Summary Information

Organisation Information

Name of Organisation
Address of Organisation
Name of Director
Person in contact with Tzedek (if different to the Director)
Email address
Telephone number
Fax number (if you have one)
Website (if you have one)
For Indian Organisations only:
FCRA Status/Registration Number

Project & General Information

Project Title
Project location
Distance from project location to your offices
Length of project
Number of direct beneficiaries
Amount requested (in local currency)
Beneficiary income before project starts and where the income is coming from?
(in local currency per month)
Beneficiary income after project finishes (and other changes in beneficiary situation)
Date of submission
Where did you learn about Tzedek?

Project & Organisation Details

  1. The aims or goals of your project

  1. How you found out about the problem that you want to address

  1. What activities you want to do?

  1. What you expect to have achieved by the end of your project

  1. The benefit you expect the average beneficiary to get by the end of the project, in contrast to their current situation

  1. How the community have been involved in planning so far and how they will be involved in the running of the project

  1. How the project is sustainable (Will the beneficiaries be self-sufficient afterwards? To what extent will the project be able to continue or expand without additional donor funds?)

  1. An estimate of the total project budget in local currency, the main headings of expenditure and how much will be spent on each of them. How much of this you are asking from Tzedek and what is the source for the rest of the money

Example: / Cost / Local/other source / Request from Tzedek
Training / 1,600,000 / 400,000 / 1,200,000
Initial Supply / 3,200,000 / 970,000 / 2,230,000
Loans / 5,607,000 / 1,417,000 / 4,190,000
Management Cost / 1,794,000 / 400,000 / 1,394,000
  1. The background of your organisation or group

a. When was it set up, by whom and with what purpose,
b. How you are run and where your staff come from,
c. Previous work you've done, especially of the same type / in the same area as this project,
d. Your annual turnover (last year's budget)
e. Past funders and size of grants. Please name the donor organisation and the amount donated
  1. How you will monitor whether your project is being successful

Note: All sections must be completed. Detail section may not exceed 2 pages