Online supplement for Marks, M. J., & Wosick, K. (2017). Exploring college men’s and women’s attitudes about women’s sexuality and pleasure via their perceptions of female novelty party attendees. Sex Roles.Michael J. Marks, New Mexico State University. Email:

Factor Loadings for Adjectives Describing Novelty Party Attendees, Experiment 1

Factor Loadings
Adjective / Vivaciousness / Traditionalism / Insecurity
Intense / .776 / -.248
Playful / .729 / -.384 / -.238
Willing / .705
Spontaneous / .704 / -.324
Pretty / .703 / .313
Pervert / .695 / -.499
Spunky / .694 / -.267
Model / .685
Pompous / .685
Energetic / .680 / -.394
Thick / .673 / .314
Flexible / .666 / -.201
Promiscuous / .666 / -.511
Slutty / .663 / -.486
Skinny / .662 / .217
Sex crazed / .656 / -.596
Stressed / .655 / .215
Outspoken / .653 / -.271
Undeserving / .646 / .434
Trashy / .643 / -.355
Risk taker / .641 / -.284 / -.306
Whore / .639 / -.371
Fearless / .636 / -.315 / -.337
Young / .635
Partier / .633 / -.272
Unattractive / .630 / .407
Kinky / .624 / -.615
Lonely / .614 / -.365 / .278
Conceited / .612
Pleasure seeking / .612 / -.559
Rebel / .610
Emotional / .607
Homosexual / .604 / .224
Outgoing / .601 / -.396
Desperate / .600 / -.375 / .268
Weirda / .599 / -.216 / .290
Gorgeousa / .599 / .290
Classy / .799
Neat / .355 / .776
Clean / .757
Family Oriented / .755
Baker / -.269 / .747 / .217
Chef / -.277 / .740 / .239
Elegant / .259 / .739
Fancy / .706
Respectable / .701
Crafty / .698
Organized / .379 / .687
Civilized / .298 / .687
Nurturing / .403 / .669
Horny / .629 / -.650
Proper / .303 / .649
Kind / .434 / .647
Nice / .430 / .644
Sexual / .627 / -.640
Tidy / .379 / .639 / .213
Well Off / .331 / .628
Dirty / .553 / -.617
Warm / .398 / .599
Sexually bored / .573 / -.588
Hungry / .588 / .290
Mother / .262 / .578
Tasteful / .323 / .575
Educated / .344 / .559
Stable / .468 / .544
Happy / .422 / .530 / -.363
Joyful / .457 / .519 / -.364
Creative / .509 / -.381
Nymphomaniac / .493 / -.508
Confident / .307 / -.538
Loser / .442 / -.227 / .528
Unknowing / .458 / .488
Bold / .399 / -.242 / -.485
Entertaining / .461 / -.473
Chubby / .440 / .454
Comfortable / .371 / -.421
Satisfieda / .372 / .353 / -.383
Eigenvalues / 43.55 / 24.91 / 10.59
% of variance / 26.08 / 14.92 / 6.34

Note. Loadings under an absolute value of .20 are suppressed.

aThese items were not used in the final composite for each factor.

Evaluative domain items:


This woman is dishonest. (r)

This woman is respectful.

This woman is untrustworthy. (r)

This woman is immoral. (r)

This woman is careless. (r)

This woman would make someone a good wife.

This woman would make someone a good girlfriend.


This woman is a failure. (r)

This woman will have a good job.

This woman will make a lot of money.

This woman performs well in everything she does.

This woman is successful.


This woman often takes control of situations.

This woman influences others.

This woman will hold a job with lots of power.

This woman will be in charge of many people.

This woman would make a good leader.

People listen to this woman.


This woman would be fun to hang out with.

I could be friends with this woman.

This woman has lots of friends.

No one likes this woman. (r)

People like this woman.

I would not like to know this woman. (r)

This woman is fun at parties.

This woman is physically attractive.

This woman is popular.


This woman is intelligent.

This woman did well in school.

This woman makes a lot of mistakes. (r)

(r) = reverse keyed item