Translated by G. Buhler

Table of Contents


Table of Contents 1


Canto 1: Creation & The Origin of The Sacred Law 9

Invocation: 9

Part 1: Lord Brahma’s Narration 10

Topic 1a: Creation 10

1a.1 The primary creation (sarga) 10

1a.1.1 The purusa avataras 10

1a.1.2 The elements of action 10

1a.1.3 The cause & basis of sacred law 11

1a.2 The Secondary Creation (visarga) 12

1a.2.1 Brahma’s appearance & duties of creation 12

1a.2.2 Dissolution & Recreation 13

Part 2: Bhrigu Takes Up The Recitation 14

1a.2.3 The manus 14

1a.2.4 Time 14

Topic 1b: The origin of the sacred law 15

1b.1 Qualities of the Ages 15

1b.2 The Duties of Men 16

1b.3 The Topics of the Sacred Law 17


1b.4 Desire for results the basis of action 18

1b.5 The source of sacred law 19

1b.6 Students/teachers of the law & the land of vedic culture 19

Canto 2: Asrama Dharma; The Sacraments & The Four Orders of Life 20

Part 1: The Purpose of the Sacraments & the Early Rites 20

Topic 2: The rule of the sacraments 20

2.1 The purpose of the sacraments 20

2.2 The early rites 20

2.2.1 Jatakarman 20

2.2.2 Namadheya 21

2.2.3 Niskramana & annaprasana 21

2.2.4 Cudakarma 21

Part 2: The Brahmacari Asrama 21

2.3 Upanayana 21

2.3.1 The time 21

2.3.2 The dress 22

2.3.3 The girdle 22

2.3.4 The sacred thread 22

2.3.5 The staff 22

2.3.6 The rules of begging & eating 22

2.3.7 Acamana 23

2.3.8 Further considerations 23

Topic 3: The ordinances of studentship 24

3.1 Instruction 24

3.2 The exalted position of omkara, the vyahrities & the savitri (gayatri) 25

3.3 Subduing the senses 26

3.4 Gayatri 26

3.5 Rules of study 27

3.6 Protection of knowledge 27

Topic 4: The respectful behavior towards gurus 28

4.1 Respect of superiors 28

4.2 Austerity 31

4.3 First, second & third birth 32

4.4 Duties of brahmacarya 32

4.4.1 Personal habits 32

4.4.2 Menial service & begging 33

4.4.3 Etiquette with the teacher & his relations 33

4.4.4 Hair & sleeping 35

4.4.5 Satisfaction by balancing the results of religious practice 36

4.4.6 Honouring one’s superiors 36

4.4.7 Acquiring knowledge in times of distress 37

4.4.8 Naistika brahmacarya 37


Topic 5: The rule of bathing; graduation (samvartana) 38

Part 3: The Grihastha Asrama 38

Topic 6: The law of marriage 38

Topic 7: The marriage rites 39

7.1 The eight marriage rites 39

7.1.1 The Brahma rite 40

7.1.2 The Daiva rite 40

7.1.3 The Arsha rite 40

7.1.4 The Prajapatya rite 40

7.1.5 The Asura rite 40

7.1.6 The Gandharva rite 40

7.1.7 The Rakshasa rite 40

7.1.8 The Pisaca rite 41

7.1.9 The qualities of the rites 41

7.1.10 Grihastha brahmacarya 41

7.2 Honour of women 42

7.3 Degradation of the family 43

Topic 8: The five great sacrifices (panca-maha-yajna) 43

8.1 Definition 43

8.2 Prahuta bali-dhana 44

8.3 Brahmanya-huta giving alms & feeding guests 45

8.3.1 Alms 45

8.3.2 Care of guests 45

Topic 8a: Prasita the sraddha rites (offerings to the manes) 47

8a.1 Feeding the brahmanas 47

8a.2 Whom not to invite to a sraddha 48

8a.2.1 Results of giving food to the unworthy 49

8a.2.2 Counteracting the presence of unworthy people 50

8a.3 Origin of the manes and their due worship 51

8a.4 The sacrificial food 54

8a.5 Recommended times for Sraddha 54


Topic 9: The modes of gaining subsistence 55

9.1 The six modes of subsistence 55

Topic 10: The duties of a snataka 56

10.1 Non-attachment 56

10.2 Studying 57

10.3 Panca-maha-yajna 57

10.4 Receiving guests 57

10.5 Begging 58

10.6 Miscellaneous rules of cleanliness, purity and respect 58

10.7 The primary duty 65

10.8 Showing respect 65

10.9 Self-reliance 66

10.10 Non-violence 66

10.11 Righteousness, truthfulness 66

10.12 Avoiding quarrels 67

10.13 Accepting & giving charity 68

10.14 Food to be avoided 69

10.15 Liberality 70

10.16 Spiritual merit 71

10.17 Amrita that which comes without asking 72

10.18 Retirement 72


Topic 11: Lawful & forbidden food 73

11.1 Forbidden food 73

11.2 Stale food 74

11.3 Superiority of Non-violence over Consumption of meat 75

11.3.1 Consumption of meat 75

11.3.2 Non-violence 75

Topic 12: The purification of men & things 76

12.1 Purification of men 77

12.1.1 Purification on the death of Sapindas 77

12.1.2 Exceptions from impurity 78

12.1.3 Purification on the death of other relatives 79

12.1.4 Modes of purification 79

12.2 Purification of things 80

12.3 Things inherently pure to the touch 81

Topic 13: The laws concerning women 82

13.1 Always dependent 82

13.2 Worships and obeys husband 83

13.3 Faithful to her deceased husband 83

13.4 Non-virtuous behaviour 84


Part 4: The Vanaprastha Asrama 84

Topic 14: The law of hermits 84

14.1 Retiring to the forest 84

14.2 Eating habits 85

14.3 His austerities 86

Part 5: Sannyasa Asrama 86

Topic 15: Final emancipation & renunciation 87

15.1 Renunciation 87

15.2 His conduct & attitude 87

15.3 Liberation 89

15.4 Conclusion on ascetics 90

15.5 Conclusion of Asrama Dharma 90

15.5.1 The fourfold law 91

15.5.2 The tenfold law 91

15.5.3 Renunciation 91


Canto 3: Varna Dharma; Legal Rules of The Occupational Duties 92

Part 1: The Natural Conduct of The Four Varnas 92

Ksatriya Dharma: Section 1 of Part 1 92

Topic 16: The Duty of Kings 92

16.1 The Origin of kings 92

16.1.1 the creation of kings 92

16.1.2 The creation of punishment 93

16.2 Proper conduct 94

16.2.1 humility 94

16.2.2 Avoiding vice 95

16.3 Establishment; arranging the affairs of government 95

16.3.1 The ministers 95

16.3.2 The prime minister 96

16.3.3 Appointment of officials 96

16.3.4 The ambassador 96

16.3.5 The fort 97

16.3.6 Marriage 97

16.3.7 The priest 97

16.3.8 Sacrifice 98

16.3.9 Collection of revenue 98

16.3.10 Honouring the brahmanas 98

16.3.11 Honour tn battle 98

16.3.12 Gainning, preserving, augmenting & bestowing wealth 99 Gain; by conquest 99 Gain; by the fourfold politic 100 Preservation 100 Preservation; by governance 100 Augmentation; by duties & taxes 101 Bestowing; protection of the brahmanas 102 Augmentation; duties & taxes cont. 102

16.3.13 Protecting his subjects 102

16.4 Daily duties 103

16.4.1 Morning; court & taking counsel 103

16.4.2 Midday deliberations 103 The circle of neighbours 103 War 104 Victory 107 Reversal 107

16.4.3 Midday; personal rules 108

16.4.4 Afternoon 108

16.4.5 Evening 108


Topic 17: The manner of deciding lawsuits 109

Preliminaries: Section 1 of topic 17 109

17.1 Arranging the court of justice 109

17.1.1 The eighteen titles of the law 109

17.1.2 Judges & assessors 109

17.1.3 Violation of justice 110

17.1.4 Unqualified judges 110

17.1.5 Occupping the seat of justice 110

17.1.6 Understanding the internal disposition of men 111

17.1.7 Rules concerning property 111 Inherant protection 111 Lost property 111 Duties on lost & found property 111 Hidden treasure 111 Restoration of stolen property 112

17.1.8 Further fundamental conciderations 112

Legal buisiness: Section 2 of topic 17 (legal titles 1-15) 112

Civil lawsuits: legal titles 1-10 112

17.2 Legal title 1: Non-payment of debts 112

17.2.1 Recovery of property 112

17.2.2 Denial of debt 113

17.2.3 Failure of suit 113

17.2.4 Fines for false claims or denials 113

17.2.5 Witnesses 113

Topic 17a: The rules for examination of witnesses 114

17a.1 Kinds of witnesses 114

17a.1.1 Approved witnesses 114

17a.1.2 Those not to be made witnesses 114

17a.1.3 Approved witnesses cont. 114

17a.1.4 Failure of qualified witnesses 115

17a.1.5 Conflict of witnesses 115

17a.2 Manner of admissible evidence 115

17a.3 Examining the witnesses 115

17a.3.1 Generic address 116

17a.3.2 Addressing the twice-born 116

17a.3.3 Addressing others 116

17a.3.4 Acceptable false witness 117

17a.3.5 Fines against witnesses 118

17a.3.5 Swearing of oaths 118

17a.4 Invalid evidence 118

17a.4.1 Fines & punishments for false evidence 119

17a.4.2 Definition of quantities of copper,silver & gold 120

17a.4.3 Definition of amersements of fines 120

Topic 17: The manner of deciding lawsuits (cont.) 120

17.2 Legal title 1: non-payment of debts (cont.) 120

17.2.6 Loans & contracts 120 Interest rates 120 Pledges 121 Recoverability & loss of property 121 Limitations on interest 121 Contracts 121 Surety 122 Invalid contracts 122 Responcibility of debt passing on to others 122 force, rendering transactions void 123

17.2.7 Equitable conduct 123

17.3 Legal title 2: Deposit and pledge 124

17.3.1 Manner of making & returning deposits 124

17.3.2 Non-restoration of deposit 124 Failure of witnesses 124 Death of depositor or depositary 124 Doubtful cases 124 Liability 124 Appopriating deposits & false claims 125

17.4 Legal title 3: Sale without ownership 125

17.4.1 Unadmisibility as witness 125

17.4.2 Fines 125

17.4.3 Proof of ownership 125

17.5 Legal title 4: concerns among partners 126

17.5.1 Regarding sale of goods 126

17.5.2 Regarding deception 126 Of goods 126 Of marriage 126

17.5.3 Regarding priests 126

17.6 Legal title 5: Resumption of gifts 127

17.7 Legal title 6: Non-payment of wages 127

17.8 Legal title 7: Non-performance of agreements 127

17.9 Legal title 8: Repentance of transactions 127

17.9.1 Recission of sale & purchase 127

17.9.2 Marriage 128

17.10 Legal title 9: Disputes between the owner (of cattle) and his servants 128

17.10.1 Responsibility for the animals 128

17.10.2 Responsibility for damage done by the animals 129

17.11 Legal title 10: Disputes regarding boundaries 129

17.11.1 Time for settling disputes 129

17.11.2 Settlement by landmarks 129 Establishing visible landmarks 129 Hidden landmarks 130 Ascertaining the boundary 130

17.11.3 Settlement by witnesses 130 Local witnesses 130 On failiure of witnesses 130 Fines for false evidence 131

17.11.4 Settlement of unascertainable boundaries 131

Criminal lawsuits: legal titles 11-15 131

17.12 Legal title 11: Defamation 131

17.12.1 Of Brahmanas 131

17.12.2 Of Ksatriyas 131

17.12.3 Of twice-born 131 By equals 131 By Sudras 132

17.12.4 Improper behavior 132 False statements 132 True statements 132 Against close relations 132

17.12.5 Mutual abuse 132

17.13 Legal title 12: Assault 132

17.13.1 Sudras towards twice-born 132

17.13.2 Equals against equals 133

17.13.3 Damage to trees 133

17.13.4 Against man or animals 133

17.13.5 Damage to goods 133

17.13.6 Rules with respect to carriages 133

17.13.7 Domestic punishment 134

17.14 Legal title 13: theft 134

17.14.1 Protection of the citizens 134

17.14.2 Merit & demerit 134 Merit 134 Demerit 135

17.14.3 Manner of dealings 135 Restraining the wicked 135 Forgiveness 135 Confession of theft 135 Transferance of guilt 135

17.14.4 Fines & punisments 136

17.15 Legal title 14: Robbery and violence 138

17.15.1 Restraining those who commit violence 138

17.15.2 Rules concerning self defence 138

17.16 Legal title 15: adultery 138

Definition of adultry 138

Pratiloma offences 140

Manner of dealing with brahmana offenders 140

Guarded & unguarded women 141

Conclusion of criminal lawsuits 141

17.17 Miscellaneous rules 141

17.17.1 Misc. social considerations 141 Forsaking duty 141 Disputes concerning duty 141 Neglect regarding those to be entertained 142 Non-taxible citizens 142 Those worthy of kindness 142 Rules for washermen 142 Rules for weavers 142

17.17.2 Tolls & duties 142 Duties on marketable goods 142 Illegal trading & tax evation 142 Settling market rates 143 Ferrys 143 Tolls 143 Liability of boatmen 143

17.17.3 Engaging Vaisyas & Sudras 143

Conclusion of the topics concerning legal buisiness 144


Domestic concerns: Section 3 of topic 17 (legal titles 16 & 17) 144

Topic 17b: Legal title 16; The laws concerning husband & wife 144

17b.1 Regulation of relations between husband & wife 144

17b.1.1 Protection of women 144

17b.1.1.1 Dependency of women 144

17b.1.1.2 Purity of offsping 145

17b.1.1.3 Activities & self control 145

17b.1.2 Ruination 145

17b.1.2.1 Six causes of: 145

17b.1.2.2 Disloyalty 145

17b.1.2.3 Disposition 146

17b.1.2.4 Removing infidelity 146

17b.1.3 Assuming the husbands qualities 146

17b.2 Laws concerning children 146

17b.2.1 The glories of women 146

17b.2.1.1 Virtuous wives are like the Goddess of Fortune 146

17b.2.1.2 Auspicious results dependent on 147

17b.2.1.3 The faithful wife 147

17b.2.1.4 Reaction for disloyalty 147

17b.2.2 Comparitive importance of the seed & the womb 147

17b.2.2.1 Man as the seed; woman as the field 147

17b.2.2.2 Characteristics depend on the seed 147

17b.2.2.3 Seed sown on anothers field is lost 148

17b. The husband as one with the wife 148

17b. Activities only performed once 148

17b. Right over offspring 148

17b. Regarding ownership; the field is more important than the seed 149

17b.3 Law for women in times of distress 149

17b.3.1 On failure of issue 149

17b.3.1.1 Relationships 149

17b.3.1.2 Appointment 149

17b.3.1.3 Appointment or re-marriage of widows forbidden for the twice-born 150

17b.3.1.4 On the death of the husband after betrothal 150

17b.3.1.5 False dealings 150

17b.3.2 Other conciderations 151

17b.3.2.1 Securing maintenance before traveling 151

17b.3.2.2 Disturbed relationships 151

17b. Hate for the husband 151

17b. Disrespect for the husband 151

17b. Aversion for the husband 151

17b. Co-wives 151

17b. Position of co-wives 152

17b.3.2.3 Marriage arrangements 152

17b. Qualification of husband 152

17b. Chosing her own husband 152