Permanent Address:
Viale Città d’Europa 674
00144, Rome, Italy
Mobile (0039) 3338043937

Giulio Lo Iacono

Date of Birth: 4 December 1973
Nationality: Italian



Skype: giulioloiacono73/ LinkedIn: Giulio Lo Iacono

Twitter: @GiulioLoIacono/ Facebook: Giulio Lo Iacono

Executive Summary / ·  Professional experience in corporate sustainability and business communications acquired during the past 17 years in companies such as Enel, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Rai in Rome and UN Global Compact in New York.
·  Managed engagement campaigns and communication projects at Enel for fifteen years, which focused on corporate sustainability, stakeholder engagement and creating shared value.
·  Strong project management and analytical skills, with successful results achieved in tight deadlines.
·  Strong attention to detail in the briefing, planning, research and production processes.
Work experiences / Asvis – Rome (Italy)
- Member of the Secretariat
- Head of International Relations
Enel - Rome (Italy)
Digital Communications
-  Leveraging the content generated within the Brand, Media and Internal Communications functions at both Holding and Country levels
-  Managing Enel’s presence across social media and other external digital communication channels, including driving and managing the content and strategy for the Enel website
-  Providing all Global Communications teams with real-time intelligence and insight on stakeholder sentiment
-  Project Manager in the Editorial Partnership between Enel and The Guardian
-  Communications Department’s Account for Sustainability issues
Enel - Rome (Italy)
Sustainability Manager
-  Coordination of the LEAD Board Programme, an initiative promoted by the UN Global Compact to incorporate ESG concerns into the Board of Directors’ agenda.
-  Relationships with UN Global Compact and UN Sustainable Energy for All
-  Coordination of Enel attendance during the UN Climate Summit, that took place in New York on 23 September (in cooperation with International Institutional Affairs Department).
United Nations Global Compact - New York (USA)
Local Networks Regional Manager
- Coordination and capacity building of Global Compact Local Networks in Europe
- Global Compact´s strategy development.
- Global Compact Office representation in international forums (Kazakhstan, Spain).
- Support the coordination of the Global Compact´s engagement in the Post-2015 Development Agenda and Business Engagement Architecture.
- Support the implementation of major events, such as the United Nations Global Compact Leaders Summit (New York 2013), or the Sustainable Energy for All Forum (New York, 2014). Coordination of Enel’s attendance during these events.
- Coordination of Global Compact Regional Meeting (Spain)
- Outreach and communications efforts in relation to the Global Compact in Europe.
- Development of tools, resources and guidance materials on Global Compact Ten principles implementation and how business can better support UN goals.
- Elaboration of annual reports.
Enel - Rome (Italy)
Sustainability Manager
 Projects to support Enel implement ESG issues
-  Sustainability Plan according to the AA-1000APS (Accountability Principles Standard) principles
-  Sustainability Report according to the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines (GRI-G3.1 – GRI EUSS – A+), with more than Projects to support Enel implement ESG issues 450 KPIs (Open Data model)
-  Materiality Analysis to assess the relevance of issues for each stakeholder
-  Relationships with SRI Institutions and Funds, which hold 14.6% the shares owned by institutional investors in the Company
-  Confirmation of Enel in the world leading sustainability indexes: DJSI (World and Europe), FTSE4Good, CDP
-  Relationships with UN Global Compact - launch of “Enabling Electricity”, Enel’s program to reduce energy poverty, as a contribute to the “Sustainable Energy for All” initiative
-  Path towards the Integrated Report: GRI-G4 Consortium, IIRC Pilot Program, definition of a new corporate software system to gather non-financial data
-  Definition and launch of Bettercoal, a platform among the main European utilities to promote sustainability along the coal supply-chain
 Outreach programs to share a new sustainability culture
-  Sustainability Day, an event aimed at sharing and promoting a culture of responsibility, broadcasted on line - with the possibility of interacting via Twitter (first edition in Rome; second edition in Madrid)
-  Special issue of Oxygen, Enel's magazine to encourage scientific debate, entirely dedicated to Corporate Social Responsibility – also available on iPad
-  Survey conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, commissioned by Enel, to discuss how global executives’ approach to sustainability is evolving, how companies are managing and measuring sustainability, and how sustainability dovetails with financial performance
-  E-learning course to popularize CSR issues amongst Enel’s employees – created in cooperation with Università Cattolica (Milan)
-  Enel’s participation in the main sustainability events at global level (Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum in Rio de Janeiro, GC Private Sector Forum in New York, GRI Global Conference in Amsterdam, etc.)
-  Sustainability section on Enel website (; dedicated websites (e.g.,
-  GRI Organizational Stakeholder Event, GRI-G4 event
-  Sustainability Network (e.g. CSR Europe)
 Lessons, speeches, publications
-  “Renewable Energy for Unleashing Sustainable Development - The Enabling Electricity Programme: Enel Vision and the Role of Enel Foundation.”, Springer, 2013. Authors: Giulio Lo Iacono and Mariano Morazzo.
-  “Sustainable Energy Strategies in Low and Middle-Income Economies” (Unido and Politecnico di Milano, 2012); Università LUISS (2012); Master CSR (Università Angelicum, Rome, 2011/2012, short-term contract); CR Reporting and Communications Summit (Ethical Corporation, London, 2011); Lundquist CSR on line Awards (Lundquist, Milan, 2010/Lundquist, Venice, 2011); Sustainability Science Workshop (United Nations University, New York, 2010).
Enel - Rome (Italy)
Stakeholder Engagement Manager
 Relationships with environmentalist and consumerist associations
-  Planned and carried out involvement projects (Alternative Dispute Resolution; “Rinnova”, “Giornate del Sole”, “MyFuture” - events aimed at promoting renewable energies, energy efficiency and biodiversity)
-  Stakeholder consultation concerning big industrial projects
 Projects to involve Enel employees
-  “C’era un Volt” project is a “memory tour” that collected experiences, memories, and stories connected with the world of electricity. The website, conceived to involve users in the interactive web 2.0 mode, gathered the stories of more than 215 interviewees, publishing over 500 video and audio clips (
Sfera - Enel - Rome (Italy)
Web Content Manager
 Web Content Management
-  Coordination of: internet and intranet portals, web corporate tv, media relations
Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) - Rome (Italy)
Communications Analyst
 Brand Identity
-  Planned and carried out Corporate Identity projects
-  Intranet and house-organ contents
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
Communications Analyst
 Report on the development of banking on line services
Rai – Italian Television
 Participant in tv political debates
-  Tg3 (“La domenica sul tre”), “Grand Tour” (Rai Tre) / March 2016 Ongoing
April 2015
February 2016
June 2014
March 2015
June 2013
May 2014
Aug. 2010
May 2013
Dec. 2004 Jul. 2010
May 2001 Nov. 2004
May 1999 Apr. 2001
Sep. 1998 Dec. 1998
1989 - 1997
Other Relevant Experiences /  IT skills: Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook
 Participation in events and webinars in the CSR, Communications and Stakeholder Engagement field: Sustainable Energy for All Forum, SE4All, New York, 2014; Creating Shared Value Summit, New York, 2014; Leaders Summit, UN Global Compact, New York, 2013; Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum, UN Global Compact, Rio de Janeiro, 2012; Sustainable Energy Strategies in Low and Middle-Income Economies, Unido and Politecnico di Milano, Milan, 2012; CR Reporting and Communications Summit, Ethical Corporation, London, 2011-2012 Lundquist CSR on line Awards, Lundquist, Milan, 2010/Lundquist, Venice, 2011; Sustainability Science Workshop, United Nations University, New York, 2010; Stakeholder Engagement Summit, Ethical Corporation, Barcelona, 2008; Sustainable Development Forum, IBM Foundation, Nice, 2008; EWEC 2008, Ewea, Bruxelles, 2008; Progetto Mercurio, Enel, Roma, 2006/2007; Certified Web Content Specialist Course, IIR, Rome, 2002; Intranet Content Management workshop, Business International, Milan, 2002; Editor Web Tv course, Enel, Rome, 2002; scholarship “Ugo Foscolo”, Banca di Roma, Rome, 1994.
 Participation in several professional seminars and training courses in the Corporate Communications, Sustainability and Financial fields in Paris, Amsterdam, Bruxelles, Frankfurt, Milan promoted by GRI, CSR Europe and others.
Education and training / Luiss Business School
Second-level Master in Institutional Relations, Lobbying and Business Communications
“La Sapienza” University (Rome, Italy)
Master’s Degree in Communications
Graduation Mark: 110/110 “e lode” (Summa Cum Laude) / February 2016 ongoing
1993 - 1998
Personal skills and competences / Mother tongue / Italian
Other languages / English: Experience acquired during many work and study projects abroad and trips, as well as time spent living with English speaking people. Skills strengthened with language courses.