical conduct and ethics.

5.  I will apply myself diligently to the Internship Experience and will fulfill all the requirements and time commitments to the best of my ability.

6.  I will complete weekly time usage reports and will meet quarterly with the Intern Director to assess progress.

7.  I will complete a Backcheck Criminal record search and give permission to NLCC to check my references.

8.  I understand that this position will be subject to a three-month probation and can be terminated, without liability, at any point by the Intern Director because of false statements or omissions in this application.

9.  I certify that my answers given by me are true and correct.

10.  I have prayed over this decision and discussed it with those my decision will impact. My family and/or spouse support my decision.

I understand, accept, and commit to these responsibilities. Please indicate: yes/no

(Covenant to be signed at interview or signed and mailed for phone interviews )

Intern Signature: Date:

Internship Director: Date:

Appendix A

North Langley Community Church Mission:

North Langley Community Church Core Values:

On Our Knees

Jesus promised that we will be fruitful in His kingdom work when we pursue a constant, dependent relationship with Him through His Holy Spirit. Because of this, dependent prayer and heartfelt worship will be our first priorities in life and ministry.

Living the Gospel

The good news about who Jesus is and what He has accomplished, given to us in the Bible, fills and forms our entire mission. As we allow the Holy Spirit to form us deeply through this true story of God’s love and faithfulness, we will be instruments of grace and truth in a world that desperately needs good news!

With Shared Lives

The Christian life is not lived alone. We are the body of Christ and the family of God. At North Langley we will actively seek to serve, grow, and live together as we pursue unity in Him. We also believe that the best way for our neighbours to experience the message of God’s love is by developing meaningful personal relationships with them, life-on-life.

Through Boundless Love

All people need to have an opportunity to know the good news of Jesus Christ. Through creative multiplication, caring acts of mercy, and clear and sensitive presentations of the gospel we will seek to actively remove any barrier that keeps someone from experiencing the love of God for them, expressed in Christ.

Appendix B

Mennonite Brethren Confession of Faith

1. God
We believe in the one true God, the source of all life, who reigns over all things as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and lovingly cares for all creation. God the Father planned the redemption of humanity and sent Jesus Christ the Son to be the Saviour of the world. Jesus proclaimed the reign of God, bringing good news to the poor and triumphing over sin through his obedient life, death, and resurrection. God the Holy Spirit empowers believers with new life, indwells them, and unites them in one body.
2. Revelation of God
We believe God has made himself known to all people. Beginning with creation and culminating in Jesus Christ, God has revealed himself in the Old and New Testaments. All Scripture is inspired by God and is the authoritative guide for faith and practice. We interpret Scripture in the church community as guided by the Holy Spirit.
3. Creation and Humanity
We believe God created the heavens and the earth, and they were good. Humans, God’s crowning act, were created in the image of God. Sin has alienated humanity from the Creator and creation, but God offers redemption and reconciliation through Jesus Christ.