Don Martin is an exceptional Andean Shaman. Born into a modest peasant family in the Andean community of Paccopata in the province of Paruro, he was 10 years old when first visited by the Condor, the spiritual Apu of the Andes which also became his spiritual name. Don Martin is married to Maria Sanchez, who is the granddaughter of Don Melchor Deza, a powerful shaman from Wasao Cusco-Peru, and she is also the niece of another famous shaman, Don Melchor’s student Don Benito Corihuaman, under whom Don Martin studied and received his Karpays, or transmission of energy. Don Benito gifted his mesa to Don Martin. Don Martin has kept alive the lineage and the tradition of Don Benito Corihuaman who was and still is considered the ‘greatest Altomesayak’ in South America.

NicknamedEl Condor, he is also an amazing coca reader and seer, a tradition passed down hundreds of years fromgeneration to generation. Don Martin hasthe gift to interpretby cocoa leaves. He does amazing cleansings and healings over the luminous body (Kanchay). An accomplished Andean flute player, he also performs vibrational healings with his music. At his home in Wasoa, Don Martin helps heal hundreds of peopleevery day, performing daily coca leaf readings, healings, cleansings, extractions, and purifications for his local community in Wasao and for people from abroad. He has been practicing Andean medicine for over 25 years and travels with Marco Nunez to the US conducting workshops and private healings

Don Martin is the keeper of the sacred mountain namedPachatusan (where the earth dances) the main APU(spirit of the mountains)from the city of Cusco. From the sacred land of the Inca people, Don Martin was given the power to read (kanchay) with energy of the Condor, the most powerful flying bird of earth. His special gift comes through the eyes and wings of the Condor. His work with healing stones and with earth-honoring ceremony (despacho) is legendary and not to be missed.


Interpreter for the shamans, Marco is the facilitator of the United States tours.. He is an expert counselor in Andean medicine, graduated from San Antonio Abad del Cusco University, and he advises mesa carriers and people trained as Andean shamans. Marco also works as a healer, cleansing the chakras and energy field of the body.

Marco was born in Cusco. He trained himself as a mountain climber and trekking guide since the age of 17 and has covered over 25,000 miles walking in the Andes where he has learned and experienced Andean medicine. He is the facilitator for the shamans for 10 years and has learned and trained with several curanderos in the Andes, and acted as apprentice to Don Martin. Throughout these years Marco has developed a deep love for the ancient traditions. He also spent 8 years in France and Europe working as a tour leader for South America and currently has his own tour operation in Peru.

Brian Osborne, L.Ac.

Brian Osborne, L.Ac., is an accomplished master shaman who has taught for The Four Winds School as well as a
select group of his own students. A Taoist Master and ordained Taoist priest, he studied with the Grand Master, Alex Anatole, author of The Truth of Tao, for 30 years. His other teachers include the Joseph Lisiewski, Ph.D..