Update Report for Planning Committee East 5 March 2015
Committee Planning Manager:Graeme Law
14/03437/OUT - Mansell Farm, Armscote Road, Newbold-on-StourAdditional WCC Archaeology consultation response – No objection subject to conditions to secure a Written Scheme of Investigation and any necessary Mitigation Strategy prior to development commencing (3.3.15).
Additional Ward Member comments Councillor Saint - This application is linked to another for development at the farm that will be determined at a later planning committee meeting. However, it can be considered on its own as the planning issues, in my view, stand whatever theoutcome on the second decision may be. The establishment of farm buildings for cattle at the proposed location is acceptable as there is minimal impact upon the landscape or neighbouring land uses. It is located in an area that is predominantly farm land and this application should therefore be supported. (5.3.15)
1 letter of Support received 20.2.15 stating that there are local grievances by neighbouring residents about the impacts of farming from the existing site and that the relocation of the farm away from the village makes sense and will facilitate provision of houses and amenities on the existing site to benefit the village.
New Condition 9 - Written Scheme of Investigation for archaeology and any necessary Mitigation Strategy prior to development commencing.
14/03236/OUT - Land At, Edmonds Close, Upper Quinton
Additional layout plan submitted
Rev.C Site Layout submitted that relates specifically to the position of Plot 5’s garage; re-located further away from Plot 4 to reduce impact on residential amenity.
14/03234/OUT - Land Adjacent 15, Edmonds Close, Upper Quinton
Error in agenda at list of planning applications – Recommendation should read GRANT not REFUSE.
Ward Member has referred to an appeal decision from 2001 for the erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings at the site. In officer’s opinion, little weight should be afforded to this decision given the passage of time and the fact that the policy position has evolved quite substantially.
14/03007/FUL - Land Adjacent To White Cottage, Church Street, Wellesbourne
Additional Text in Description of Development section (Page 35) – The proposals also involve the demolition of the existing brick boundary wall fronting Church Street which has a height of around 1.85m and a length of around 8m.
Additional Text relating to Wellesbourne Village Design Statement (Page 36) – Contains Key Guidance Points (KGP) within the document are summarised with relevance to the proposals below:-
KGP3b – New development should take into consideration the conservation area.
KGP3c – Historical origins which have shaped the village should be recognised so that new development harmonises with this
KGP3d – Future development should comprise a variety of complementary styles, sensitive to the diverse and individual character of the village
KGP3f – Some infill development may be appropriate, it should take into account and respect the existing context.
Ward Member Councillor Parry–submitted a consultation response of objection 27.2.15 but subsequently asked for this to be withdrawn on 4.3.15.
Revised Text at end of Conservation Area section (Page 42) –Delete “…more than substantial harm…”, Insert “…less than substantial harm…”
Additional Text in Conclusions section (Page 44) –“Harm will also arise to the amenity of existing neighbouring dwellings through unacceptable overlooking and loss of privacy.”
14/03148/FUL - Waterside Barn, Mill Pit Farm, Hambridge Road, Bishops Itchington
Planning History
91/01315/FUL –Alterations to Waterside Barn to form dwelling. Approved 06.04.92
The Agent has confirmed that the existing barn has been fully converted to a dwelling and that no part of the building is unconverted or used for storage.
Ward Member Councillor Mann–No representation. This application for a garage with a holiday let is in my opinion compliant with NPPF para 55 and also paragraph 28. I understand the Parish Council have concerns that the holiday let may be used for permanent residential use but this is not what the application has been applied for and therefore if in the future it is found to be being used for permanent use then this is an enforcement issue. (3.3.15)
New Condition 8(Page 54)- Prior to the commencement of development a scheme for the removal/ relocation of structures and materials stored outside on the site.
14/03572/FUL - 68 Hawthorn Way, Shipston-on-Stour
Additional text in third party objection response(Page 57) –Overbearing issue.
Change to text in Visual Impact section bullet point 3(Page 58) –Delete “The proposal would not be seen from Hawthorn Way…”insert “Limited views of the proposal will be seen from Hawthorn Way…”.
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