UUFS Sunday Services May 2011
May 1 –Between Heaven and Hell: The Persistence of the Apocalyptic Imagination
Wes Davis
Wes Davis is a singer/songwriter/musician, independent recording artist, college instructor, writer, speaker, mediator and consultant. Formerly an ordained minister and pastor, Wes now communicates from a non-sectarian, non-religious perspective. He seeks to inform and inspire, drawing upon universal wisdom and often challenging our unexamined, conventional assumptions about life.
Plate Donation: Life Crisis (Salisbury)
Greeter: Kit Wright Bonnie Nay
Custodian: Ian & Leslie Finlayson
Treater: Gary McLain
May 8 –Serving with Grace
John Wright
We'll take this opportunity to thank the many volunteers who spend countless hours working to make our community and the world a better place.
John received his Master of Divinity degree from the Starr King School for the Ministry, the Unitarian Universalist Seminary in Berkeley, California. His particular field of specialization is pastoral care surrounding death and loss. John now serves as Consulting Minister to the UUFS.
Plate Donation: UUFS - Ministerial Fund
Greeter: Seth Cowall Al Bebee
Custodian: Frann & Dick Weaver
Treater: Dianne Spery & Ed Steffes
May 15 –The Gospel of Thomas
Rev. Dick Leavitt
Rev. Richard Leavitt retired and moved with his family to Salisbury, after 42 years as a parish minister in the United Church of Christ. He plays violin in the Salisbury Symphony Orchestra and mentors a dozen young violinists.
Plate Donation: UUFS Ministerial Fund
Greeter: Judy Burns Bonnie Nay
Custodian: Bonnie Nay
Treater: Angie Travers
May 22–Congregational Meeting and Elections
This service will be a "flower communion" service; each person is encouraged to bring one or more (cut) flowers, and then each person gets to take one home with him. After thisbrief service and a short break for a snack or lunch, we will have the congregational meeting. Remember to bring yourself a snack or sack lunch. At this annual meeting we will be approving next year’s budget and holding elections for next year’s Board of Trustees.
Plate Donation: Village Of Hope (Salisbury)
Greeter: Jackie Cox Dottie Yeatman
Custodian: Mike Goebel
Treater: Merrill Burhans & Jackie Fritch
May 29—Annual Potluck Picnic
Plate Donation: UU United Nations Office
Greeter: Kit Wright Fran Weaver
Custodian: Pat Hollinger
Treater: Barbara Waldman