University of Central Florida Student Government Association

Scholarship Committee

Student Government Association

November 12, 2015

3:00 PM

Black and Gold Conference Room (SGA)


I.  Call to Order-3:10pm

II.  Roll Call & Verification of Quorum-

Chair Devkota
Vice Chair Graves
Justice Sznapstajler / Justice Sznapstajler
ILA Njeru
LJR Chair Ervin
CRT Chair Bayes
ORC Chair Bedgood / ORC Chair Bedgood
OSFA Representative Baptiste / OSFA Representative Baptiste
SSAO Representative Phillips / SSAO Representative Phillips
SDES Representative Ortiz

III.  Approval of the Minutes- approval by general consent

IV.  Approval of the Agenda- approval by general consent

V.  Announcements from the Chair-

a.  Scholarships were supposed to be released October 30th

i.  Due to technical error – were officially released on November 2nd

VI.  Announcements from Committee Members- none

VII.  Announcements from Non-Committee Members- none

VIII.  Old Business-none

IX.  New Business-

a.  Scholarship Presentations

i.  Think 30 – Jenna Nobili

ii.  Chair Devkota: We only have one presentation today. It is for the Think 30 scholarship, presented by Jenna Nobili.

iii. Chair Devkota: Thank you for coming into present to the committee. Please give us a minute to look over the scholarship before we hear your presentations.

iv. Chair Devkota: On the applications, there are 5 questions, do students have to answer all 5?

v.  Jenna Nobili: These questions are guidelines for students to write the essay.

vi. Chair Devkota: If this scholarship was to be passes by the committee, would you be able to reword or specify on the application that these questions are guidelines? Just so students are not overwhelmed.

vii.  Jenna Nobili: Absolutely

viii.  Vice Chair Graves: Do you mind adding a bullet relaying that this is not a financial need based scholarship? Many students shy away from applying to scholarships out of fear or misunderstanding that they must demonstrate financial need according to the FAFSA.

ix. Jenna Nobili: That will not be a problem and we can add an extra bullet point explain that this is not a need based scholarship.

x.  LJR Chair Ervin: As noted in the criteria, it states that at least 24 credit hours must be completed at UCF. Just to clarify, the other 6 can be complete at a different institution, correct?

xi. Jenna Nobili: Correct.

xii.  Chair Devkota: Are there any further questions? Seeing none, we will move into debate. Thank you, Jenna, for your presentation. We will let you know of our decision by Monday.

xiii.  LJR Chair Ervin: Does anyone want to revise the questions? They’re fairly in-depth.

xiv.  ILA Njeru: I think they are proper questions to ask.

xv.  Chair Devkota: Does anyone have any further comments? Seeing none, we will move into voting procedures.

xvi.  Chair Devkota: The Think 30 Scholarship passes with a vote count of 5-0-0.

X.  Member Discussion-none

XI.  Miscellaneous Business-With a vote of 5-0-0 we moved into Miscellaneous business informally.

XII.  Final Roll Call-same as initial

XIII.  Adjournment-3:35pm

This meeting is held in compliance with the Government in the Sunshine Act.

Funded by the Activity & Service Fee through the Student Government Association.

Chair Devkota
