Jornada Data Request Form
This approval is only for the stated use of the data on this form.
Distribution of the data to others is not permitted.
Unless otherwise directed, return completed form to
for evaluation and approval by Responsible Jornada Investigator of record
1. Data requested.
a. Fully describe the data requested including what, where, when, why.
(Example, “Daily rainfall totals from the Jornada LTER Weather Station for 2003-2010. These will be used for rainfall estimates on research plots associated with LTER Study #123.”)
b. Include data set title from the Jornada dataset catalog to ensure correct identity of the desired dataset and faster approval:
c. Type of data needed: Include variable names, spatial and temporal resolution (e.g., seasonal biomass by species by quadrat for NPP creosotebush sites for 2003-2005)
2. Your study objectives:
3. Anticipated analyses you will be performing on the data:
4. Principal Investigator responsible for request
mailing address:
5. Person(s) responsible for carrying out analyses
mailing address:
7. *Study affiliation (check all that are applicable):
EPA __
LTER __ Jornada LTER (JRN)
__ For a non-intersite study, list non-Jornada LTER site(s) affiliated with this proposed research to be conducted at JRN. If JRN LTER is collaborating on this study, also check LTER: Jornada):
__ LTER Intersite study (List participating LTER sites):
USDA __ USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range
__ Other USDA: ______
NMSU __ NMSU Animal & Range Sciences Dept.
__ NMSU Biology Dept.
__ NMSU Fishery and Wildlife Sciences Dept.
__ NMSU Geography Dept.
Other: ______
STUDENTS (If this is a student project, indicate level of research)
__ Undergraduate research - REU program
__ Undergraduate research -
course: ______instructor: ______
__ Graduate research - Masters
__ Graduate research - Ph.D.
8. Important Information
a. The following acknowledgment statement is to be included in publications that utilize Jornada data.
“Data sets were provided by the Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) project and the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range with funding by the USDA and the National Science Foundation (Grant DEB-1235828).
b. As part of this approval, a PDF of published papers and a copy of the completed thesis, if relevant, must be provided to the address below upon completion of the study.
John Anderson ()
USDA Jornada Experimental Range
P.O. Box 30003, MSC 3JER
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003
9. Data use authorization to be completed by responsible Jornada PI(s) prior to release of the data
a. Approval is granted for the use of these datasets for the analyses described above. Redistribution of the data to third parties is not allowed.
State any additional limitations to use of these data:
Date approved
Jornada PI name Phone/E-mail ______(mm/dd/yyyy)
b. Approval is denied for the use of these datasets for the analyses described above.
State reasons why data access was denied:
Date denied
Jornada PI name Phone/E-mail ______(mm/dd/yyyy)
====== Information Management Use Only ======
Data Request Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Last update: Study #:
Approval status: approved / not approved Approval Date (mm/dd/yyyy):
Status (C=completed, N=never done, T=terminated before completion by requestee, R=under review): R
Person responsible for providing the data:
Completion of data request (mm/dd/yyyy):
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