CLERK:Mrs Elaine Wakelam
36 Wavertree Close
Telephone: 07802 303936
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the APRILmeeting of the Parish Council will be held at the Cosby Community Church Rooms, Croft Road, Cosby on THURSDAY 27TH APRIL2017 at 7.30pm for the transaction of business set out in the agenda below and Members are summoned to attend.
Dated this 21st April 2017
Elaine Wakelam
Clerk to the Parish Council
- To receive apologies for absence.
- Chairman’s report and remarks.
- To receive disclosures of members’ interests (i.e. the existence and the nature of those interests
in respect of items on this agenda).
- To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 16thMarch 2017.
- To receive anyverbal updates from the Working Group Meetings held since 16thMarch 2017
(where minutes have not been previously circulated).
6.Public Participation - The meeting will be suspended to allow members of the public to make
representation about items that are not on the agenda. All requests must be made to the Clerk
prior to the meeting.
7.To receive any reports from County / District Councillors.
8.To receive and consider reports from Representatives attending outside meetings or training.
9.To receive and approve the end of year financial accounts from 01/04/16 – 31/03/17(prior to
sending for internal audit).
10.Clerk’s Time - To receive the Clerks General Report and Updates.
11.Correspondence - To receive any correspondence:
a) Cosby PCCC – Letter of thanks – Cosby Recreation Ground Charity
b) Cosby News – Letter of thanks – Cosby Recreation Ground Charity
c) Cosby United Football Club – Email of thanks – Cosby Recreation Ground Charity
d) The Breakaways – Letter of thanks – Cosby Recreation Ground Charity
e) COPWA – Letter of thanks – Cosby Recreation Ground Charity
f) Blaby District Council – Confirmation of Precept Payments 2017/2018 (previously circulated)
g) Co-op, Main Street – Permission to use the park for a Charity Football Match.
12.To receive and consider any requests for Memorials
a) Autumn MemorialsIn memory of Doreen Thompson
b) G.A. Memorial Services LtdIn memory of Dorothy Susan Arnold
13.To receive and consider any Planning Applications received the outcomes of any previous Planning Applications.
a) ReceivedTithe Barn Main Street Cosby17/0330/VARVariation of condition 8 imposed on planning permission 16/0379/FUL (hours of use)
b) Received5 Kingsfield Road Cosby17/0311/FULDemolition of existing dwelling and erection of detached dwelling and detached double garaged (response already sent)
c) Received11 Narborough Road Cosby17/0349/HHSingle storey rear extension (response already sent)
d) Received13, 15 & 17 Ashtree Road Cosby 17/0336/FULDemolition of existing single storey rear extensions. Erection of single storey rear extensions, First floor and two storey extensions to provide 3 x 2 bedroom self-contained flats with associated parking and bin storage area (revised scheme) – (response already sent).
e) Received22 Elm Tree Road Cosby17/0462/HHSingle storey side extension to form car port.
f) Outcome11 Narborough Road Cosby17/0349/HHAPPROVED
g) OutcomeThe Nook/Main Street Cosby17/0310/TCAPPROVED
14.To receive and consider any feedback from the Public Consultation Evening
15.To receive any progress update on the Cosby Neighbourhood Plan
16.To approve the reviewed Policies and Procedures (previously circulated on 28/03/17)
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