Minutes of the Corbett Residents’ Association

Committee Meeting

held on Wednesday 2 April 2014

at Catford Constittional Club, London SE6 at 19:45

Present: Mekor Newman (MN) (Chair)

Matthew Conroy (MC)

Jane Gillis (JG)

Julia Burke (JB)

Flavia Bertini (FB)

Barbara Gray (BG)

Lee Lengthorn (LL)

Theo Perkins (TP)

Rosanna Downes (RD)


Yvonne Drysdale, Liam Barnes, Roz Lascaris


MN went through the Action Points of the quarterly meeting’s minutes as follows:

2.1  Former Copperfield/Catford Tavern site: Darren Green from Lewisham Council to make enquiries as to the future of the site and inform MN: no news from Lewisham so far. Action: MN to chase.

2.2  Local employment on Catford Dog Track development: Joshua Lindsay to look into whether an agreement is in place between Barratt and the council. Joshua has supplied further information, which was added to the quarterly meeting’s minutes as an appendix, but info is lacking as to whether an agreement is in place. Action: MN to raise with Alan Smith.

2.3  Use of Abbotshall playing fields: MC has sent Peter Ranken a list of CRA events that would usually be held in the field.


3.1  Dog Poo Initiative: Still waiting for funds from Lewisham Council. Action: MN to ask Jeanette to send risk assessment template to JB. RD to send alternative template risk assessment for events use.

3.2  CRA Noticeboards: Sandhurst Parade noticeboard due to go up Thursday 3 April; BG to be present.

3.3  Wellmeadow Road Residents Association: MN has met with the group to discuss associate membership; membership was agreed at quarterly meeting. Action: MN to confirm associate membership. RD to get membership forms to Wellmeadow via the next Archibald Corbett Society meeting.

3.4  CRA Finance Meeting: MC to organise a meeting to discuss fundraising/income generation ideas. Action: MC to email all members about this and ask those interested in coming to let him know.

3.5  Jamaica Independence Day – It was agreed that the CRA will forward details of the event to their membership but is not able to help with a venue. Action: MN to write a note to Street Flava to thank them for their support and offer to help them make arrangements with one of the parks.

3.6  Review of CRA Committee members: It was agreed at the last meeting that YD would write to 6 members of the Committee who have not attended the last 3 or more meetings. Action: YD to update group

3.7  Teachsport: MN was to set up a meeting with Teachsport to discuss issues around use of Abbotshall playing fields. An update was given at the quarterly meeting and MN/MC are in touch with Peter Ranken.

3.8  Easter Egg hunt: As it has been unclear as to whether CRA would be able to use Abbotshall Playing Field, arrangements have not been made for the Easter Egg hunt. It was decided that unfortunately due to the lack of time left and a shortage of volunteers the Easter Egg hunt would not go ahead this year. Action: LL to post on Facebook re cancellation. JB to advise members via email.

3.9  Glenfarg Rd Play Scheme: Glenfarg still waiting for news re licence. CRA still happy to cover cost of pack if licence is granted. Action: JB to update at next meeting.

3.10  Street reps: A meeting should be organised with the street reps. Action: MN and YD to organise.

3.11  Storage: MN has contacted Fr Lindsay at St Andrew’s Church re printer storage but this isn’t possible. The printer will go back to the shed for now and after May it will be stored in Peter Ranken’s garage.

3.12  Recruitment: We have at least 40 new members from the recent recruitment drive. Creating badges with names and the CRA logo on for street reps to wear when going door-to-door was discussed. Actions: MN to write a welcome email for new members. JB to get new recruit forms to YD and membership payments to MC. Group to find out if Liam is able to create badges for street reps.


4.1  Quiz: RD has spoken to the Catford Constitutional Club but they are only able to accommodate us on a Monday when their kitchen is closed. Various alternatives including the Buzz Bar on Brownhill Rd, the wine bar on Verdant Lane, Uptown and La Pizzeria Italiana were discussed. Action: JB to post about event on Facebook and email membership to get an idea of numbers.

4.2  Events generally: Alternative venues will be required while works are being completed on Abbotshall playing fields. Action: MN to contact Glendale about the Corbett Festival and other events.


Next issue will be produced for July/August 2014. The newsletter is the CRA’s biggest financial outlay and there was discussion as to whether we should continue its distribution. The group decided distribution will continue, but at the next committee meeting we should review opportunities for fundraising e.g. potential for sponsorship by L&Q, and we should proactively contact local businesses about advertising. Action: RD/YD to add to agenda for next meeting. FB to contact local businesses re advertising. All to send contacts for local businesses to FB.


JB has created a register form that the group agreed should be used at meetings and events. Action: JB to send to MC for printing. RD/YD to ensure forms are used at quarterly meetings.


7.1  The book group is now officially closed as it’s full. Action: JG to email the list of people interested in joining the book group to say another one can be started but we need a volunteer to organise.

7.2  There has been lots of interest in the gardening group – volunteers will be needed when the community garden in Abbotshall opens. This is dependent on the ACS bid for funding for the garden being successful. If it is and the group gets up and running, there is also potential to get volunteers helping those less able with their front gardens etc. Action: RD/YD to keep this on the agenda for now.

7.3  The Committee also discussed the issue of vulnerable/isolated people on the Corbett estate more broadly and whether more could be done e.g. coffee mornings. Action: BG to contact Lucy at Catford South re opportunities.


8.1  Grove Park community: JB and BG went to visit a community organisation in Grove Park who are setting up an open forum. They have a nature reserve and their boundary comes up to the Corbett Estate, so they’re interested in partnership working – opps to do something like a cycling project (which the Archibald Corbett Society is also looking at). Action: JB/BG to ask Steven Kennedy to speak about the project at the next quarterly meeting.

8.2  Catford Lovers: This group is looking at projects to get more people engaging with the community such as the Rushey Green Festival in June. We should investigate opportunities for linking and reciprocal promotion of events etc.

8.3  Storage of equipment currently at Abbotshall: Peter Ranken is looking at organising alternative storage. JG offered her attic space for light equipment. Will wait to hear from Peter before confirming next steps.

8.4  Resources: LL has access to a resource centre in Brighton which has lots of resources which the CRA could use very cheaply – video cameras, candy floss machines etc.


The next meeting will be on 7 May at 7.45. The Committee discussed using the Catford Constitutional Club again, though it was agreed we should check whether any committee members object to the venue. Action: RD to ask committee members if they object when circulating minutes. If not, will book CCC.