HarlanCommunityHigh School


Mr. Kaster

Room 109


1) Follow all class rules

2) Complete all homework assignments and projects(P-BITS)

3) Put forth your best effort

4) Be responsible for yourself


1) Have all assignments and materials in class--PREPARED

2) Be in assigned seat when bell rings—ON TIME

3) Be polite and show respect for classmates and teacher at all times--NICE

4) Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking or leaving


5) Keep your hands, feet, objects and comments to yourself

If you choose to break a rule:

1) Warning

2) Stay after class

3) Detention

4) Office and call parent

*Severe disruptions go immediately to the office


Students will receive 4 passes per quarter that they will be able to use for locker/restroom/office privileges. Any unused passes can be used for 2 extra credit points each in the assignment category.


Grading for each quarter will be done with test/quizzes worth 85% and assignments 15%. The semester grade will be calculated with the Quarter grades being weighted at 40% each and the semester test weighted 20%. The following grading scale will be used:

94-100% A

90-93% A-

87-89% B+

83-86% B

80-82% B-

77-79% C+

73-76% C

70-72% C-

67-69% D+

63-66% D

60-62% D-

0-59% F

****Students who score less than a 70% on a Unit Test will have the opportunity to “buy back” points on the test in an effort to get their grade up to a 70%. To “buy back” the points, the student will rework each problem they miss on the test and then write a summary of what they should have done or how to get the correct solution. On vocabulary questions, they will write the word and correct definition. Students may use their notes if they need too. Students will be awarded half of the amount possible for each question they rework correctly. A student will not be able to get a score above a 70 on any test rework.

*****P-BITS(Problem Based Instructional Tasks) are course requirements. All PBIT’s must be completed at a passing level to earn credit for this course.

*****The will be bonus questions on tests and quizzes. Students can also get bonus points from ITED Tests, not using their passes and for bringing a box of Kleenex(5 points on first test).


It is vital that students do all the assigned work, even if it is late. However, work turned in late (after the teacher originally collects the work) will be given less credit, with absence being the only exception. The old cliché “better late than never” holds true, but students who make this a habit will face other alternatives. Only late work from the current chapter will be accepted for credit.


1) Make-up work is the student’s responsibility. Assignments are always

available from myself or on the bulletin board in my classroom or website.

2) If a student misses the day of a quiz or test, he/she will be expected to

take the test or quiz the next day. Exceptions will be made for students missing

several consecutive days.


Daily homework will be graded on a 5 point scale(5,4,3,2,1,0). The math department homework rubric will be used for assigning the point values. NO WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED IN RED!

Homework Rubric

Grading homework:

5 All of work shown for the problems that need it. All or almost all the problems worked correctly.

Done and handed in on time.

4Most of the work shown on the problems that need it. One or two steps omitted. From 80% to 90% of the problems answered correctly. Done and handed in on time.

3 No work shown on the problems that need it, just answers are written. More than 60% of the problems answered correctly. Work handed in at the end of the class or late.

2No work shown on the problems that need it. Less than half of the problems are answered correctly. Work handed in at the end of class or is late.

1No work shown on the problems that need it, just answers written to some of the problems mostly odd ones. Work is handed in at the end of class or is late.

0 No work handed in.


We recommend that students purchase a calculator for their math classes. Any calculator is better than none, but theTI-83plusor 84plus graphing calculators are the ones that we use for class activities when necessary. A calculator is not required however, but I have very few to loan to students.


1) 3-ring Notebook/binder/Spiral/Folder(for math class only)

2) Pencils or non-red pen ( work done in pencil is preferred)


Any student caught copying or sharing answers on any class work will

automatically receive a zero for that assignment, test or quiz. Repeat

offenders will be referred to the office.

Math Conference Room:

The math conference room is available for students to study and work together in as long as they have permission or

Pass. Students are not to use the conference room as a hallway.


Help is available at students request during class and before or afterschool or during study hall.