3 Sept 2015

Re: Sailing Taster Age 14+

Dear Parent/Guardian

I am delighted to offer places at a sailing taster session with The Andrew Simpson Sailing Centre, at the Portland Sailing Academy. Please see the details below:

Date:Tues 22nd Sept or Wed 23rd September

Venue:Portland Harbour – Andrew Simpson Sailing Centre

Time:Depart School 12.15 (meet in reception – returning at 5.30pm approx.)

Contribution:£12 (includes 3hrs tuition and transport costs)

Requirements:Students must be able to swim 25m

Wetsuit and life jacket will be provided. However your child would require suitable shoes (wetshoes or old trainers), swimwear and a towel. (Please note that LIFE JACKETS AND SHOES MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES and SWIMMING WILL ONLY TAKE PLACE WITH PERMISSION FROM ACADEMY STAFF).

If your child would like to take part please complete the slip below and an emergency details form, and return to student reception, together with a payment of £12 (cheques made payable to The Sir John Colfox Academy), by Tues 8th September. The sessions will only run if sufficient contributions are forthcoming.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information

Yours sincerely

Irene Fairley (School Sports Coordinator)

Re: Sailing Taster 2015 (return to student reception by TUES 8th Sept) FAO:IF

I would like my child ______Tutor Group ______

to take part in the sailing taster on 22/23 Sept and enclose a contribution payment of £12 (payable to The Sir John Colfox Academy).

Signed ______parent/guardian


FAO: Mrs I Fairley

Re: _____Sailing Taster 22 OR 23 Sept 2015

Student’s Name:………………………………………………………Tutor Group ………………..

My child does NOT have any medical conditions of which the trip leader needs to be aware.

My child has a medical condition and I am happy with the arrangements for their care whilst on the trip.

Signed Parent/Guardian ………………………………………………….…………

Name (Please print) …………………………………………………………………

Date ……………………………………………………………

(Please note it is important that you inform the school of any changes to the Emergency Contact and Medical Information you have already provided so that trip leaders are fully aware of these details – If any health, allergy, dietary or emergency contact details have changed, please make a note on the back of this slip).

The Sir John Colfox Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with Company Number 8561222.

The Registered office is at:The Sir John Colfox Academy, The Ridgeway, Bridport, Dorset DT6 3DT

Tel: 01308 422291 Fax: 01308 420036 Email: