Wildlife Journal Project – Pre-AP Biology 2015


  1. Project MUST include:
  2. 15 photos of different wildlife animals – including BOTH invertebrates and vertebrates.
  3. 5 photos of Texas wildflowers – in addition to the photo of the living flower, a pressed specimen (with roots) must be included.

General Requirements

Photos of plants and animals must be of living specimens that are native to Texas, or that migrate through Texas. They must be in their natural habitat.

Photos must be taken by the student and must include some identifying object to show the student took the photo – monopoly house, pencil, marble, etc.

The project must be in a 3 ring binder, or turned in electronically.

There must be a cover page with the student’s name, class period, table of contents, and a parent signature in the front of the journal. (See page 2).

Information must be computer generated (typed) – handwritten projects will not be accepted.

What is NOT allowed?

Students are NOT allowed to share or use duplicated or copiedphotos.

NO internet photos –an internet photo will result in a ZERO and a disciplinary referral for plagiarism – NO make-up or extra credit will be given. I WILL check.

NO domesticated or exotic animals, pets, preserve/game ranch animals.

Grade determination

The following rubric will be used to grade each entry in the journal.

3 points -- ORIGINAL photo – if the photo is not present NO points are given in any other area.

1 point – common name of specimen

1 point – scientific name of specimen – this must be written correctly to receive credit (italicized, or underlined, proper capitalization, etc.)

1 point – location of specimen – where was it found? – be specific – Texas, Kendall Co., Comfort, My house, etc. are NOT specific – Oak street in Comfort is.

1 point – date of photo – a date stamp is preferred

1 point – time of photo – a time stamp is preferred

2 points – Description of specimen – can include physical features, diet, habitat, reproduction, etc. MUST be ¼ page using Times New Roman 12 size font.

** Parent signature on the cover sheet will count as 5 points on the overall grade

** Cover sheet will count as 3 points on the overall grade

Maximum starting grade is 100 for a journal. This includes the signature and cover sheet. Additional (extra) credit will be given for COMPLETE journals with extra specimens included. Extra specimens will NOT be given the same weight as required specimens.

FINAL DUE DATE: May 5, 2016

Project CAN be turned in prior to the final due date, but will NOT be accepted after the end of school on the due date.