Spring 2007

Math 111 Mathematical Models for the Management Sciences

(You may not take this course if you have received credit for Math 112 or higher)

Course Objective: To give the student an understanding of the basic theory of functions, matrices, linear programming, and calculus, especially as they apply to management science.

Text: Mathematical Applications for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences , eighth edition, by R. Harshbarger and J. Reynolds .

Calculator Requirement: All students will need a graphing calculator for this course, preferably a TI-83.

Tentative Test Schedule:

Test 1


Feb. 7

Test 2


Feb. 28

Test 3


Mar. 28

Final Exam


Friday, Apr. 27, 8:30am

According to college policy, I do not have to reschedule your final exam UNLESS you have three consecutive final exams. Please do NOT ask me to reschedule your exam just because you want to leave school early.

If you are on record with the College’s Special services as having special academic or physical needs requiring accommodations, please meet with me as soon as possible. We need to discuss your accommodations before they can be implemented. Also, please note that arrangements for extended time on exams and testing in a semi-private setting must be made at least one week before the exams.

If illness or family emergency causes you to miss a test, contact me within 48 hours.

Grading Policy:

Homework and quizzes 15%

Tests 20% each

Final exam 25% it IS comprehensive

Your final grade will be computed using the percentages above. Grades will be assigned thus:

A 93-100 / C 73-76
A- 90-92 / C- 70-72
B+ 87-89 / D+ 67-69
B 83-86 / D 63-66
B- 80-82 / D- 60-62
C+ 77-79 / F Below 60

C. M. Staniunas

Attendance Policy: If you miss six hours of class after the add date, you may be dropped from the course. A tardy counts as half an absence.

Office: 161 D Trexler Hall

Office hours: M-F 8-8:30am (earlybird special)

MWF 9:40-10:40 am and 12-1 pm

Tues. 10 am - noon

Phone: 375-2010

Academic Integrity: You are expected to be familiar with the Academic Integrity Code outlined in the booklet Academic Integrity at Roanoke College. In this class, you shall not cheat on tests. You may not collaborate with anyone on any assignment with the words “work independently” on it.

Dress Code One of the mottoes of my generation was, “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.” In this class, if you’ve got it, keep it covered, from the base of the neck to the knees. This makes me a hypocrite and a traitor to my youth. So be it.

Expect to turn in homework every class day (except days on which we have quizzes and weeks in which we have tests). If you miss class, have a friend deliver your homework to my office. I will accept late homework until 24 hours after the time it is due. You will only be able to use this grace period TWICE. You ARE allowed to help each other in doing ordinary homework problems from the book. You AREN’T allowed to help each other with any assignment on which I have written “work independently.”

One of your assignments will be to attend one of the MCSP colloquia and write a paper about what you learned. You’ll have until one week after the talk to submit your paper. If you miss that deadline, you must attend another lecture.