3v3 Basketball Rules– Portland State Intramural Sports

1.  Eligibility

1.1.  In order to be eligible to participate in intramural activities, players must be a current Portland State student enrolled in at least one credit hour, or a faculty/staff/alumni/or +1 member.

1.1.1.  All participants must provide a valid Portland State ID prior to every game in order to be eligible to play.

1.2.  Jewelry may not be worn at any time.

1.3.  All players must sign an Assumption of Risk waiver to participate.

1.4.  Participants may not participate if they have played the sport under the university’s varsity program within the last calendar year.

1.5.  Participants may request to protest an opposing participant’s eligibility, and the enforcement of specific rules.

1.6.  In the case of an ejection, they player must leave the premises. The participant must also meet with the Intramural Sports Coordinator before he/she may participate again in any intramurals activity.

1.7.  If a team does not have the minimum number of participants present after five (5) minutes, the game will be considered a forfeit.

1.7.1.  Dropping below the minimum number of players, by ejection, will constitute a team disqualification and the game will be considered a forfeit.

1.8.  Team rosters will freeze one (1) week prior to the beginning of league playoffs.

2.  Game Format

2.1.  Games will be played in a half-court setting; out of bounds will be the standard baseline, the half court line, and the two standard sidelines.

2.2.  There will be two teams with three (3) participants on the floor at a time.

2.2.1.  Rosters will be capped at six (6) participants.

2.3.  Games will be played to 15 points.

2.3.1.  Games must be won by two (2) points.

2.3.2.  Games will be capped at 21 points.

2.4.  Teams will be allowed one (1) time-out per game.

2.5.  Substitutions may be made after a made basket, or any other stoppage of play.

2.5.1.  Players entering the game must notify the court mediator before substituting.

3.  Game Rules

3.1.  Team captains will play rock-paper-scissors for choice of first possession.

3.2.  When there is a stoppage in play, the team that will possess the ball must “check” it in before beginning their possession.

3.3.  An offensive possession must begin with a pass to a teammate.

3.4.  Scoring will be on a one (1) and two (2) point scale.

3.4.1.  Each shot made inside the “three point arc” will be counted as one (1) point. Each shot made from beyond the arc will be counted as two (2) points.

3.5.  After a made shot, possession will be awarded to the defensive team.

4.  Fouls

4.1.  Participants will be responsible for calling their own fouls.

4.2.  When a defensive foul occurs the offensive team will retain possession, and the possession will be replayed.

4.2.1.  If the offense scores in the act of being fouled, the points will be awarded and the defensive team will receive the ball.

4.3.  When an offensive foul occurs the defense will be awarded possession, and play will continue from a dead ball.

4.4.  If there is a dispute over a foul, team captains must come to a mutual agreement.

4.4.1.  If the captains cannot come to an agreement, the possession will be replayed.