The Condition We’re In

Bro. Michael Hendershot



E-15 If Christ, Himself, stood here tonight with this suit on that He's give me, He could not heal you; He's already done it. See? He... If you've been redeemed, how can you be redeemed a second time? You've already been redeemed. If you had something in a pawn shop, and went, and--and give a receipt, and you got a receipt that you redeemed that thing from the pawn shop, how can you redeem it the second time? It's already been redeemed. So we are a redeemed product of God's grace. Praise be to His holy Name. He's a... We are redeemed now, physically and spiritually.Now, what's happened? We are now drawing the earnest of our salvation. And if there is no earnest money down for Divine healing, then there is no resurrection. If there isn't a joy and a new life that makes new nature and a new person, then there is no Eternal Life. We--we will have a end someday. But if we got Eternal Life, It has no end, because that's God's Life. And then if we have the joy of that in our hearts, and we know that we've passed from death to Life, and our lives shapes up with what God promised, then we've got the earnest of our salvation, knowing that we will live forever, because the attributes of His Spirit is working through us. And then, if there is no Divine healing, then there is no resurrection. See? So we must have both witnesses, as both are--complete Eternal Life, and for our resurrected body.


95 But, you see, when we are redeemed, we no more want our own choice, but we want His choice. See, see? Now, Adam and Eve wanted their own choice. They wanted to--they wanted to find out what it was to have wisdom. So they--they probed into it, and it caused death.


E-40 How could I get the water out of that desk, when there's no water in it? You see. See, you've got to be borned-again and then God comes in. And God made the world out of things which was not. He just spoke and said, "Let there be," and His Word become material and materialized. And this very ground that you're setting over this afternoon, is the Word of God made manifest. That's right.Well now, a man that's got part of that... Now, Jesus said, "I give them Eternal Life." "Eternal," that word come from the word "Zoe," the Greek word which means "the Life of God."Well then, if we have the Life of God in us, the borned-again, then we have God's Life in us, which makes us believe like God does, that whatever the Word says, it'll materialize. See? If it says, "By His stripes we're healed," that settles it. God said so. And that's when a man is borned of the Spirit of God, he's a son of God, then he believes for things that's impossible. He still believes it. Because why? His God is in him by the Holy Spirit and he believes. See?


587 Then, we stand justified in the Presence of God. As a drop of ink dropping into a--a--a tub full of bleach, you'll never find the stain of the ink no more. It went somewhere. It'll never come back again. And when man is truly redeemed, that predestinated Seed that sees It and accepts It, his sins are demolished. It's gone. It's separated. It's dropped into the ink of the--of the Blood of Jesus Christ, and it's never to be remembered. God forgets it. And he stands as a son and daughter of God, in the Presence of God. Amen and amen! "Now we are the sons of God." Not we will be; we are! Now we are redeemed.

588 We have Satan's answer. God has vindicated Himself. God proves Himself, to His promise in this day. Hallelujah! The Headship is here. Amen! Christ, the risen Lord, is here in the same Power of His resurrection that He ever was, manifesting Himself. There's the devil's answer.


255 No wonder, Jesus said, "Fear not. I am He that was dead, but I'm alive forevermore."

256 "For now we are redeemed by Him, and are risen with Him, and are now (not will be) setting in Heavenly places in Him." Now, when we have this Spirit in us, the abstract, shows that all of the doubts has been stricken off. What? Christ lives. Not I live; not me. "Christ lives in me." Not you live, but Christ lives in you. Because, His living Word lives in you, showing that all the accounts of all your Methodist, and Baptist, and Pentecostal ideas, everything else, was stricken off. And Jesus Christ...

259 There ain't enough devils in hell to keep us from doing it. We were foreordained of God for this hour. The Word of God manifests Itself right through us. And we live in the Presence of God, by the Word promise of God. Ain't a devil in hell can keep me from raising. Ain't a door he could shut in my face, at that morning. The seals have been broken. Hallelujah!

260 I'm free. I'm an eagle. I'm no longer in a cage, but I'm free. I've raised from the dead, into the new Life of Jesus Christ. Not only me, but every man, women, boy or girl setting here, that's been filled into that Spirit of God, is a new creature in Christ. And you are a eagle.

261 We are alive, today, and enjoy the resurrection forevermore. Because He lives, we are alive, also. And He's living us, making us alive. And the Spirit that raised Him from the dead, dwelling in our being, shall quicken our mortal bodies, at that great Eternal Easter. Glory to God!

262 Oh, take the world, take anything you want to, but give me Jesus. Amen. I love Him. He's all the world, to me.

263 And because that you are a part of Him, I am a part of you, and you are a part of me. And, together, we're a part of Him.


301 Now He's beginning to talk about, what is it? "Let's go on to perfection." Now, he said, "Not carnal, laying the foundation here of doctrines and baptism and reformations, and so forth. Let's not do that. Let's go on to perfection." The subject is perfection, and perfection comes by Christ. And how did we get in Christ? By joining the church? "By one Spirit we're all baptized into one Body." Not by: one, tongue-talked in; one, hand-shook in; one, water-baptized in. "But by one Spirit we are baptized into one Body." You get it? That's the perfection.

302 And when you come into That, you are in Christ, and the world is dead to you. And you walk with the Lamb each day, and your steps are ordained of God, what to do. Oh, the trials and testings that we go through! You say, "Do you have testings?" Yes, sir. What is...


68 And then come, finally, the great Head, the Head of all of it. The rest of the body just spoke of It. The foundation was laid by the patriarch; but the body was built by the Word, which was the prophets; and here comes the Head of all of it, Jesus came on the scene. There, when this Head piece was put upon it, we find in Him the entire handiwork of God. We find in Him the perfect reflection of the Word, for He was the Word, the fullness of the Word. Now, again, God has the perfect Masterpiece again.As Isaiah said, "Behold My Servant, My Masterpiece, that I have portrayed through all the ages of this perfect One coming. And here He stands right before Me, a perfect!" There, in His Own image, reflecting God! For He said, in Saint John 14, "When you see Me, you see the Father."

108 Now, for nearly two thousand years, God has been again making Him a Masterpiece. Because, He struck Adam to get a ma-... a piece off of him, part of him, a rib to make a wife for him. And now that perfect Masterpiece that He struck at Calvary, He got a piece off of Him. It's just the New Testament, that's all. He fulfilled the Old Testament. Now it's the New Testament, another piece to be fulfilled. See, the New and Old is husband and wife. See? And it taken the New to fore-... The Old to foreshow the New; Christ come, the Masterpiece, to fulfill that. Now His Bride will fulfill everything that's in the New Testament. Another Masterpiece is in making.

109 As it taken Him four thousand years to make this Masterpiece; now He's been, for nearly two thousand years making another Masterpiece, a Bride for Christ, another Masterpiece. In so doing it, He does it by His never-changing method, the same way He made the Masterpiece; His Word. That's the way He makes His Masterpieces, because He can only be a perfect Masterpiece when It's the perfect Word.Any dirt, trash, injections, it'll break. "But the heavens and earth will pass away, but that Word will never break." You remember, in cutting a diamond, that you have to have a perfect tool to do it with, not just any piece will do it. I've seen tons of them big grinders crash right through it, and move them big tons over, pass that diamond right on through. No, it don't break the diamond. It has to be cut


"He is the True Witness."

Now this word, true, is the same word we saw back there in Revelation 3:7. You recall that it does not mean 'true' as in contrast with 'false.' It has a richer, deeper meaning by far. It expresses perfect realization in contrast to partial realization. Now back in the Philadelphian Age, the coming of the Lord was drawing nigh. What great love that age manifested for Him.

It reminds me of those beautiful words of I Peter 1:8,

"Whom having not seen ye love, in Whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory."

With them we rejoice also. We haven't seen Him, but we have felt Him. We know Him now as much as our limiting senses can let us. But one day it will be face to face. That is for this age. He is coming at the end of this age. Partial realization will be made PERFECT REALIZATION, COMPLETED REALIZATION. Hallelujah! We have been looking through a glass darkly, but soon it will be face to face. We have been going from glory to glory, but soon it will be right in the glory; and in HIS GLORY WE'LL SHINE. WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM, WONDROUSLY LIKE HIM, JESUS OUR SAVIOUR DIVINE! Isn't that wonderful? We are complete in Him. That is true. He would not lie to us about that. But one day we will be changed in the atoms. We will put on immortality. We will be all swallowed up in life. Then we will REALIZE REALIZATION.


239 Now, in Ephesians 1:10, it's called... Now, if you're putting it down, Ephesians 1:10, is called, not a dispensation, not the seventh day. It's called, "The fullness of time." And when "the fullness of time" has come, that's when time has been fulfilled. When there is no more time, then you go into Eternity, after the seventh church age is over, and it is; Luther's age is over, Methodist age is over, Pentecostal age is over. And now you go into (what?) Eternity; no more seven's, no more three's, no more other. They're in Eternity, where there is no such time as numbers, and times, and things. Amen! Oh, my! You see it now?


178 What does the Holy Spirit do? Oh, here's a good place. Let me read the 1st verse of the next chapter. Can I? Is it all right? Say, "amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right, the 1st verse of the 2nd chapter, quickly. Listen.

You who were... you... And you has he quickened, who were one... were dead in trespasses and sins:

"You has He quickened..." What does "quickened" mean? "Made alive." Just about gone, but He quickens you just by the earnest money. What will it be when you--when you really get ahold of the dividends?...?... Oh. No wonder Paul, caught up into the third heaven said, "Eye has not seen; ear has not heard; neither has it entered in, entered the heart of man, what God has for them in store that love Him." What will that be? You talk about joy unspeakable and full of glory. Whew. Umm. You who were once dead in sin and trespasses, has He quickened together by the shadow of the shadow of the shadows. What's it going to be when you come to the shadow of the shadows into the shadow, the shadow then into the creek, the creek into the river, the river into the ocean?


180 Now, I cannot heal. The man that tells you he can heal you, he's wrong. You're already healed. But, it's recognizing the Presence of Jesus Christ. Now if Martha knew that if she could see Him again, that she would get her desire, because He was the manifested Word, can't we believe that much tonight, to believe it? Sure, we ought to. He has come. He has come, He has come in the form of the Holy Ghost. That's Who He is. Now you just pray.


117 Being Eternal with Him, at the beginning... The Eternal Life that you had, His thought of what you was, only, He wanted you to... He wanted me to stand in the pulpit, say. He wanted you to set in the seat tonight. Then we are serving His Eternal purpose. And the one that left home, only come to the earth to serve His purpose. Is that right? All right. Then, after it's finished, it's brought back in a glorified state; it's matured and brought back again.

118 No wonder Paul could say, when they was building a block to chop his head off; he said, "O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory? But thanks be to God Who gives us the victory!" He said, "Death, tell me where you can make me holler! Grave, tell me how you going to hold me! For, I am a possessor of Eternal Life." Amen! He recognized it. Death, hell, grave, nothing could hold him. And nothing can hurt us, got Eternal Life! He realized he was blessed with Eternal Life


139 When Satan tempts us, we are to resist him in a Perfect Faith in a Perfect Word, like Jesus did. The Word of God is perfect. We're to have Perfect Faith in this Perfect Word, and resist Satan.


E-18……..Now, we are the children of Abraham. The Bible said so. We, being dead in Christ, take on Abraham's seed, and are heirs according to the promise. We are heirs of the promise with Abraham, because Abraham was given the promise. Now, if we are his heirs with Abraham, then we are Abraham's children. And the same faith that Abraham had we have ourselves, that when God makes a promise, just know it's going to happen. It can't do anything else.


263 You are standing completely justified, as though you never did it at the beginning. This is my Message to the Church now. As you... as we go off the air, just in a minute. You are standing, if you're standing on God's Word and with God's Word, every amen, every jot, every tittle. Where you standing? I'm trying to tell you, pull away from them shucks. And get out here in the wheat, where you can get ripe before the Son. I hear the coming of the combine. You're standing complete, justified, like you never did it in the first place. Hallelujah!

264 Talk about a thanksgiving! I feel real good. I'm more thankful for that than anything I know of.

265 You are the pure, virtuous, sinless Bride of the Son of the living God. Every man and woman that's born of the Spirit of God, and washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and believes every Word of God, stands as though you never sinned at the first place. You are perfect. The Blood of Jesus Christ! How can you... If a man...


104……..And there stands the redeemed, Holy Ghost borned Church of the living God, standing there in her beauty to judge. "The Books were opened; judgment was set, and every man was judged thus." That was the sinner. "And another Book was opened," not for the Holy Ghost Bride; she'll never take it, 'cause she's in the rapture.If you're filled with the Holy Ghost this morning, and God's power is moving in every fiber of your body, what good would it do for you to stand in the judgment? You're already judged, and been received, and filled, and already--already translated into heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Not you will be, you are now, right now translated


91 What a blessed thing. Do you love Him? Say, "Amen." [The congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, the... Everything's completed now, children. Everything's over; there's no more battle; there's no more warfare, nothing you got to do; it's already done. We just rejoice. Oh, my. We are complete in Him.