Table of contents

1Starting your studies

1.1Courses offered

1.2Planning the studies and student counseling

1.3Lenght of studies

1.4Timetable for semesters

1.5Sign up for student

1.6Enrolment for courses in WinhaWille student interface

1.7Enrolment times

1.8Haaga-Helia’s information systems

1.8.1Domain and password




2Studying at the Haaga-Helia Open University of Applied Sciences

2.1Forms of studying

2.1.1Contact classes

2.1.2Online courses

2.1.3Proofing your studies

2.1.4Online exam


2.2Evaluating the studies

2.3Giving the course feedback

2.4Library services

2.5Applying for a degree student

2.5.1Open Path studies

2.5.2Applying for a degree student by the open path

2.5.3Accreditation of degree studies completed at Open University of Applied Sciences

2.6Student benefits and studying as an unemployed

3Contact information

3.1Haaga-Helia campuses

3.2Student Affairs Office and Admission Services

3.3Student counselling

4Study vocabulary

Welcome to study at Haaga-HeliaOpen University of Applied Sciences!

Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences educates the business community and the service industry experts and researches and develops these fields of knowledge and activity. Our fields of education are business, information technology, hotel, restaurant and tourism, management assistant, journalism, sports management and vocational teacher education.

Haaga-Helia’s 10 500 students create a workplace networks while studying. Students are supported by approximately 650 employees with high level of national and international expertise. In year 2014, there were more than 800 students at Haaga-Helia Open University of Applied Sciences.

Haaga-Helia Open University of Applied Sciencesis intended for everyone regardless of age and educationbackround. Studying in English requires a certificate of your English knowledge. Studies are part-time studies and visa or residence permit is not granted solely based on these studies, which are not directly leading to a degree. Open UAS student is not eligible for the state’s student financial aid or student discounts.

You can take part in individual courses or you can take wider study modules. Haaga-HeliaOpen University of Applied Sciences studies are for you if you are planning to complete a Bachelor’sdegree, you want to develop your working skills, you are planning profession replacement or you want to improve basic knowledge or language skills.

At HAAGA-HELA Open University of Applied Sciences youcannot complete a degree, but if you accomplish a minimum of 60 credits of the degree program you are interested in, you can apply for admission as a
degree student through the open path. Then you do not have to take part in the entrance examination.

This guide is designed to help you to begin your studies smoothly and to find answers to your questions about the studies. If you have any questions related to your studies, we will be happy to help you! You can find our contact information at the end of this guide.

Wishing you a productive studying,

Haaga-HeliaOpen University of Applied Sciences


1.1Courses offered

Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences has nearly 40 degree programmesin Helsinki, Porvoo and Vierumäki.You can studyin English, Finnishand Swedish.We offeradult educationdegreeprogrammes, and alsoMaster’s level degree programmes(Master's degree).

Haaga-HeliaOpen University is intended for everyone regardless of age and basic education. You canchoose coursesfrom alldegree programmes (excluding degree programmes in Vierumäki campus).Please checkthe course descriptions, whetherthere are prerequisites set for courses.

In Haaga-Helia Open University of Applied Sciences you cannot complete a degree but the studies can be accreditedtowards the degree, if you arelateracceptedas a degree student. It is not possible to complete thesisor internship inHaaga-Helia Open University of Applied Sciences.

If you want to study in Open Bachelor level studiesconducted in English, you must demonstrateyour adequate English language skills with alanguage certificateby submitting it tothe Student Affairs Office. Check out the list of approved language certificates.
To be eligible for Open Master level studies,requirement is the completion of an applicable Bachelor’s degree or equivalent and at least three (3) years of work experience in the specific field of the Master’s degree you are applying to, acquired after completion of the Bachelor’s degree.Please attach the language certificate (Bachelor level) or degree and work certificates (Master level) to the electronic application form.

Please note that Open UAS students can participate in the courses of Master’s programmes but degree students are prioritized and Open UAS students are accepted in free seats in the order of enrollment.

You can also aim to study towards a degree by accomplishing a minimum of 60 credits (30 credits in Master level studies) from courses that are included or otherwise suitable for a specific degree programme. It is recommended for the Open Path students to complete the basic studies of the degree programme. Check out thedegree programme students’ guides to familiarize yourself with the course lists and recommended study schedules for the studies.

Haaga-Helia Open University of Applied Sciences schedules, course descriptions and application instructions you will find at Course Offering page.

1.2Planning the studies and student counseling

When planning your studies,please visit ourCourse Offering pageto familiarize yourself with the degree programmethat you are interested in, courses included in the degree programme. On the same page you can also see the schedules for the courses.There are offeredHaaga-Helia Open UniversityBachelor's degrees ownimplementations andalso degree programmeimplementations, and Open University of Applied Sciences students can sign up on all of those courses and implementations.

AtHaaga-Helia Open University of Applied Sciences you can accomplish individual coursesorlarger study programmes. You should always relate your studies to timeandendurance.AtHaaga-Helia OpenUniversityof Applied Sciencesstudiescan also be donealong working.

You can have guidancefor planning your studiesfrom the StudyCounselor or fromHaaga-Helia's Student Affairs Offices and Admission Services.You can findour contact informationat the end ofthis guide.

1.3Lenght of studies

Course´sextents are expressedin credits (ECTS). Onecredit pointis an average of27 hours ofstudent work.

Bachelor degree is 210credits.For full-time studentsannuallyrecommendedcreditsamountis about60 credits during one academic year. This can be done also in the Haaga-HeliaOpen UAS.

1.4Timetable for semesters

The academic yearis divided into fiveperiods. Between periods there is at leastoneintensive weekwhen there is noteaching, with the exception ofintensive courses.


Spring term begins4.1.2016and ends17.6.2016.
Spring term lessons will be during 18.1.2016- 20.5.2016.

Intensive weeks: 4. - 15.1.2016
1stperiod: 18.1. - 18.3.2016
Intensive week: 231 - 24.3.2016
2nd period: 28.3. - 20.5.2016
Intensive weeks: 23.5. - 17.6.2016

Holidays:22.2.-26.2., 25.3., 28.3.

4.5. teaching ends at 5.30pm.

1.5Signup for student

You can sign up for student in Haaga-Helia Open University of Applied Sciencesby electronic form. When signing up for a student, applicant paystuition fee of 150 euros for the spring semester 2016.

There is admission criteria for the English courses and Bachelor's degrees, which should be consulted before registering. For English courses is required certificateof English language skills.

On Master level courses students must have been completed at least a bachelor's degree and have to have at least three years of work experience after graduation.

Deliver qualifications issued certificates by attaching them to the registration form. After we verify your eligibility, you will receive an email with further instructions.

1.6Enrolment for courses inWinhaWille student interface

To be able to enroll for the courses in WinhaWillestudent interface, you must register as a student toHaaga-Helia Open University of Applied Sciences and pay the semester fee. After the registration you will receive a username and password for WinhaWille.It is recommended to change the default password after the first login. If you forget your WinhaWille password, you can get a new password from Student Affairs Office. When applying for a new password please bring your ID card or call Student Affairs Office.

Sign to WinhaWille at .

See the instructions for registration.

In WinhaWille you can also check your enrolment situation and grades, update your contact information and provide feedback on the course. Please keep your contact information up-to-date because all information and notifications will be sent to the email address in WinhaWilleor by mail to your home address. Email address form is .


Enrolment for spring term courses starts on 4 January 2016 at 08.00. You can enroll for courses until the beginning of the courses and students are accepted based on the enrolment order. 1st semester courses are exception because degree students are prioritized and Open UAS students are accepted in free seats in the order of enrollment.On those courses you can start to register from 11th of January 2016.

Haaga-Helia Open University of Applied Sciences students can enroll for Open UAS own course selection or for all degree programme courses, with the exception of degree programmes in Vierumäki. Enrolment for courses is not possible by phone.Students are selected for courses in enrolment order. Open UAS students have priority for the courses.

There can be more enrolments than more than what is indicated, so you should register for the queue. Seats might become available later if some students do not attend.

Be always present on the first lesson! If you have a heavy reason and you can’t attend, please inform the teacher by e-mail. Students confirm their place in the course by being present on the first lesson. If a course has already started,teacher responsible for the course will decide can student participate the course. Teachers' e-mail addressforms are.


Before starting your studies, start using your Haaga-Helia e-mail address and follow it daily. Log in to Haaga-Helia's internal network MyNet, as well as e-learning environment Moodle. You log in to schools network, as well as the school workstations, to Myy-portal and Vimpa remote access with domain username.

A domain username is valid for 30 days after the end of the studies. Each student who ends their studies will receive an email indicating the exact date when the ID will be deleted. This means you have 30 daysto copy or move e-mails and the rest of your home directory somewhere else. After removing the address it can’t be re-sended to anyotheremail address. MyNet-, WinhaWille and Vimpa rights expire at the same time as you finish your studies. Also HAKA logging services (eg. Adobe Connect, Dreams Park Standard,Virtual University) terminates at the same time you finish your studies.

Student can use computers, scanners and printers in all Haaga-Heliacampuses. There is the color printing possibility in some of work premises for students. All students must follow the rules of use, information security and online learning agreement to use computers and information systems.To have access to Haaga-Helia workstations, student must log in with domain username.

If problems, please contact IT Services: tel. 080097750 or e-mail: .

1.8.1Domain and password

When you have enrolled as a student in Haaga-Helia Open UAS, you will receive your student number and usernames for Haaga-Helia systems via e-mail. Instructions how to create domain password are included in the e-mail. You will receive the password forWinhaWille, where you enroll for courses,via text message.

User names are valid for one semester at a time. If you continue your studies after one semester, your account will be activated once you have rehistered as a student for the next semester.


Haaga-Helia Open UAS students will have access to Haaga-Helia e-mail system. E-mail address form is: .

It is important to follow your Haaga-Helia e-mail actively because all studyrelated issues eg. possible schedule changes will be sent to this address. You can re-send Haaga-Helia emails to your personal e-mail address. More information inMyNet: MyNet> English> Services and Wellbeeing> IT Services> E-Mail> Office 365> Re-sending to another e-mail address from O365.

Login to e-mail:.

NOTE! Sign in to e-mail withdomainusername, for example.


MyNet is the students' internal network. On the website you will find information and guidance on learning context, as well as announcements of events and courses. The site is monitored on a regular basis.

Sign in with domain to MyNet at


Moodle is Haaga-Helia's electronic learning environment and platform, where each course has its own page. Moodle is a document database and a discussion area. Moodle is an opportunity to give and receive feedback, as well as restore assignments. Each teacher activates your study period on Moodle page, so you don't need to log in to Moodle.

Sign in with domain to Moodle at

2Studying at the Haaga-Helia Open University of Applied Sciences

2.1Forms of studying

Haaga-Helia Open UAS is a practical study of theory, where practice and work meet. Responsibility for learning is for the students themselves, and teachers and counselors are there to support students in their studies. You can study by the classroom teaching or do online studies. If you already have been acquired from work or studies for course skills, you can complete the course by taking a skills exam.


Contact class education is based on the teaching of the courses is usually a certain period of time once or twice a week. Intensive courses refer to courses in which teaching takes place only during an intensive period (see the academic year schedule).

Teaching techniques can be lectures, exams, group work and essays. Study modules often include a variety ofwritten assignments. Haaga-Helia is used for reports that are used in all written reports. You can findinstructions for reporting MyNet -> Studies -> Assignments reporting guidelines


You can also take courses online when the entire course is carried out in electronic learning environment Moodle. If such a virtual course will consist of the initial appointment or Haaga-Helia premises do the exam, it is indicated separately in the course schedule.

Virtual courses require as much work as courses with classroom training. In virtual courses, students can schedule their courses more flexible, according to their own schedules.

2.1.3Proofing yourstudies

If you are at work, at school or in their free time acquired knowledge of a course content, you can a course in whole or in part by skills test. The display mode of the study material you can settle with the teacher.

Ways to display may be, for example:

  • a portfolio
  • an evaluative essay of their own competence
  • a knowledge based diary
  • an employer's certificate / a recommendation
  • an interview
  • an exam
  • a skills test
  • a project
  • an oral assessment
  • an expert lecture
  • a written summary of the non-formal education and experience
  • a combination of the previous methods

Course modules will be evaluated on the same criteria and scale as the other studies. If you don't pass the test, you can make the course a normal way.

If there is a Skill test, they might be performed on certain days at the beginning of the semester or during the semester controlled e-exam. You can find more information about the skills tests and their schedules from MyNet under Study -> Prior learning recognition and validation.

2.1.4Online exam

Many of the courses are possible to carry out as an electronic exam. The possibility is always multiplied in the beginning of the course.

Electronic exam is hold at the class rooms which can be found in Haaga, Malmi, Pasila and Vallila libraries and reading room 2221 in Porvoo. There is recording video surveillance in the class room.

Once you have agreed with the electronic exam in the execution of the course with the teacher, book one of the exam times in any exam places via electronic exam service.

School network from outside the exam reservation is made at


Course perform often exam, which is hold at the end of the course. For exam you do not need to register separately. The student have right to renew the exam twice, at the exam days, where you need to be registered.

Information of retakes schedule and registration you can find from MyNet -> Studies -> Re-examinations


Haaga-Helia Open University studies performance has the same requirements as the degree students and courses are assessed at Haaga-Helia practices. Course grades will be seen in Winha after three weeks of completing the course. Student can see the grades in WinhaWille.

Grades are assessed by the following scale: excellent (5), very good (4), good (3), satisfactory (2), weak (1) and fail (0). Some courses evaluation can be done on a scale of pass / fail.

2.3Giving the course feedback

Students evaluate their own learning and teaching of the course by filling out evaluation forms after each study period using an electronic form. The feedback is given anonymously and is used as well as the quality of the monitoring of the development of courses.

2.4Library services

Haaga-Helia library is a modern and versatile education library. Our service is designed especially for our students and the staff. The library is open to all information seekers. Borrowing rights may be acquired by a library card.

The library offers its customers for example, lending services, information services, data acquisition training, remote services and facilities and equipment in the work.

Each Haaga-Helia unit has a library, which is available to all students.

Library opening hours and contact information

2.5Applying for a degree student

2.5.1Open Pathstudies

Open Path studies are suitable for students whose goal is to became a degree student and perform Bachelor´sor Master's degree. Open Path Studies are for carrying out the Open UAS student to complete the studies in the same pace as the actual degree students with exception of job placement and the thesis.

2.5.2Applying for a degree student by the open path

You can apply through the open path, if you have completed the Finnish Open UAScoursesat least 60 credits (30 credits on master level studies) of a specific degree or if you have completed at least 60 credits suitable for the degree but you have stopped your studies, and you do not have a valid right to study in any Finnish University of Applied Sciences. Through the open pathyou can apply to all Haaga-Helia in Finnish and English degrees, including higher degrees. However, through open path you can't apply for Vierumäki degrees. Studies can be completed in another Open University of Applied Sciences but university studies are not expectable.