


(Company Name)

Note: Rural Mutual Insurance Company has prepared this template to help you develop your own, personalized, employee policies and handbook. Rural Mutual does not make endorsement of any of the provided text or policies. The wording and policies contained in this template should be customized to reflect your operation, your goals, policies and employment practices. Employers must comply with all state and federal employment practices and laws. Please consult with the appropriate professionals on questions relating to employment laws and procedures.

Table of Contents



Code of Ethics

Employee Procedures

Employment At Will

Equal Opportunity Employment

Sexual Harassment

New Hire Training

Employee Review Process


Drug & Alcohol Free Workplace

Smoke Free Environment


Attendance and Punctuality

Leaving the Business

Inclement Weather

Your Paycheck

Time Cards

Pay Periods & Payday

Concerns over Paychecks

Performance Evaluations


Dental Insurance

Health Insurance

Life Insurance

Long Term Disability Insurance

Worker’s Compensation Insurance


Employee Breaks

Holiday Pay

Funeral Leave

Jury Duty

Long Term Leave of Absence


Sick Leave

Paid and non Paid Vacations

Request Procedure for Time-Off



Safety Policy Statement

Visitor Reporting

Reporting Injuries

Safety Meetings

Overall General Safety Rules

Safety Program



(Insert company description, if desired)

Welcome to (Company Name). We are glad to have you join our team.

-  Description of Farming Operation

o  History

o  Changes

o  Owners

o  Mission Statement

o  Other….

-  Facility Description

o  Milking

o  Herd Management

o  Buildings

o  Power Equipment

o  Record Keeping

o  Other….

We strive to provide a positive working environment and a challenging experience. Descriptions of our policies and benefits are outlined in this handbook. Please take the time to read the material carefully, become familiar with the contents and keep it as a convenient reference. If you have any questions and/or concerns regarding this handbook and its contents, please feel free to address them with management.

In the following pages you will find listings of procedures and policies that we have established to help run our operation as smoothly and profitably as possible. Please note that this manual will be continuously updated as needed since things will change over time.

We again would like to welcome you to (Company Name) and look forward to working with you!

Code of Ethics

(Insert own company’s code of ethics, if desired.)

As an employee of (Company Name), you should strive to attain the following goals:

·  To provide service with value and quality, thereby earning continued trust and support;

·  To be flexible, open minded and receptive to change;

·  To conduct job-related activities in a manner likely to protect and enhance our reputation;

·  To respect your fellow employees – the right to individuality, privacy, aspirations, satisfactions and problems that may not be your own;

·  To act in a way that brings credit to the Company, yourself, your family and your co-workers;

·  To be honest with the Company: time, expenses, supplies, efforts, results…

·  To perfect your skills and add to your knowledge through continuous training and study

·  To give the best that is in you, working to your fullest capacity.

·  Others….

Employee Procedures

(Insert employee procedures, if desired)

It is important to maintain accurate personnel records for all employees. This allows the company to reach an employee in an emergency and compute proper payroll deductions. You are responsible of notifying your supervisor of any changes to the following information:

1.  Name

2.  Marital Status

3.  Address

4.  Telephone

5.  Emergency Contact

6.  Number of income tax exemptions

Employee’s Wisconsin Withholding Exemption Certificate, Form W-4, Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9) and your signature stating you have read and understand the (Company Name) Employee Handbook, must be completed and given to your supervisor before beginning the first day of work.

We are committed to ensure the privacy of our employee’s personal information contained in their file.


(Insert employment-at-will statement, if desired)

Your employment with our company is voluntary and you are free to resign at any time. Similarly, your employment can be terminated at any time and for any reason. Employment is subject to the requirements of our company and is determined on an individual basis based on performance.

Equal Opportunity Employment

We hire, promote and make assignments on the basis of employee qualifications, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, nation of origin or a disability unrelated to the job in question as per requirements of relevant Wisconsin and US federal law. Discriminatory behavior will not be tolerated.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to, verbal, physical or visual harassment. If you are involved in or have knowledge of an incident that made you or another party feels uncomfortable you have a duty to report the facts to the owner. An investigation of all claims will follow immediately.

Any employee who is determined, after an investigation, to have engaged in sexual harassment will be subject to appropriate sanctions up to and including termination of employment.

Any employee filing a complaint of sexual harassment is entitled to be free from retaliation or reprisal by the company due to the filing of the complaint.

New Hire Training

(Insert new hire training program, if desired)

-  Describe

-  Training or Probation period

o  Starting training wage

o  Length of training period

o  Expectations of training

o  Description of continued employment or termination based on training period

o  Other….

Employee Review Process

(Insert employee review process, if desired)

-  Describe

o  Frequency of performance reviews

o  Steps for advancement

o  Other….


Drug & Alcohol Free Workplace

(Insert drug & alcohol policy, if desired)

We are committed to providing a safe, healthy and productive work environment for our employees. It is the Company’s objective to provide both you and those we serve with an environment free of the adverse effects of alcohol and drugs, such as workplace accidents, absenteeism and security problems.

It is our policy to prohibit the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, sale, purchase, possession or use of a controlled substance in the workplace or while engaged in Company business off premises.

It is also against our policy for you to report to work under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Employees who violate any aspect of this policy are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.

It is the responsibility of each employee to ensure the maintenance of a drug-free workplace. Employees with information or knowledge concerning a violation of the policy must inform management immediately.

Smoke Free Environment

(Insert smoking policy, if desired)

Smoking is/is not allowed on the operation.

-  Describe

o  Allowable locations

o  Allowable times

o  Other….


(If desired, describe the importance of communication, the long-term objectives, daily duties, and observation of livestock and equipment. Describe practices and locations of communicating devices such as the location of a message board.)

Attendance and Punctuality

(Insert company description, if desired)

We place great emphasis on good attendance. Frequent absence or tardiness places an extra burden on your co-workers. Individual contribution is important to the functioning of the Company. (Insert work hours, if desired.)

Regular attendance is expected of every employee. It is your responsibility to be on the job on time each day, fully able and ready to work. Although there are justifiable reasons to take off from work, your continued employment depends on your availability for work and excessive absenteeism and/or excessive tardiness can lead to discipline.

Emergency conditions may warrant occasional tardiness. Under these circumstances, an employee who anticipates being tardy due to the emergency conditions should call in to report the tardiness as soon as possible.

You must notify your supervisor by telephone of an anticipated tardiness or absence as soon as possible before your scheduled start time.

Leaving the Business

(Insert policy, if desired)

We hope that your employment at our business will be a beneficial relationship for all of us. We understand that sometimes we cannot offer the challenges that an individual may need to grow. We do ask that you give us (specific to the company) notice upon your decision to leave.

Your employment is terminable at any time with or without cause or notice by either you or the company.

Inclement Weather

(Insert policy, if desired)

The choice to come to or remain at work when the company is open during inclement weather conditions is a personal one. If you elect to stay home or leave early, you may apply earned vacation time, or take time off without pay. You must follow the guidelines in the attendance policy for notifying your supervisor.

Your Paycheck

(Insert description of what information is included on pay checks, if desired)

Time Cards: (Specific to the company)

(Insert company description of handling time cards or reporting time, if desired)

Pay Periods & Payday: (Specific to the company)

(Insert company description of pay periods, if desired)

Concerns over Paychecks: (Specific to the company)

(Insert company policy of reporting questions or concerns over paychecks, if desired)

Performance Evaluations: (Specific to the company)

(Insert company description of how it will handle performance evaluations if desired)

-  Describe:

o  Frequency of performance review

o  Written or verbal performance

o  Salary or pay rate adjustment

o  Procedure to raise concerns over review

o  Other….


(Insert company description of the benefits its offers, employee eligibility, share of company and employee costs, etc., if desired.

Dental Insurance

Health Insurance

Life Insurance

Long Term Disability Insurance

Worker’s Compensation Insurance


(Insert description of requesting time off and under what circumstances vacation may or may not be allowed, if desired)

Employee Breaks

(Insert company description of how it will handle performance evaulations if desired)

Holiday Pay

(Insert company description of holidays it observes, if desired)

We observe the following holidays that we will pay (specific to the company). The holidays include (specific to the company).

Funeral Leave

(Insert policy for allowance for funeral leave, if desired)

Employees are eligible for up to two consecutive working days of (unpaid/paid) funeral leave in the event of the death of an immediate family member. Immediate family members include spouses, parents, children, siblings, sons- or daughters-in-law, stepparents, stepchildren, grandparents and any of these listed relations of your spouses.

Jury Duty

(Insert policy for allowance jury duty, if desired)

Some of you may be called upon for jury duty. Immediately upon receiving a summons to serve, you should notify your supervisor. If you are not required to report for duty on any given business day, you are expected to report to work.

All employees who have completed their trial period are eligible to be paid for this absence. You will be paid (specific amount per company).

Long Term Leave of Absence

(Insert policy long term leave of absence, if desired)

We will consider your request for a leave of absence for (specific to the company).

A leave of absence is defined as a leave of a period of time of more than five working days. Arrange all leaves, in advance if possible, with your supervisor.

Family Leave

(Insert policy family leave policy, if desired)

We will allow eligible employees to take up to (specific to the company) days off for the following purposes:


(Insert policy for military service, if desired)

Sick Leave

(Insert policy for allowance for funeral leave, if desired)

Paid and non Paid Vacations

(Insert policy for paid and non-paid, if desired)

Request Procedure for Time-Off

(Insert procedure for requesting time-off, if desired)

-  Describe

o  Who to contact

o  Formal process

o  Advanced notice requirement

o  Emergency time off

o  Switching work hours with other employees

o  Other


(Insert disciplinary policy, if desired)

Our policies and practices are based on these honesty, openness and respect of all employees. Employees’ who do not follow the policies and procedures of our company may be subject to disciplinary action. Disciplinary action typically follows theses stages:

1.  Verbal Warning

2.  Written Warning

3.  3 Day Suspension

4.  Termination

(Insert different disciplinary action steps, if desired)

Based on the severity of the incident, the action taken may be directed to the final stage. It is impossible to list all of the items that would qualify for any of the above stages that would lead to disciplinary action. We reserve the right to impose discipline at any one of these four stages. The following is a list of activities that may require discipline. (Insert customized list, if desired)

1.  Theft

2.  Falsifying records

3.  Dishonesty or an attempt to defraud the business.

4.  Reporting to work or being at work under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

5.  Buying, selling, growing, transporting, or possession of illegal drugs on the premises.

6.  Recklessness or unsafe operation of all equipment or around livestock.

7.  Actions that jeopardize the health or safety of livestock.

8.  Intentional damage to business or farm personal property.

9.  Unauthorized possession of firearms or explosives on the property.

10.  Excessive or habitual tardiness or absences from work.

11.  Insubordination.

12.  Other….


Safety Policy Statement

(Insert general description or goals of farm safety program and rules, if desired)

It is important to us that everyone in our operation enjoys a safe working environment. Every effort will be made to ensure a safe and secure working condition. Owners and supervisors are responsible for maintaining a safe environment and enforcing our safety program.

We will maintain a safe and healthful workplace with safety requirements enforced at all times. Employees are required to use the safety equipment provided. In case of injury, we will provide efficient first aid and medical attention if necessary.