Periodic Table Web Quest

Part 1

Website #1:

1. What does the atomic number of an element represent? ______.

2. If an atom is neutral, then the number of electrons is equal to the number of ______.

3. What does the atomic weight (mass number) of an element represent? ______.

4. How would you determine the number of neutrons in an atom? Show as a formula!

5. Complete the diagram to the right:


Directions: Using the web sites listed below and a copy of the Modern Periodic Table, answer the following questions:

1.  How many periods are there in the Modern Periodic Table?

2.  How many groups are there in the Modern Periodic Table?

3.  What are the general properties of the elements in the first two groups on the left side of the Modern Periodic Table?

4.  What are the general properties of the elements in the group to the right in the Modern Periodic Table?

5.  Find the element “oxygen.”

a.  What does the “8” on the top of the chemical symbol signify?

b.  What does the number 15.999 signify?

6.  Find the element “calcium.”

a.  What is the chemical symbol for calcium?

b.  What is the atomic number for calcium?

c.  What is the atomic mass (weight) of calcium?

7.  Find the element “copper.”

a.  What is the chemical symbol for copper?

b.  What is the atomic number for copper?

c.  What is the atomic mass (weight) for copper?

8.  Find the element “nitrogen.”

a.  What is the atomic number for nitrogen?

b.  How many electronic orbit its nucleus?

c.  How many protons does it have?


Directions: Using the web sites listed below and a copy of the Modern Periodic Table, answer the following questions:

1.  How many groups (families) are there in the Periodic Table?

2.  How many elements are in your Periodic Table?

3.  How many periods are there in your Periodic Table?

4.  What is the basic them of organization in the Periodic Table?

5. a. Why are the elements 57 though 70, and 89 through 102, found separately at the bottom of the table?

b. As what can the vast majority of elements in the Periodic Table be classified?

6. Look at the bold line shaped like a staircase on the right side of the table. What does it divide?

7. a. What are the metalloids?

b. Provide three examples of metalloids.

c. What is a metalloid?

8. Describe two trends in the Periodic Table as you go from left to right along periods.

a. As you move left to right in a period the reactivity of a metal ______.

b. As you move from top to bottom in a Group the reactivity of a metal ______.

c. As you move left to right in a period the reactivity of a nonmetal ______.

d. As you move from top to bottom in a Group the reactivity of a nonmetal ______.

Part 4: Families/ Groups

Website #4:

13. Click on Alkali Metals (left bar) and answer the following questions.

a. What is the group number? ______. Are these metals reactive? ______

b. Do these metals occur freely in nature? ______

d. What are the three characteristics of ALL metals? ______


e. Are these metals soft or hard? ______

f. Name the two most reactive elements in this group? ______and ______

g. What happens when they are exposed to water? ______.

14. Go back and click on Alkaline Earth Metals (left bar) and answer these questions.

a. What is the group number? ______. Are these metals reactive? ______

b. Do these metals occur freely in nature? ______

c. How many electrons are in their outer shell? (Hint: it's the same as their oxidation number or group number.) ______

15. Go back and click on Transition Metals (left bar) and answer these questions.

a. How many elements are in this group? ______

b. What are the group numbers? ______through ______

c. Name the three elements in this family that produce a magnetic field.

______, ______, and ______.

16. Go back and click on Other Metals and answer these questions.

a. How many elements are in this group? ______

b. What are the group numbers? ______through ______

17. Go back and click on Metalloids to answer these questions.

a. On your periodic table, draw the black stair-step line that distinguishes metals from nonmetals.

b. Metalloids have properties of both ______and ______.

c. Define semiconductor: ______.

d. Name two metalloids that are semi-conductors. ______and ______

e. This property makes metalloids useful in ______and ______

18. Go back and click on Nonmetals to answer these questions.

a. What are the group numbers? ______through ______

b. List four characteristics of ALL nonmetals. ______


c. What two states of matter do nonmetals exist in at room temperature? ______and ______

d. The nonmetals have no ______and do not ______.

19. Go back and click on Halogens to answer these questions.

a. What is the halogen group number? ______. Are halogens metals or nonmetals? ______

b. The term "halogen" means ______and compounds containing halogens are called ______.

c. What states of matter do halogens exist in at room temperature? ______

20. Go back and click on Noble Gases and answer these questions.

a. What is the group number? ______

b. Why were these gases considered to be inert or stable? ______


21. Go back and click on Rare Earth Elements and answer these questions.

a. What are the names of the two groups of elements known as the Rare Earth Elements?

______and ______

b. How many Rare Earth elements are there? ______


Calculating Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons: **Choose the following options**

How many questions would you like?
/ 5 / / 10 / / 20 / / 40 / / All Available
What would you like to be tested on?
/ Protons / / Neutrons / / Electrons / / Nucleons
Should an element's atomic weight be rounded for you?
/ Yes / / No

General Periodic Table organization (variety of games): *Review questions first then choose your game!*

Match Name of element with Symbol (matching): *When you finish one, you can ‘Start Over’ for new elements*

Mixture, Solution, and Compound review (rags to riches):

General Periodic Table review (rags to riches):

Place elements into Periodic Table (start with Level 1 then work up if you like!):