Course Expectations for Mrs. Russell’s Introductory Spanish 8 class
Phone: 570-546-3127 ext. 3160
Afterschool: Tuesdays or by appointment
Learning a foreign language is an exciting challenge. It’s interesting to learn about other cultures and to gain the knowledge you need to communicate with Spanish-speaking people. In this introductory class, we will be focusing on cultural topics, partially communicated in Spanish, and some Spanish vocabulary that goes along with these topics. Our goal in this course is to increase your knowledge of the Hispanic culture and to provide some basic vocabulary and speaking skills. You will be required to keep a notebook/portfolio of information.
§ Be prepared with notebook, pen/pencil
§ Ask/answer questions
§ Have assignments ready
§ Homework will be checked for accurate completion for 5 points
§ Homework may be graded on accuracy at times
§ Assignment must be completed BEFORE entering the class
§ Parents will be notified of multiple missed assignments
§ Complete all in-class assignments promptly
§ Work quietly individually or in small groups
§ Class work may be checked for a grade
§ Part of your classwork may include a Spanish-speaking activity
§ Complete any bellringers as soon as the bell rings
§ Bellringers may be graded
· You will be given time to work on projects in class
· Use your time wisely – it will be part of your project grade
· If your project is turned in 1 day late, it will be worth 50% of your earned grade
· Projects are not accepted if more than 1 day late
· Your cultural knowledge and Spanish grammar will be checked with quizzes and tests
· Quizzes and tests may include previously learned material
§ There is no extra credit
§ Your grade is comprised of homework, classwork, quizzes, tests and projects
§ You will need to study
§ Monitor your grades online
§ Ask for help when needed and come in for extra help if you are struggling
§ WARNING: Interpret a D grade (70-74) as a sign that you are not establishing a strong enough academic foundation to assure passage of the class-seek extra help
§ Make arrangements to take missed tests or quizzes within a week
§ Take responsibility to make up missed homework assignments
§ Arrive on time
§ Maintain and organize your notebook
§ Sign-outs permitted during the first and last 5 minutes only
§ Must have pathfinder to sign out
§ Do not ask to get a drink – get a drink on the way to class
§ Be respectful of the teacher and classmates
§ Be respectful of others’ possessions
§ Remain seated during class
§ Do not make inappropriate, negative or mean comments
§ Keep cell phones off and put away – I have no discretion in this – I have to take the phone if I see you use it
§ Disruptions will result in a call home, detention and when necessary, an office referral
We will cover a variety of cultural topics. You will learn Spanish vocabulary related to each topic. We may or may not cover all the topics listed below.
§ Geography
§ Conversation
§ School system
§ Governments
§ Music and Dance
§ Family
§ Social life
§ Bullfighting
§ Holidays
§ Clothes/colors
§ Food
§ Aztecs/Mayas/Incas
§ Sports
§ Immigration