State of Washington
Current Contract Information
Revision Date: August 5, 2008
Effective Date: August 5, 2008
Contract number: / 08803 / Commodity code: / 6480Contract title: / Protective Clothing (Homeland Security)
Purpose: / Update OSP alternate contact info
Original award date: / September 25, 2003
Current contract term: / 06/01/2008 through 09/24/2009
Contract term: / Not to exceed six years or 09/24/09
Contract type: / This contract is designated as mandatory use.
Scope of contract
/ This contract is awarded to numerous contractors (see attached)Primary user agency(ies): / Washington State Military Department
For use by: / General use: All State Agencies, Political Subdivisions of Washington and Oregon, Qualified Non-profit Corporations, Materials Management Center, Participating Institutions of Higher Education (College and Universities, Community and Technical Colleges).
Contractors: / See attached
This page contains key contract features. Find detailed information on succeeding pages. For more information on this contract, or if you have any questions, please contact your local agency Purchasing Office, or you may contact our office at the numbers listed below.
Contracts Specialist: / Heidi Bohl, CPPB / Alternate Contact: / Shawna PettittPhone Number: / (360) 902-7435 / Phone Number: / (360) 902-7342
Fax Number: / (360)-586-2426 / Fax Number: / (360)-586-2426
Email address: / / Email address: /
Visit our Internet site:
Washington State Department of General Administration
Office of State Procurement, PO Box 41017, Olympia, WA 98504-1017
The State of Washington is an equal opportunity employer. To request this information in alternative formats call (360) 902-7400, or TDD (360) 664-3799.
Current Contract Information
Contract No. 08803
Page 14
Products/Services available: / Protective clothing and associated equipmentOrdering procedures: / Send orders to suppliers
Contract exclusions: / When product specified does not meet your requirements
Related product contracts: / Other “Homeland Security” contracts and #10102
Shipping destination: / Free On Board (FOB) Destination
Freight: / Prepaid and included in unit pricing
Contract pricing: / See attached
Term worth: / $724,800.00 /16 month term
Current participation: / $0.00MBE / $0.00 WBE / $724,800.00 OTHER / $0.00 EXEMPT
MBE 0% / WBE 0% / OTHER 100% / Exempt 0%
Recovered material: / Not applicable
I. State Agencies: Submit Order directly to Contractor for processing. Political Subdivisions: Submit orders directly to Contractor referencing State of Washington contract number. If you are unsure of your status in the State Purchasing Cooperative call (360) 902-7415.
II. Only authorized purchasers included in the State of Washington Purchasing Cooperative (WSPC) and State of Oregon listings published and updated periodically may purchase from this contract. It is the contractor’s responsibility to verify membership of these organizations prior to processing orders received under this contract. A list of Washington members is available on the Internet, and a list of Oregon members is available on the Internet Contractors shall not process state contract orders from unauthorized users.
III. Contract Terms: This Document includes by reference all terms and conditions published in the original IFB, including Standard Terms and Conditions, and Definitions, included in the Competitive Procurement Standards published by OSP (as Amended).
Special Conditions:
1. 08/05/08: Update OSP alternate contact information.
2. 05/14/08: With this CCI contract is extended until September 24, 2009 with the following updates
Aramsco: Voluntary price reduction for items 4 and 5 for the period of June 1, 2008 through November 30, 2008.
Bauer San Francisco: 2.6% price increase for Vapor Protective Suit effective June 1, 2008.
Quality Discount Supplies & Services: No changes.
Contractors Airgas and Ferno choose not to accept previous extension offer and were removed from the contract effective 09/24/07.
All other terms, conditions and specifications remain the same.
3. 05/01/08: This CCI is being issued to update Bauer San Francisco contact information
4. 12/31/07: Issued CCI to update OSP contact information and contract worth.
5. 05/02/06: Per customer request item addition letter was sent out for MSA Black Hawk Tactical Air Mask with option for additional accessories at a discounted price. Item was requested by committee on Homeland Security equipment.
6. 01/25/06: Per customer request item addition letter was sent out for MSA Millennium GME P100 canister replacements. Item was approved by subcommittee and added to the contract.
7. 06/22/05: per customer request, contract has been extended for an additional two year term, contingent with the following changes:
· Bauer – 6.1% price increase for the Trelleborg Viking Suit
· Aramsco – 12% price increase on the MSA Mask, canisters and North gloves, change in Federal ID#
· Ferno – change in contact information, address, etc.
· Airgas – no changes
· Quality Discounts – no changes
8. 05/02/05: Botach Tactical has been removed from the contract for documented nonperformance (non delivery) issues. You may purchase these items (booties and gloves) elsewhere, or they are available on Contract #10102.
9. 01/07/05: please reference Aramsco’s portion of the contract for MSA Millennium gas masks and accessories added in response to customer request.
10. 10/18/04: please note corrected contact information for Ferno MIR.
11. 06/10/04: Please note that the Survivair items are now available from Airgas (next lowest bidder) due to Aramsco’s inability to become a qualified distributor. The hood respirator packaging has been changed from 25 to 10 per case (and the stock # changed accordingly).
12. 11/17/03: Please reference Aramsco’s portion of the contract for Survivair items added in response to Department of Correction’s request.
13. 11/21/03: Please reference Aramsco’s portion of the contract, items four through seven. Reference to MSA stock numbers has been deleted.
14. 09/25/03: This is a new contract developed at the request of the Department of Military and will be utilized to implement the federally funded “Homeland Security” project within the State of Washington.
15. Training requirements: Supplier is required, to the extent possible and based upon mutual agreement with the purchaser(s), to provide training on how to utilize products specified herein. This can be accomplished by a method as simple as a video or well detailed instruction manual, or if deemed necessary, an on-site, hands on training of agency personnel. Training shall be provided at no additional cost.
16. Emergency Purchases: supplier agrees, to the extent possible, to honor requests for “emergency purchases”. Any additional costs incurred for special delivery will be borne by the purchaser. In the event supplier is unable to meet such requests, purchaser(s) will be authorized to purchase their immediate requirements from non-contract suppliers.
17. The remainder of the contract is unchanged.
Supplier: / Bauer San Francisco2464 Tripaldi Way
Hayward, Ca 94545
Contact: / Tim McGuire
Phone: / (925) 449-7210 ext: 203
Fax: / (925) 449-7201
Email; /
Website: /
Federal ID#: / **-***-9520
Payment Address: / Same as above
Delivery Time: / 45 to 60 days after receipt of order
Payment Terms: / Net 30 days
Credit Cards: / Yes
Warehouse: / Trelleborg Viking, Inc.
170 West Road, Suite 1
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Training: / Operational/User Training, operating pressure test equipment, minor suit repairs
1. Chemical Suit, one piece, NFPA compliant, medium duty/reusable, totally encapsulated vapor protective suit that protects against chemical vapors, gases, liquids and meets all the base requirements of NFPA 1991 standards on Vapor Protective Suits for Hazardous Chemical Emergencies 2000 edition. Meets or exceeds NFPA 1991, 2000 edition as a single garment without the need for an abrasion and flame impingement (self extinguishing) overcover.
Garment material:
Primary suit material is Trellchem VP1/VPS, a chloroprene rubber coated fabric/multilayer polymer barrier laminate film combination
Visor/Faceshield material:
2mm high impact PVC, protected during delivery by outside and inside plastic films that are to be removed before use
Glove Material and Assembly:
Provides chemical protection by a two layer assembly; an inner glove made of multilayer silver colored polymer laminate film and outer glove made of special chloroprene rubber.
A Kevlar glove providing mechanical protection is to be worn over the other gloves. Each chemical suit is provided with a separate pair of thin inner comfort gloves made of cotton, available in a standard size.
Footwear Material:
The garment is made of an integrated bootie in the primary suit material. The user must wear separate outer safety boots to cover the bootie. Each chemical suit is provided with a pair of silicone coated over socks to ease the donning of the safety boots.
Zipper Closure – type and material:
Zipper is a gastight 1350 mm long Dynat Sd zipper installed for front entry. The chain is made of a copper zinc, nickel alloy (white copper). The slide is made of bronze (copper/tin alloy). The tape is made of a chloroprene rubber coated polyester fiber. The outside of the zipper is protected by a fly front made of a neoprene polyamide fabric. The free edge is held in place by Velcro tape.
Material Seam Types and Composition:
Garment material/garment material seam: the seam is made as a double reinforced butt seam construction. The sewing thread is polyaramide. The inner tape is made of a multilayer polymer barrier
Laminate film heat welded over the seam. The outer tape is a Neoprene strip cemented over the seam with an adhesive.
Garment material/visor seam: the visor is cemented to the inside of the garment material with a two part adhesive. A strip of garment material is welded to the inside of the garment. To this strip another strip (garment material) is glued which also is glued to the visor, covering its edge
Garment material/glove seam: a ring of impact resistant plastic is cemented to the inside of the sleeve. The inner glove is fitted to a similar plastic ring, smaller in diameter, by means of an elastic rubber band and insulating tape. The inner ring/glove combination is pressed into the outer ring from the inside of the sleeve. The outer glove is fixed over the outer ring with an elastic rubber band
Garment material/suit closure seam: the seam shall be sewn and cemented with a two part adhesive. The outside is covered with a Neoprene tape cemented with a Neoprene adhesive. The inside covered with a rubber coated polyamide fabric cemented by a two part adhesive.
Exhaust valve type and materials: the four valves shall be manufactured of impact resistant plastic. The seal disc flapper shall be made of rubber. The valves shall be attached by a mechanical screw compression seal. The valves shall be covered with splash guards made of the primary suit material. The suit shall have two pieces, non-metallic, silicone membrane exhalation valves covered independently utilizing protective hoods and installed in the garment at the rear area of the hood.
Optional Ventilation: the suit shall have as optional equipment, if requested, an affixed ventilation system capable of circulating cooling air throughout the suite at either 2/30 liters per minute.
Weight Distribution: the suit shall be designed to promote even weight distribution on the wearer’s shoulders and never rest on the user’s head, allowing for use of a removable hard hat.
Suit Identification and Certification: each suit shall have a serial number, model number and S.E.I. certification on the label stating compliance to NFPA 1991, 2000 edition.
External Fitting Types and Materials: following pass troughs are compatible with Trellchem VP1/VPS and can be installed upon request.
Shelf Life and Warranty: suit has three year warranty against manufacturing defects, with a five year shelf life.
Sizes available: small, medium, large, X-large and XX-large
Weight: approx. 16 lbs per suit
Package size and volume: approx. 31” L x 19” W x 14” H
Power requirements: compressed air source for testing suits.
Color: Yellow for high visibility
Launderability: mild soap and water with brush
Trelleborg Viking VP1/VPS (size XXL)
Price: $2,218.00 each until May 31, 2008
$2,275.00 each effective June 1, 2008
2. Testing equipment, compressed air, for fully encapsulated suits,
Trelleborg Viking #487090077 Price: $456.00 each
Supplier: / Aramsco1951 South Parco Ave, Suite E
Ontario, CA 91761
Contact: / Todd Maxwell
Phone: / (602) 721-8635
Fax: / (602) 268-8900
Email: /
Website: /
Federal ID #: / 84-1674268
Payment Address: / Aramsco
Lock Box #3956
PO Box 8500
Philadelphia, PA 19178-3956
Delivery Time: / 45 days after receipt of order
Payment Terms: / Net 30 days
Credit Cards: / Yes
Warehouse: / Same as supplier’s address
Training: / MSA provides a “train the trainer” program. Contact MSA at 800-MSA-222 for the representative in your area
Current Contract Information
Contract No. 08803
Page 14
Contract Pricing:
1. Air purifying respirator, face piece used by law enforcement, certified by the NIOSH 42 CFR, part 84, Subpart I – Gas masks, for CS, CN and P100 particulates. Shall meet performance requirements for use against chemical and biological agents as outlined in the USAMC Chemical Agent Safety and Health Policy Action Committee (CASHPAC) guidelines.
Respirator shall consist of the following:
· single flexible lens face piece with a cover lens
· single canister with CS, CN and P100 Particulate NIOSH approvals
· instructions for use and maintenance
Face piece shall be constructed as follows:
· shall be available in three sizes. The standard or medium face piece shall be designed to adequately fit those few individuals who will not achieve an adequate fit with the regular size. A specific size indication is to be marked on the appropriate face piece
· the face piece shall have mounting locations for the canister, on both the right and left sides. One side will be utilized as the canister attachment point; the other side will be sealed off in some way as to easily switch the canister attachment point. This flexibility will allow the user to sight and fire a hand-held riot-control gas launcher or other self-defense device if needed, from either the right or left side of the body
· the face piece shall have canister mounting points utilizing a bayonet-type attachment
· an adjustable head harness with six points of suspension shall be utilized. The harness shall be designed to adequately fit a wide range of head sizes: small, medium and large
· the face piece lens shall be located on the unit so as to provide a satisfactory field of vision for persons of widely varying facial shapes and sizes. The lens shall be a flexible polyurethane material that has a high chemical resistance. The lens shall be permanently bonded to the face piece blank to eliminate potential contamination penetration