Presbytery of Eastern Oregon

AGENDA recommended by the Presbytery Council

April 17-18, 2009

Grace Presbyterian Church, Milton-Freewater, Oregon

Friday, April 17, 2009

1:30 p.m. / Informal orientation for new and “almost new” participants. This is an opportunity for members and guests to become acquainted with the presbytery and its processes. All are welcome
2:00 p.m. / Convening Prayer
  1. Preliminary Business
  2. Adopt Agenda
  3. Hear from the host church
  4. Introduce and welcome elders present for the first time
  5. Seat corresponding members
  6. Approve Presbytery meeting minutes
  7. February 21,2009
  8. Communications
  9. Stated Clerk's report
  10. Changes in ministerial roll
  11. Statistics of the church
  12. Annual Review of Session Records
  13. Report of presbytery council actions
  14. Synod Loan to Lostine church
  15. Theological Education Fund – Rev. Ginger Johnston
  16. Committee, commission and board reports
  17. Committee on ministry
  18. Recommendation of committee on ministry as to readers of ordination exams
  19. Report of Terms of Call for ministers and commissioned lay pastors
  20. Recommendations regarding changes in terms of call
  21. Annual review of commissioned lay pastors
  22. Jack Schut, Tutuilla
  23. Annual review of stated supply
  24. Steve Kliewer, Lostine
  25. Report of visitations with churches
  26. Committee on Preparation for Ministry
  27. Status of vacancy at LaGrande
  28. Board of Trustees
  29. Nominating committee report and elections
  30. Reader of Ordination Exams and Alternate
  31. Committee on budget and planning
  32. Task force on presbytery mission statement
  33. Task force on mission priorities
  34. Report of general presbyter Linda Toth

1:000 p.m.
2:00 p.m. / Informal orientation for new and “almost new” participants. This is an opportunity for members and guests to become acquainted with the presbytery and its processes. All are welcome
Convening Prayer
  1. Preliminary Business
  2. Adopt Agenda
  3. Hear from the host church
  4. Introduce and welcome elders present for the first time
  5. Choose a mileage committee
  6. Seat corresponding members
  7. David Carlson, Executive Presbyter
  8. Eric Chavis, Presbyterian Foundation
  9. Mark Frey, Board of Pensions
  10. Phil Butin, San Francisco Theological Seminary
  11. Approve October 26-27, 2007 and January 19, 2008 Presbytery meeting minutes
  12. Communications
  13. Summary of February 7-9 meeting of the Synod of the Pacific
  14. Stated Clerk's report
  15. Changes in ministerial roll, statistics of the church, and review of session minutes
  16. Receive Treasurer's report as of December 31, 2007
  17. Report of presbytery council actions
  18. Approve the transfer of Rev. Andy Kennaly to Presbytery of Northern Waters
  19. Authorize financial assistance to Presbytery of Eastern Oregon volunteers at 218th General Assembly, Presbytery of San Jose
  20. Mark Frey, Regional Representative, Presbyterian Board of Pensions
  21. Eric Chavis, Presbyterian Foundation
  22. Phiil Butin, San Francisco Theological Seminary
  23. Committee, commission and board reports
  24. Committee on program and ministry
  25. Personnel committee
  26. Peacemaking committee
  27. Committee on ministry
  28. Recommendation of committee on ministry as to readers of ordination exams
  29. 2007 Terms of Call
  30. Recommendations regarding changes in terms of call
  31. Commissioned lay pastors
  32. Annual review
  33. Skip Inscore, Dayville
  34. Skip Inscore, Mt. Vernon
  35. Todd Bensel, Pilot Rock
  36. Jack Schut, Tutuilla
  37. Report of visitations with churches
  38. Committee on Preparation for Ministry
  39. Status of vacancy at LaGrande
  40. Pioneer Presbyterian Church, Burns
  41. Pulpit Supply at Ukiah
  42. Board of Trustees
  43. Nominating committee report and elections
  44. Reader of Ordination Exams and Alternate on recommendation of Committee on Ministry
  45. Commissioners to Synod of the Pacific
  46. Female Minister
  47. Male Elder
  48. Alternate commissioner
  49. Committee on budget and planning of trustees
  50. Report of regional presbyter Linda Toth
  51. Regional presbyter
  52. Member, General Assembly Council
  53. Report of general presbyter David Carlson

3:15 p.m. / Break
3:30 p.m. / Reconvene: This item will be heard on Friday afternoon. Preceding items not completed will be postponed to Saturday
Task force on New Form of Government – PresentationPresentaion the background of the proposed form of government. Recommend reading: paper on Missional Ecclesiology
5:00 p.m. / Break
5:30 p.m. / Dinner prepared by Grace Presbyterian Church
6:30 p.m. / Continue Form of Government
8:00 p.m. / Worship, with Lord's Supper, necrology, sermon by moderator Todd Bensel
Recess until morning

Saturday, April 18, 2009

8:30 a.m. / Continental Breakfast
9:15 a.m. / Reconvene
Work not completed on Friday
miscellaneous business
  1. Eastern Oregon Presbyterian Women
  2. Shared ministry task force of Snake River mission area
Report of commissioners to the Synod of the Pacific
Other Reports
  1. Invitations from churches for future meetings
  2. February, 2010
  3. April, 2010
  4. October, 2010
Concluding Business
Concluding prayer
11:00. / Adjourn

Upcoming Meetings of Presbytery

October 23-24, 2009, Lostine Presbyterian Church

February 20, 2010