1. on 23 Sep 2007 at 10:42 pm 876.Wondering said …

How is ADM week going to work? All students need to be accounted for (excused absense)each day. No school liaisons, who will do the home visits?

My Head my explode - Hang in there, something has to give and soon. There is only so much you can do in a 7 1/2 hour day. Do what you think is most important first.

  1. on 23 Sep 2007 at 10:49 pm 877.Wondering said …

If a stack of paperwork falls in the office and no one is there, will it make a sound?

If there is a fight in a classroom and the secretary is being nurse, answering outside calls, and putting in the attendance all at the same time, how long will it take for her to answer your call for help?

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 6:39 pm 878.Wondering said …

Where is everybody?

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 6:42 pm 879.Sara said …

I’ve been a secretary for almost 30 years in the system. I’ve seen strikes, changes in administration, tornadoes, an energy crisis, etc. but I have never, ever, had such a horrible school year then this and its only the end of September. I was happy to assist anyone and everyone when I could. This year I’ve felt that I’ve neglected my staff, kids that come in sick, my own personal work. I dread going to work. I fear that one morning when there is no nurse, that a child or staff member will have an accident or be very ill. This week we are receiving NCLB children, interims to be printed, let alone trying to schedule those students so that teachers can input their grades. Yes, those are my jobs, but with the phone, doorbell, sick kids and ADM week coming next week its enough to explode.

Thank you to everyone who has been understanding of the secretaries situation. I use to love my job and am also looking to leave LCS!

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 6:55 pm 880.Kelly Boyer Sagert said …

For those of us who don’t know, Sara (such as me!), what is involved in receiving No Child Left Behind children into the school?

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 7:17 pm 881.Sara said …

Since returning in mid-August, secretaries main goal is to get their enrollment figures updated. We’ve had mass withdrawals, its been very difficult to get an accurate count. I’ve been working on it daily and just when I had it all done we receive brand new students today. Its collecting forms, meeting new parents, giving them information about school and also scheduling them on the computer for teachers to input grades. This is not all difficult but with the phones calls, doorbell ringing, playing nurse, having children with discipline problems in the office and also taking care of everything else we do–it sets us back in our paperwork. If we don’t get the paperwork done, its off with our heads from administration when these counts are due. I’ve been doing this for a long time and have never felt so STRESSED, so ALONE, that like I mentioned before I hate coming to work. I love the kids, the staff and use to enjoy my job.

I’m extremely happy about the grant calling more teachers back, but what about the support staff? How about getting nurses back full-time, building managers, media clerks?? What a difference just hiring these staff members would make for the office staff but for the entire building!

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 7:49 pm 882.KR said …

I agree with Sara-we need all of the above. Once again I’ll repeat myself- teachers need to let our union know what your buildings needs are asap. She talks daily with Dr. A. If your #1 need is a building manager- let her know before decisions are made that we can’t undo. I’m not saying that we can get them back, but at least be heard.

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 8:07 pm 883.my head may explode said …

Nice to hear from you Sara. I don’t feel so alone in my frustrations. As I said earlier, I am looking also. The one thing holding me back is the time off with my kids. They are too old for daycare/babysitters but too young to leave home alone…..they would kill each other! It is very bittersweet. As we all know working with these kids is a joy. When the paperwork, phones and everything else gets to much. Just then a couple of kindergartners walk in with a story to read to me or a treat they have made. It brightens my day to see a smile on theirs.

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 8:36 pm 884.Sandra said …

Jim Smith,
I was appalled at the way you were treated tonight. Imagine questioning the BOE about a all expense paid conference when only 2 people are to remain on the board? They’ll never get it and until they do we will stay in this mess.

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 8:56 pm 885.Little Dudz said …

I could not make it to the Board Meeting tonight, however I have heard from a few people some very upsetting news. Is it correct that they plan to not use any of this grant money on teachers for this year? They plan to use the money solely on supplies/equipment and training? What the H#**!!! If that is true, than I am ready to seek some legal action, because I have to say the stress that I have had over this summer and the beginning of this school year has now come to a complete peak. IF THE SCHOOL BOARD and administration had any brains, they would figure out a way to go through with what they have commented and promised to the community and press about restoring fine arts, etc. etc. If this child comes out of my stomach with any issues at all, believe me this school district will hear about it. My stress level has been at levels that no one should have to have. I am still jobless, and my husband is working for crap money right now just so we can have health insurance. His unemployment was actually more a week!!!!! We have done nothing wrong, but want to teach and do our best, and I now hold the school board and past admin. completely responsible for this mess. I am not in charge of the books/$, I am in charge of the bodies in my classroom, which obviously the district does not give da*# about!
I have never felt so pissed off and betrayed as I do right now!! I just hope that the information that I heard is incorrect, and that they will use at least a portion of the grant money to bring back gym/art/music, or not only are they going to lose more kids in the next year, but parents need to start getting some legal action, just as I am!! I wish I had voting rights right now for the school board, because you better believe that whoever is sitting up there and their term is up would be OUT OUT OUT !!!! I have been repeatedly told by many reliable sources that this grant was our “saving grace” and that it wouldn’t bring back all teachers, but at least some of the music/PE/art and a few elem. teachers. The bare bones staff is horrific for the children, and if the admin does not see that, then they have some serious issues!!!!!!!! And as for this all expense paid trip, what the he** is that!!!!!
I am sorry to vent, but obviously there is some serious crap going on, and the state needs to step in and re-direct on this money is going to be used. I am actually surprised that we got the grant considering how horrible this district uses money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 8:58 pm 886.Their coming to take me away said …

Another secretary here — In the “old days” we had our nurse all day, building manager and ISA person to help answer the phones. Now it is just me and 3 lines. At times the phone rings constantly. Without the nurse 1/2 day, we deal with the students that are sent to the office. Must see whats wrong, put on a bandaid, or give an ice pack, or be with them as they are throwing up. Then either decide if they aren’t that sick and send them back to class or try to call the parent to come to get them, which if you ever tried to call a parent, you may need to call 3 or 4 different numbers and then still not get a hold of someone or all the numbers are now disconnected. Just this part takes a lot of time out of your day.
With all the movement of students over the summer with sp ed changes and then the closing of Homewood at the last minute it was very hard to get the numbers right.
With each new student to the district you must make a new student folder, filling in all the info on the outside of the folder, copy the registration forms to place in folder and then give the other to the nurse for the health card. You must then place that student in a homeroom, write his name in the book for that homeroom, change the number of students so that it reflects that addition. You must then write the info for the teacher to know a new student is coming, also informing the nurse and the cafeteria. Then you must fill out and send a record request to their old school either by mail or fax. Then….. in the computer you go to that child in esis, go to the homeroom screen and click on the arrow to find the homeroom number and must enter it 2 times (one for each half of the year). And now we must do what the building manager used to do and add the scheduling. You must enter a 10 digit number for each subject the student has - usually between 8-10.
Now if it is a transfer from another school, you must make sure the student’s folder is sent to you from the other school, take out the health card for the nurse and place the folder in the teacher’s mailbox.
Now for students leaving…… A withdrawal slip must be done for each student by either the parent or myself. You must let the nurse know so that she can give you the health card. Let the cafeteria know so that they can take that child off of their list. The teacher is informed so that they can send the folder to the office. An attendance sheet must then be printed. You must cross that student off of the classroom list and subtracted from the total. When you receive that folder you must make sure the grades have been placed in the folder. If not you must send it back to the teacher. Once you receive everything, you then forward it the the new school if it is in LSC or file it until you receive a records request from another school district at which time you must then copy all records and either mail or fax to that school.
I hope that helped you to have a visual on what it takes for each new and withdrawn student. I may have missed a step or two, but I think you get the picture.
And …….This is only one part of what our jobs consist of.

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 9:01 pm 887.Jennifer said …

Just another parent comment for you all. My son is feeling very frustrated tonight and I feel a “shut down” from him coming on. His English class at LAK is at 34+ students. I have heard from his teacher and him that the classroom is very chaotic. TOO MANY kids. TOO MANY distractions. TOO MANY misbehaved students for one classroom.

My question for all of you here…How much learning do you think is going on in there? Who do I talk to? Will it even make a difference? I have already talked to his counselor…can’t move him out of there or he will have to change Algebra class where he is doing very well thanks to his teacher and the “smaller” class size.

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 9:05 pm 888.Sandra said …

Nothing was said about PE at all. To me it appeared it will be very small the amount of teachers they recall. They are very worried about messing up all the buildings because they have to keep the levels all even. Meaning that if they radically change staffing at a building the title money has to be redistributed and they are already are in iffy waters here and are in danger of having to pay back that money.
Again totally disgusted at the way they treat people who question, but adore the people who slam the teachers.

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 9:06 pm 889.They're coming to take me away said …

Oops! Wrong usage. I stand corrected. Just chalk it up to my name!!!

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 9:10 pm 890.Sandra said …

Oh yes, Little Dudz they plan on using a lot on advertising the new schools.

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 9:31 pm 891.Devastated said …

How were people slamming teachers??? what the heck did we do now??? I challenge ANYONE from the community to come into a classroom and even begin to command order and respect. What are they complaining about now?

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 9:38 pm 892.Sandra said …

We don’t feed the kids breakfast in the room, we aren’t at the doors greeting them, if we gave them respect then the kids would give it back.
Of course it doesn’t matter that you can’t feed them in your room because the day has been shortened -I guess that is the teacher’s fault. Then another person got up and pointed at each board member and thanked them for all their hard work. That person is running as a write in candidate.

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 9:42 pm 893.Sandra said …

Oh yes, and about all the grievances wasting time and money-of course nothing about these grievances helps extend the school day for the elementary students who have lost 5 weeks of the school year. Teachers are evil and if we just shut up and took it up the a@#$ then they apparently would be happy.

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 9:46 pm 894.my head may explode said …

Bury it under the rug, then none of this exists…..Except for their children’s education! Some people can’t see the bigger picture.

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 9:53 pm 895.makeitstop said …

everything is just a horrible spiral. we (teachers) are putting up with more in the classroom because we don’t want to bog down the office with discipline problems. so there are more disruptions, thus even less learning time. for example, ihad a student throw a major fit today. i removed him from the group. he started throwing pencils. when took everything from him he began to wander the room. we attempted to ignore him. since it was close to the end of the day, i was just going to wait it out and talk to dad after school. i did, which took a lot of my time. i was late getting home and my son waited alone for me to get home. UGH!!!! what is the answer?

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 9:56 pm 896.makeitstop said …


  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 9:56 pm 897.Little Dudz said …

Yes, well, we all knew that once again it is ALL THE TEACHERS’ FAULTS!!!! Apparantly, we were the ones that wasted all the money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And also, we are going to waste one whole year of the grant on advertising, and then have the magnet schools for a mere 2 years, and then run out of money again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 9:58 pm 898.Devastated said …

Good Lord… Hello…. This is why this community will never excel past this crap… Last time I checked it is a niceity that we feed them breakfast in the first place. I ate at home. It is unbelievable what we are expected to do. Education is truly not a priority in this community. That is the problem. (Not with all families) but overall, education is not a priority. Until Lorain’s children come to think of education as job 1, we will never rise out of this mess. Children learn what they live. We can be superheros, and unless their parents preach this at home, they will never believe it to be true. I was raised that education was 1st and foremost in my life. That is how I grew up and that is what I became, a learner. When the expectations are set low (and believe me, if you don’t think this is true, sit in on conferences), children only meet what their parents expect of them. End of conversation. Go ahead and yell at me all you want. This is the problem here. Ok, off my soapbox.

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 10:06 pm 899.makeitstop said …

Dear Parents,

If you see a problem at yur child’s school, please don’t complain, there isn’t anyone there to hear you.

You can, however, come to school and volunteer in the lunch room, cafeteria, office, for arrival and dismissal, or in the classroom. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

The Teachers

p.s. Feed your children breakfast at home.

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 10:07 pm 900.makeitstop said …

oops, your. don’t send the proofreading nazis…

  1. on 24 Sep 2007 at 10:08 pm 901.They're coming to take me away said …

Yes, oh yes, everything is running smoothly. everything is running smoothly. Just keep on repeating this and you too can be in my happy place.