Newcastle University Diving Rules

Diving Project Plan and Risk Assessment

For each project a Diving Project Plan and Risk Assessment must be completed before the start of the project. This is the primary risk assessment for the whole of the project. Copies must be made available to each Diving Supervisor, Diver and the Diving Contractor.

Following on from this, a site and date specific risk assessment may also have to be undertaken, for each Diving Operation, to cover ephemeral risks and hazards.

The Diving Project Plan should include a brief outline of the purpose of the diving project, the nature of the diving work to be undertaken, the dates when it is proposed to carry out the dives, and a description of the site(s) to be dived (preferably with a map). The risk assessment should cover all of the normal risks involved with diving and methods to control the risks although need not repeat information presented in these Diving Rules. The Diving Project Plan must include at least the following information:-

·  The Diving Contractor and Diving Project Manager (named).

·  The number/names of Diving Supervisors required.

·  The number/names of Divers required (please include details of qualifications and photocopies of these; each diver should complete a Diver Competence Information Form – see Appendix 5).

·  The number/names of other personnel required and their duties.

·  The equipment required.

·  Any special competencies required from any personnel.

·  The general risk assessment, including :-

o  sea conditions anticipated,

o  underwater visibility,

o  pollution,

o  depth,

o  temperature,

o  access,

o  breathing gas,

o  in-water and surface communications requirements,

o  emergency procedures such as recompression chamber access,

o  medical expertise,

o  medical equipment,

o  casualty evacuation plan.

In addition, there must be prior consultation with, and effective means of communication with, all persons having control of information related to the safety of the Diving Operation (coastguard, harbourmaster).

Hard copies of the Diving Project Plan and Risk Assessments must be kept for at least two years after the completion of the Project/Operation. Photocopies of medical certificates should also be submitted.

Newcastle University Diving Rules

This table must be completed to demonstrate how significant* hazards identified will be controlled.

* Hazards that are different from the normal (those for which your training as a diver has equipped you routinely to deal with safely) and may cause harm or injury if extra precautions are not taken.

List significant hazards / Existing controls / Action to be taken to achieve acceptable risk

Summary of Diving Project Plan and Risk Assessment

Site/Location: ______

Date of proposed operations: ____/____/____

Operations covered by this assessment.




In preparing this Diving Project Plan and Risk Assessment, I have consulted the Newcastle University Diving Rules and where necessary the:

·  The Health and Safety Executive’s Scientific and Archaeological Diving Projects Approved Code of Practice (ACOP),

·  Diving at Work Regulations 1997 (DWR 97), and

·  Scientific Diving Supervisory Committee’s Advice Notes for the Scientific and Archaeological Approved Code of Practice (1998)

to ensure that the hazards and risks associated with this diving project will be controlled as far as it is ‘reasonably practical’.


Diving Project Manager (print name):

Signature. ______


After reviewing the Diving Project Plan and Risk Assessment, I approve the Diving Project and in accordance with Newcastle University Diving Rules, Rule 3.2, I hereby appoint ______. to act as Diving Project Manager for the above project in.______,

commencing on ____/____/____ and terminating on ____/____/____

The appointed Diving Project Manager is required to carry out the duties specified in Newcastle University Diving Rules, and in particular Rule 6. This includes the appointment of suitably qualified persons to discharge the duties of Diving Supervisor.

Signed: ______Date: ____/____/____

University Diving Officer and nominated Diving Contractor.

Newcastle University Diving Rules:


Diving Operations Log

The following matter shall be entered in the diving operations log in respect of each diving operation:

·  the name of the diving contractor;

·  the dates on which and the period during which the diving operation was carried on;

·  the name or other designation of the craft or work site in connection with which the diving operation was carried on and the location of that craft or work site;

·  the name of the diving supervisor and the period for which he is acting in that capacity in respect of that diving operation;

·  the names of the other persons engaged in the diving operation including those operating any diving plant or equipment and their respective duties;

·  the arrangements for emergency support;

·  the requirements for first aid personnel and equipment;

·  the procedures followed in the course of the diving operation including details of the decompression schedule used;

·  the maximum depth reached in the course of the operation for each diver;

·  for each diver, in respect of each dive he makes, the time he leaves the surface, his bottom time (that is the period from the time he leaves the surface until he starts to ascend) and the time he reaches the surface;

·  the type of breathing apparatus and mixture used;

·  the nature of the diving operation;

·  any decompression sickness, other illness, discomfort or injury suffered by any of the divers;

·  particulars of any emergency which occurred during the diving operation and any action taken;

·  confirmation that all equipment used has been checked immediately prior to the dive and conforms with the maintenance schedule;

·  any defects that are discovered in any plant or equipment used in the diving operations;

·  particulars of any environmental factors affecting the diving operation;

·  any other factors relevant to the safety or health of the persons engaged in the operation.

This applies to all diving operations including work in surface compression chambers for which equivalent records of exposure to pressure need to be kept. A hard copy of the log must be kept for at least two years following the date on the log.

Newcastle University Diving Operations Daily Risk Assessment and Log

* Delete where appropriate and specify where necessary

Diving contractor: / Newcastle University/Other* / Action required: Yes/No*
Dive location: / Date:
Diving Project Manager:
Shore/Vessel (name)* / Equipment used: SCUBA/Other *:
Breathing mixture: Air/Other*: / Stage decompression: Yes/No *
Decompression schedule used: Tables/Computers*(State types)
Description of work / title of Diving Project
Tidal information (if this affects risk assessment):
(time of slack water/HW/LW etc.)
Special risks or variations to the Diving Project Plan which should be taken into account before diving ops take place (volunteer divers, personnel, qualifications, shipping movements etc.)
Emergency Information
(Coastguard, medical, recompression contacts in the event of an emergency)
Emergency telephone Nos.
Any emergency /incident: Yes/No* / Decompression sickness/illness/adverse effects: Yes/No* / Adverse environmental factors: Yes/No* / Equipment defects: Yes/No*
If 'Yes' to any of the above, give details:

See over for Diving Operations Log


Diving Operations Log

Diver / Leave surface / Reach surface / Bottom time / Max depth / Equipment checked
Diving supervisor / Period of supervision / Signature(s)


Divers Personal Log

The following matters shall be entered in the diver's log in respect of each diving operation in which he takes part:

·  (a) the name and address of the diving contractor;

·  (b) the date;

·  (c) the name or other designation and the location of the work site or craft from which the diving operation was carried on;

·  (d) the name of the diving supervisor;

·  (e) the maximum depth reached on each occasion;

·  (f) the time he left the surface, his bottom time and the time he reached the surface on each occasion;

·  (g) where the dive includes time spent in a compression chamber, details of any time spent outside the chamber at a different pressure;

·  (h) the type of breathing apparatus and mixture used;

·  (i) any work done by him on each occasion and the equipment (including tools) used in that work;

·  (j) any decompression schedules followed by him on each occasion;

·  (k) any decompression sickness or other illness, discomfort or injury suffered by him;

·  (l) any other factor relevant to his safety or health.

A diver's log with photograph and medical certificate is required by everyone exposed to pressure for the purpose of diving operations, including associated use in surface compression chambers but excluding those who may have to enter a chamber in an emergency. A hard copy of the log must be retained for at least two years following the date of the last entry in it.

Daily Personal Dive Log

Newcastle University / Date / Site
Supervisor From To
Shore/Vessel (name)* / Breathing apparatus: SCUBA/Other*:
Breathing mixture: Air/Other*:
Decompression schedule / Problems, injuries, etc.
Nature of operation, tasks involved and equipment used:
Dive partner(s) / Leave surface / Reach surface / Bottom time / Maximum depth
Notes (including relevant personal health and safety factors)
Diving Supervisor’s signature

* Delete as appropriate and specify where necessary