Resident Circumcision Training


  1. To provide an elective experience for residents to either:
  2. Exposure to circumcision training and procedure so that the resident can perform them under supervision during their newborn nursery rotation (PGY1)


  1. Provide procedural training in order to certify competency to perform the procedure independently after training (PGY 3 during last 6 months of their training)


Elective component of newborn nursery rotation


  1. CEVL website and register.
  2. PGY1 will watch every section of circumcision training video, using Circumcision Procedure Checklist to check-off that each procedure step has been viewed.
  3. PGY1 signs out circumcision simulation kit from housestaff office
  4. Resident is expected to independently perform 10 circumcisions on the simulator, using video support for questions.
  5. PGY1 arranges to watch Diane or Mike, OB/GYN interns, or Family Medicine perform 1 circumcision
  6. PGY1 arranges 1 hour session on Friday afternoon with either Diane or Mike to review questions from training video, review penis inspection and procedure checklist, perform 3 simulated circumcisions, and then to do 1 CEVL feedback process based on those circumcisions.
  7. PGY1(s) arrange to perform 1

Senior Residents and Faculty

Independent, faculty-guided study.

  1. CEVL website and register.
  2. Learner will watch every section of circumcision training video, using Circumcision Procedure Checklist to check-off that each procedure step has been viewed.
  3. Learner signs out circumcision simulation kit from housestaff office
  4. Resident is expected to independently perform 10 circumcisions on the simulator, using video support for questions.
  5. Learner arranges to watch Diane or Mike, OB/GYN interns, or Family Medicine perform 1 circumcision
  6. Learner arranges 1 hour session on Friday afternoon with either Diane or Mike to review questions from training video, review penis inspection and procedure checklist, perform 3 simulated circumcisions, and then to do 1 CEVL feedback process based on those circumcisions.
  7. Learner arranges to do 1-2 circumcisions per week with either Diane or Mike. These can be either Tuesday or Thursday morning if scheduled in the clinic, or Friday afternoon in NBN.
  8. Resident will be considered competent to perform circumcision independently after residency when both resident and faculty feel comfortable, and they have achieved >95 on CEVL feedback system. They will be provided a certificate of competence to present at their next position.
  9. Limit will be 1 senior resident starting per month for the elective experience. Preference will be given to residents who plan to perform circumcisions after residency training.