Presbytery of Eastern Oregon
AGENDA recommended by the Presbytery Council
April 17-18, 2009
Grace Presbyterian Church, Milton-Freewater, Oregon
Friday, April 17, 2009
1:30 p.m. / Informal orientation for new and “almost new” participants. This is an opportunity for members and guests to become acquainted with the presbytery and its processes. All are welcome2:00 p.m. / Convening Prayer
- Preliminary Business
- Adopt Agenda
- Hear from the host church
- Introduce and welcome elders present for the first time
- Seat corresponding members
- Approve Presbytery meeting minutes
- February 21,2009
- Communications
- Stated Clerk's report
- Changes in ministerial roll
- Statistics of the church
- Annual Review of Session Records
- Report of presbytery council actions
- Synod Loan to Lostine church
- Theological Education Fund – Rev. Ginger Johnston
- Committee, commission and board reports
- Committee on ministry
- Recommendation of committee on ministry as to readers of ordination exams
- Report of Terms of Call for ministers and commissioned lay pastors
- Recommendations regarding changes in terms of call
- Annual review of commissioned lay pastors
- Jack Schut, Tutuilla
- Annual review of stated supply
- Steve Kliewer, Lostine
- Report of visitations with churches
- Committee on Preparation for Ministry
- Status of vacancy at LaGrande
- Board of Trustees
- Nominating committee report and elections
- Reader of Ordination Exams and Alternate
- Committee on budget and planning
- Task force on presbytery mission statement
- Task force on mission priorities
- Report of general presbyter Linda Toth
1:000 p.m.
2:00 p.m. / Informal orientation for new and “almost new” participants. This is an opportunity for members and guests to become acquainted with the presbytery and its processes. All are welcome
Convening Prayer
- Preliminary Business
- Adopt Agenda
- Hear from the host church
- Introduce and welcome elders present for the first time
- Choose a mileage committee
- Seat corresponding members
- David Carlson, Executive Presbyter
- Eric Chavis, Presbyterian Foundation
- Mark Frey, Board of Pensions
- Phil Butin, San Francisco Theological Seminary
- Approve October 26-27, 2007 and January 19, 2008 Presbytery meeting minutes
- Communications
- Summary of February 7-9 meeting of the Synod of the Pacific
- Stated Clerk's report
- Changes in ministerial roll, statistics of the church, and review of session minutes
- Receive Treasurer's report as of December 31, 2007
- Report of presbytery council actions
- Approve the transfer of Rev. Andy Kennaly to Presbytery of Northern Waters
- Authorize financial assistance to Presbytery of Eastern Oregon volunteers at 218th General Assembly, Presbytery of San Jose
- Mark Frey, Regional Representative, Presbyterian Board of Pensions
- Eric Chavis, Presbyterian Foundation
- Phiil Butin, San Francisco Theological Seminary
- Committee, commission and board reports
- Committee on program and ministry
- Personnel committee
- Peacemaking committee
- Committee on ministry
- Recommendation of committee on ministry as to readers of ordination exams
- 2007 Terms of Call
- Recommendations regarding changes in terms of call
- Commissioned lay pastors
- Annual review
- Skip Inscore, Dayville
- Skip Inscore, Mt. Vernon
- Todd Bensel, Pilot Rock
- Jack Schut, Tutuilla
- Report of visitations with churches
- Committee on Preparation for Ministry
- Status of vacancy at LaGrande
- Pioneer Presbyterian Church, Burns
- Pulpit Supply at Ukiah
- Board of Trustees
- Nominating committee report and elections
- Reader of Ordination Exams and Alternate on recommendation of Committee on Ministry
- Commissioners to Synod of the Pacific
- Female Minister
- Male Elder
- Alternate commissioner
- Committee on budget and planning of trustees
- Report of regional presbyter Linda Toth
- Regional presbyter
- Member, General Assembly Council
- Report of general presbyter David Carlson
3:15 p.m. / Break
3:30 p.m. / Reconvene: This item will be heard on Friday afternoon. Preceding items not completed will be postponed to Saturday
Task force on New Form of Government – PresentationPresentaion the background of the proposed form of government. Recommend reading: paper on Missional Ecclesiology
5:00 p.m. / Break
5:30 p.m. / Dinner prepared by Grace Presbyterian Church
6:30 p.m. / Continue Form of Government
8:00 p.m. / Worship, with Lord's Supper, necrology, sermon by moderator Todd Bensel
Recess until morning
Saturday, April 18, 2009
8:30 a.m. / Continental Breakfast9:15 a.m. / Reconvene
Work not completed on Friday
miscellaneous business
- Eastern Oregon Presbyterian Women
- Shared ministry task force of Snake River mission area
Other Reports
- Invitations from churches for future meetings
- February, 2010
- April, 2010
- October, 2010
Concluding prayer
11:00. / Adjourn
Upcoming Meetings of Presbytery
October 23-24, 2009, Lostine Presbyterian Church
February 20, 2010