Sunday School Play 1

Joshua and the Battle of Jericho

Characters:Narrator 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (can be combined)


Spy 1, 2


Man 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (can be combined)

Scene One

(The three narrators come on stage in front of the curtains)

N1: Many years ago the people of Israel lives as slaves in the land of Egypt. Their lives were made wretched by their task masters and finally they cried to God and He sent them a saviour, Moses, who after many great signs and wonders in the land, was able to bring the whole nation away from bondage, through the wilderness to the land of Canaan. This was the land that had been promised to their fore-fathers Abraam, Isaac and Jacob, for an everlasting possession.

N2:Whilst they journeyed, a whole generation of people, including Moses himself, died, and so it was that their children, a new generation, who now reached the borders of the land and from their camp at Gilgal, looked out over the city of Jericho.

N3:Meanwhile, a little earlier, their new leader, Joshua, had sent from their camp at Shittim two young men to go and spy out the city.

(Narrators exit. Joshua and the two spies also come on stage in front of the curtains)

Joshua:Go and spy out the city of Jericho. Find out how big it is, how many fighting men they have and how well the walls and gates may be guarded. Go quickly and bring me word again.

(Spies exit one side and Joshua exits the other side)

(Open curtains – the scene is a street in Jericho with one or two people walking by, including Rahab. The two spies enter from the right)

Spy 1:(Looks over his shoulder and pauses). We had better get indoors somewhere. I have a feeling we may be being followed.

Spy 2:Yes you may be right. That group of people behind us was looking at us a little strangely. Look, there is a young woman standing in front of an inn. Let’s go and see if she can help us find somewhere to go off the street.

(Spies walk over to the woman)

Spy 1: I pray you, do you know of some place where we may lodge tonight?

Rahab:Why yes sir. I own the inn just here on the city wall. Trade is not good at the moment and I can easily find you a room. Come with me.

(All exit left – enter a group of men from the right)

Man 1:Did you see those two? They’re not from Jericho – I’m sure they are strangers.

Man 2:Yes, I reckon I know just about everyone from around here and they don’t belong. I’ve never seen them before.

Man 3:We need to be on our guard with those Israelites camped so close, and threatening us. We don’t know what is going to happen next. We’ve all heard such stories about them, it makes me nervous.

Man 4:Look! (points left) I think they’ve gone with Rahab.

Man 5:We must go and tell someone straight away. Come on.

(All men exit)

Scene Two

(Inside Rahab’s house. The two spies are sitting at a table, Rahab is standing.)

Rahab:Sirs, I think I may know your business in this place, but you must know that you are in great danger.

Spy 2:It is true, we are spies, and have come to search the city.

Spy 1:Would you betray us? If instead you would help us, we may be able to help you when the city is destroyed.

Spy 2:For be sure, Jericho must and will fall. Our God is with us to help us.

Rahab:It is true what you way. We have all heard of your God and of His mighty powers against Egypt and the nations, and there is great fear among us.

(Someone approaches. Footsteps and murmurings are heard in the wings)

Rahab:Ssh, someone is coming. Quickly, follow me. I will hide you underneath the stalks of flax that are drying on the roof. Quickly! There is no time to lose.

(Exit all three hastily, left. More knocking at the door. Re-enter Rahab.)

Rahab:I’m coming! Who is there?

(Rahab opens the door on the right)

Rahab:Sirs, come in.

Man 1:Where are the two men who came into this place? We think they are spies come to view the city.

Man 2:We have orders to take them and question them.

Rahab:The men that were with me have gone. I did not know that they were spies. How could I? But if you hurry you may overtake them at the city gates before they are closed tonight.

(The men have a quick search around the room)

Man 2:There is no-one here.

Man 1:(Threateningly to Rahab) You had better be telling the truth.

(All men exit to right)

Scene Three

(Curtains close and then open again on Rahab’s house. Rahab and the spies walk in from the left)

Rahab:I think you are safe now. Listen to me. I know your God is the true God and is all powerful. Jericho is doomed. Now I have helped you, you must help me and my family. Swear to me that you will save us alive.

Spy 1:Yes we will, but see that you do not speak of this to anyone.

Rahab:Yes, yes, I promise.

Spy 2:And take this red thread and tie it up in your window on the wall of the city. Bring all your family into the house and see that no-one leaves. Wait then until we come.

Rahab:I will do as you say. Go quickly now. Flee to the mountains and hide there for three days, and then it will be safe to return to your people. Farewell.

Spy 1:Farewell.

Spy2:God be with you.

(Spies cautiously exit)

Scene Four

(In the wilderness with Jericho in the near distance on a background picture, narrators come in and stand to one side of the stage)

N1:And so it was, that Jericho was shut up so that no-one came out or went it.

(While the narrator speaks, some children walk round the stage silently)

N2:And the Israelites obeyed the commandment of the Lord. Six days they walked around the city once, the men of war, the priests blowing the trumpets and then those bearing the Ark of the Covenant on their shoulders following on. No word was spoken by anyone.

N3:On the seventh day, at the commandment of the Lord, the Israelites walked around the city seven times. Then the priest blew a long blast on the ram’s horn, the priests blew with the trumpets and all the people shouted with a great shout.

(Everyone on stage shouts and the lights go out. The stage is black – and items of “rubble” are placed on the stage, fake bricks and so forth. The lights come back on to a scene of devastation.

N4:And so it was that the great wall of the city fell and the Israelites went up into the city.

(Enter Joshua with the two spies. They stand on stage looking around)

Joshua:Go now to Rahab’s house. Look for the red cord and bring her and her family safety as you promised.

(Spies exit and return with Rahab)

Rahab:(To Joshua) My lord, we are in your hands, for you have saved us. We thank you and praise your God, who truly is all-powerful.

Joshua:(taking her hand) Peace to you my daughter. Come, you and yours, and dwell in safety with my people.

N5:So Joshua saved Rahab and family alive and she dwelt in the land of Israel. Later she married an Israelite by the name of Salmon, and she became an ancestor of the great King David, the man after God’s own heart.

The End