WFHS PTSA Board Meeting

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Attending: Angie Levy, Shelby Carter, Crystal Carpenter, Geri Davidson, Kristi Grigg, Kaitlin Grigg, Allyson Lee, Marta Hester, Jada Hester, Donna Iapalucci, Laurie Baker, Paula Williams Lee Perry, Larissa Moore, Veronica Glover

President: Meeting called to order at 7pm. Janyelle Johnson, Occupational Course Study Program (OCS) teacher was introduced to discuss fundraising for an upcoming trip for the students to Washington DC. The money raised will be used to pay for transportation. Ms Johnson would like to sell healthy snacks during Cougar Time Mar 3 – Apr 24. Ms Johnson stated the students can’t handle the money and needs a volunteer to take the money raised to Ms Hamler. Ms Hamler stated as long as she has receipts for the money she can run t through the school.

Angie announced WFHS PTSA was awarded the Gold Key award certificate for increase in membership.

Secretary: Motion to approve January minutes Lee Perry, 2nd Geri Davidson.

Treasurer: Profit & Loss statement distributed.

Vice President: Lee Perry PTSA news bulletin board in hall. Work order in place to hang it. Lee renewing partnership with Kiwanis Club. They will pay for TOY names to be added to the plaque and provide a dinner gift card. She suggested TOY massage gift certificate to be presented at Senior Awards Banquet.

Principal’s Report: No additional make up days for Feb snow days. WCPSS has decided to use “banked hours” instead. Certificates and pencils were given to students with perfect attendance. JROTC Mar 8 BBQ Fundraiser. Wake County schools WAKE Up and Read goal is 40,000 books in 4 wks book drive. New Science teacher hired, Mr Zaytoun. Leadership Conference Mar 5 needing volunteers to help/mentor. Social media and students posting inappropriate photos of underage kids. Please talk to your kids. ACT

Old Business: Giving Tree – report will be ready for Mar meeting. Learned by Me fundraising proposal Spanish tutoring $150 for 10 classes.

Membership: We currently have 334 members with several new names to add.

Nominations Committee – Lee Perry, chair. Once Lee hears from all present board members interest she will schedule a meeting to firm up next year’s board.

Website: No report.

Communications: No report.

Academic Boosters: No report.

Hospitality: Larissa Moore no ER for remainder of the year. Hospitality will provide snacks in the faculty lounges. Teachers will be treated with snacks at Staff Meeting days 1st Mon of each month. TOY prizes – Hartman 2014 incoming, Krause 2013 outgoing.

Literacy Committee: Larissa suggested a Scavenger Hunt with school wide participation using QR codes. First 100 to complete win a donut. She requested gift cards from GameStop, itunes, Starbucks, etc to entice student participation. Larissa would like to increase the amount of the gift cards to $75. Motion to approve increase Larissa, 2nd Lee.

Fundraising: Shelby Carter reports Phantom raised $2190. Harris Teeter check not coming until March. $356 accumulated toward that check so far. Nearly $1200 accumulated toward Sept Target check.

WRAP: No report.

10th Grade Rep: Jada Hester reported PSAT scores mid range and stressed the importance of testing. Honors/Bear Club Mar 11 guest speakers for colleges and scholarships. Kids Fest Feb 24. SGA getting ready for Student Legislative Assembly (SLA)

12th Grade Rep: Laurie Baker Fat Tuesday they will have cake and mardi gras beads for seniors Mar 4. End of year picnic date is May 22.

Next PTSA Meeting: Tues, March 11, 7pm Media Ctr.

Meeting Adjourned: 8.40 pm