Ceremonies CDE Test Bank

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____1.Who is the CTE Specialist for FFA?

a. / Chaney Moseley / c. / Steven Gass
b. / Allie Ellis / d. / Kevin Huffman

____2.Where was the first National FFA Center located?

a. / Mt. Vernon, VA / c. / Kansas City, MO
b. / Alexandria, VA / d. / Doyle, TN

____3.Who was the first female Tennessee FFA President?

a. / Pam Farmer Walker / c. / Heather McLean
b. / Emily Buck / d. / Chelsea Doss Rose

____4.Who was the first National FFA Advisor?

a. / Leslie Applegate / c. / Henry Groseclose
b. / K.K. Mitchell / d. / Dr. C.H. Lane

____5.Along what river is the Tennessee FFA camp located?

a. / Tennessee / c. / Mississippi
b. / Caney Fork / d. / Cumberland

____6.What is the National FFA website address?

a. / tnffa.org / c. / ffa.com
b. / nationalffa.org / d. / ffa.org

____7.Who wears FFA jackets with only an emblem on the back?

a. / National Officers / c. / Those awarded the title of American Star Farmer
b. / State FFA Officers / d. / Anyone who has earned their American FFA Degree

____8.What is the current National FFA theme?

a. / Living to Serve / c. / Learn, Lead, Succeed
b. / Grow / d. / I Believe

____9.What is a Program of Activities?

a. / A yearly record of a chapter’s activities / c. / The treasurer’s report coupled with budgets for events
b. / The calendar of events for the year / d. / The collection of secretary’s minutes

____10.What was the original name of the FFA magazine?

a. / Future Farmer Magazine / c. / The FFA Supply Service
b. / FFA New Horizons / d. / The National Future Farmer

____11.What are the five degrees of FFA?

a. / Alumni, Greenhand, Chapter, State, American / c. / Greenhand, Chapter, State, Honorary, American
b. / Greenhand, Chapter, State, American, Collegiate / d. / Discovery, Greenhand, Chapter, State, American

____12.How many taps of the gavel completes an item of business?

a. / 2 / c. / a series of taps
b. / 3 / d. / 1

____13.When was the FFA Code of Ethics adopted?

a. / 1952 / c. / 1969
b. / 1928 / d. / 1945

____14.Where was National FFA Camp held?

a. / Hotel Baltimore / c. / Camp Clements
b. / George Washington’s estate / d. / Leslie Applegate’s estate

____15.What do the letters POA stand for?

a. / Program of All-Year / c. / Paperwork of Activities
b. / Program of Activites / d. / Program of Articles

____16.What is the TAAE?

a. / Tennessee Association for Agriculture Education / c. / Tennssee American Agriculture Educators
b. / The Amerian Agriculture Educators / d. / Tennessee Association of Agriculture Educators

____17.Who is the Chairman of the Tennessee FFA Foundation?

a. / Jim Loftis / c. / John Rose
b. / Terry Shartzer / d. / Buddy Crass

____18.What pin may NOT be worn on the FFA jacket?

a. / any pin from the National FFA Career show / c. / the highest degree earned
b. / the highest award received / d. / the highest office held

____19.How many members are in the Tennessee FFA Association?

a. / 13,042 / c. / 11,200
b. / 14,351 / d. / 13,424

____20.What is the official name of the FFA magazine?

a. / Future Farmer Magazine / c. / New Horizons Magazine
b. / New Horizons / d. / FFA New Horizons

____21.How much are National FFA dues?

a. / $7 / c. / $12
b. / $2 / d. / $5

____22.What pins may be worn above the name on the FFA jacket?

a. / highest office received / c. / highest CDE pin earned
b. / State/American degree pins / d. / any degree pin

____23.What chapter equipment (paraphernalia) should be displayed at each meeting?

a. / podium, FFA flag, podium, FFA jackets, desks, chairs / c. / desks, podium, American flag, FFA flag, gavel
b. / chairs, podium, gavel, symbols of each office / d. / chairs, podium, symbols of each office, American flag

____24.What was the original name of the National FFA Organization?

a. / America Future Farmers / c. / Future Farming Association
b. / Future Farmers Club / d. / Future Farmers of America

____25.What three rankings can a chapter receive on the national level?

a. / National 1, 2, or 3 Star / c. / National Champion, Reserve Champion, State Champion
b. / National Bronze, Silver or Gold / d. / American Bronze, Silver, or Gold

____26.Who is the Tennessee Commissioner of Agriculture?

a. / Kevin Huffman / c. / Brenda Bray
b. / Julius Johnson / d. / Melissa Burniston

____27.What parliamentary procedure rules does the FFA follow?

a. / The FFA Handbook / c. / Roberts Rules of Order - Newly Revised 11th Edition
b. / Shane Dunbar’s Rules of Parliamentary Law / d. / The FFA Manual

____28.Who is the editor of FFA New Horizons?

a. / Kim Newsom Holmberg / c. / Pam Farmer Walker
b. / Jason Kemp / d. / Allie Ellis

____29.When did the U.S. Post Office issue the FFA stamp?

a. / 1940 / c. / 1998
b. / 1953 / d. / 1980

____30.When was the name of the FFA changed?

a. / 1965 / c. / 1988
b. / 1989 / d. / 1994

____31.What does WLC stand for?

a. / Washington Leadership Conference / c. / Western Leadership Conference
b. / Worldwide Leadership Convention / d. / Washington Leadership Convention

____32.When is National FFA Week each year?

a. / the week of Dudley M. Clements birthday / c. / the week of Valentine’s Day
b. / the week of George Washington’s birthday / d. / the week set by the National FFA Officers, to be held in the spring semester

____33.What are the 6 constitutional offices?

a. / president, vice-presidents, secretary, reporter, treasurer, parliamentarian / c. / president, vice-president, secretary, reporter, treasurer, sentinel
b. / president, 3 vice-presidents, secretary, treasurer / d. / president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, sentinel, historian

____34.What is the FFA Motto?

a. / The Pledge of Allegiance / c. / Learning to do,
Doing to learn.
Earning to live,
Living to serve.
b. / As we mingle with others, let us be diligent in labor, just in our dealings, courteous to everyone, and above all, honest and fair in the game of life. / d. / Premier Leadership, Personal Growth, and Career Success

____35.When did the National FFA Supply Service start?

a. / 1970 / c. / 1950
b. / 1948 / d. / 1952

____36.How much money must be earned or hours worked for the Chapter FFA Degree?

a. / $300/10 hours / c. / $200/20 hours
b. / $150/45 hours / d. / $150/40 hours

____37.At what convention was the FFA formed?

a. / 1st / c. / 2nd
b. / 3rd / d. / 4th

____38.What is the Greenhand degree made of?

a. / copper / c. / silver
b. / bronze / d. / gold

____39.Who is the Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Consultant?

a. / Will Lewis / c. / Steven Gass
b. / John Rose / d. / Allie Ellis

____40.Who leads the National FFA Organization?

a. / National Officers/Board of Directors / c. / Board of Directors
b. / Delegates to State Presidents Conference / d. / Nationals Officers/State Delegates

____41.Who is the Tennessee FFA Alumni President?

a. / Pam Farmer Walker / c. / James Flatt
b. / Buddy Crass / d. / Lacy Upchurch

____42.When was the first National FFA Camp founded?

a. / 1939 / c. / 1917
b. / 1968 / d. / 1955

____43.Who is the Camp Program Coordinator for Camp Clements?

a. / Brenda Bray / c. / Allie Ellis
b. / Julius Johnson / d. / Chelsea Rose

____44.What is the symbol of the American FFA Degree?

a. / silver key / c. / gold chain
b. / golden key / d. / golden emblem

____45.How many members are in the National FFA Organization?

a. / 551,666 / c. / 55,412
b. / 506,321 / d. / 551,112

____46.How many taps of the gavel calls a meeting to order?

a. / 2 / c. / 3
b. / a series of taps / d. / 1

____47.When was the FFA Creed revised?

a. / 1938 & 1963 / c. / 1965 & 1990
b. / 1969 & 1990 / d. / 1990 & 1992

____48.What is the official FFA salute?

a. / America the Beautiful / c. / the Pledge of Allegiance
b. / The FFA Creed / d. / a military salute

____49.When was the National FFA Band formed?

a. / 1947 / c. / 1974
b. / 1957 / d. / 1933

____50.What are the three divisions of the Program of Activities?

a. / Student, Chapter, Community / c. / Student, Chapter, School
b. / School, Student, Community / d. / Student, Chapter, Region

____51.What are the levels of FFA?

a. / chapter, community, state, national / c. / local, state, national
b. / student, chapter, community / d. / local, state, national region, national

____52.At what conventions was the FFA Creed revised?

a. / 38th & 51st / c. / 38th & 63rd
b. / 28th & 51st / d. / 33rd & 68th

____53.What is the Tennessee FFA website?

a. / tnffa.org / c. / tennesseeffa.org
b. / tnffa.com / d. / tennffa.org

____54.How many taps of the gavel indicates to stand?

a. / a series of taps / c. / 3
b. / 2 / d. / 1

____55.When did the FFA purchase part of George Washington’s estate?

a. / 1992 / c. / 1927
b. / 1939 / d. / 1956

____56.When did the National FFA Alumni start?

a. / 1971 / c. / 1992
b. / 1945 / d. / 1969

____57.What was the forerunner of the FFA?

a. / Future Farmers of Tennessee / c. / Future Farmers of Virginia
b. / New Farmers of America / d. / 4-H Clubs

____58.What congressional act started vocational agriculture?

a. / Smith-Hughes Act of 1917 / c. / Public Law 740
b. / Morril Act of 1862 / d. / the Farm Bill

____59.Who is the Tennessee Commissioner of Education?

a. / Shannon Turner / c. / Rhedonna Rose
b. / Kevin Huffman / d. / Bill Haslam

____60.When did the National FFA Foundation start?

a. / 1955 / c. / 1973
b. / 1944 / d. / 1929

____61.When was the Future Farmers of Tennessee established?

a. / 1927 / c. / 1928
b. / 1933 / d. / 1930

____62.When was the FFA formed?

a. / 1927 / c. / 1933
b. / 1928 / d. / 1940

____63.Who was the first National FFA President?

a. / Bob Lannom / c. / Henry Groseclose
b. / Leslie Applegate / d. / Jan Eberly

____64.At what convention was the Official FFA Dress adopted?

a. / 6th / c. / 33rd
b. / 20th / d. / 3rd

____65.What is the FFA Mission?

a. / Learning to do,
Doing to learn.
Earning to live,
Living to serve. / c. / To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities, and develop those qualities of leadership which an FFA member should possess.
b. / The Pledge of Allegiance / d. / FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

____66.How many delegate were at the most recent National FFA Convention?

a. / 750 / c. / 475
b. / 53 / d. / 500

____67.Who is the current director of the Tennessee FFA Foundation?

a. / Mike Blakenship / c. / Buddy Crass
b. / Jim Loftis / d. / Shannon Turner

____68.What schools can have an FFA chapter?

a. / high schools with agriculture education classes governed by the state / c. / any public high school governed by the state
b. / any high school or middle school / d. / high schools or homeschooled high school-aged students

____69.What is the most recognized symbol of the FFA?

a. / an ear of corn / c. / the FFA jacket
b. / the rising sun / d. / the official colors

____70.What does PLOW stand for?

a. / Passing Literacy OnWard / c. / Preparing Literature OnWard
b. / Preparing Literacy OnWard / d. / Passing Literature Onto the World

____71.What three rankings can a chapter receive on the state level?

a. / Gold, Silver or Bronze / c. / 1 Star, 2 Star, 3 Star
b. / I, II, III / d. / Grand Champion, Reserve Champion, Regional Champion

____72.Where was the first National Convention held?

a. / Hotel Baltimore - Kansas City, MO / c. / Freedom Hall - Louisville, KY
b. / George Washington’s estate - Mt. Vernon, VA / d. / Conseco Fieldhouse - Indianapolis, IN

____73.When was the FFA creed adopted?

a. / 1928 / c. / 1965
b. / 1933 / d. / 1930

____74.When was the Official FFA Dress adopted?

a. / 1942 / c. / 1933
b. / 1969 / d. / 1988

____75.Who was the most recent member to represent Tennessee as a National FFA Officer?

a. / Mark McBride / c. / James Flatt
b. / Cody Norton / d. / Chelsea (Doss) Rose

____76.What are the four kinds of National FFA membership?

a. / collegiate, alumni, honorary, greenhand / c. / chapter, collegiate, alumni, national
b. / active, collegiate, alumni, honorary / d. / active, chapter, collegiate, alumni

____77.Who was the first Tennessee FFA State President?

a. / Carlton Patton / c. / Cliff Ricketts
b. / Mark McBride / d. / Donald Moore

____78.When was the National FFA Chorus formed?

a. / 1947 / c. / 1948
b. / 1978 / d. / 1938

____79.What are the three integral components of agriculture education?

a. / Classroom, Lab, SAE / c. / FFA, CDE, SAE
b. / FFA, SAE, Classroom/Lab / d. / FFA,

____80.How many taps of the gavel restores order?

a. / 3 / c. / 2
b. / 1 / d. / a series

____81.How many pins may be worn on an FFA jacket, and where?

a. / 6, below the name / c. / 3, below the name
b. / 5, above the name / d. / 3, above the name

____82.Who was the longest serving state advisor?

a. / Bob Lannom / c. / D.M. Clements
b. / Steven Gass / d. / K.K. Mitchell

____83.What law is the FFA Federal Charter?

a. / Public Law 105-225 (Now 740) / c. / Smith Hughes Act of 1917
b. / Public Law 740 (Now 105-225) / d. / Morrill Act of 1862

____84.At what convention was the FFA Creed adopted?

a. / 12th / c. / 2nd
b. / 3rd / d. / 10th

____85.When were females admitted into the FFA?

a. / 1969 / c. / 1970
b. / 1965 / d. / 1988

____86.Who wrote the FFA Creed?

a. / Henry Groseclose / c. / Julie Smiley
b. / D.M. Clements / d. / E.M. Tiffany

____87.Tennessee was the _____ state to be chartered.

a. / 13th / c. / 2nd
b. / 27th / d. / 32nd

____88.How much money must be earned or hours worked for the American FFA Degree?

a. / $6,500, /$1,525 + 2,250 hours / c. / $7,500, /$1,500 + 2,250 hours
b. / $7,600, /$1,700 + 3,250 hours / d. / $7,500, /$1,225 + 2,300 hours

____89.When was the name of the magazine changed?

a. / 1989 / c. / 1971
b. / 1952 / d. / 1988

____90.How much money must be earned or hours worked for the State FFA Degree?

a. / $1,000/300 / c. / $1,000/500
b. / $2,250/300 / d. / $2,000/250

____91.At what convention were the FFA colors adopted?

a. / 1st / c. / 5th
b. / 33rd / d. / 2nd

____92.How much were the first National FFA dues?

a. / $1 / c. / 20 cents
b. / 50 cents / d. / 10 cents

____93.What is the Chapter degree made of?

a. / silver / c. / copper
b. / gold / d. / bronze

____94.Who is the National FFA Advisor?

a. / Larry Case / c. / K.K. Mitchell
b. / Steve Brown / d. / Steven Gass

____95.Who was the first African-American National FFA President?

a. / Jan Eberly / c. / Fred McClure
b. / Javier Moreno / d. / Corey Flournoy

____96.How many delegates were at the first National FFA Convention?

a. / 10 / c. / 33
b. / 48 / d. / 18

____97.Who is the “Father of FFA”?

a. / Henry Groseclose / c. / K.K. Mitchell
b. / Leslie Applegate / d. / Larry Case

____98.How many state associations are there?

a. / 51 / c. / 53
b. / 50 / d. / 52

____99.What do the letters SAE stand for?

a. / Supplemented Agriculture Experiment / c. / Supervised Agriculture Experience
b. / Supplemental Agriculture Experience / d. / Supervised Agriculture Efforts

____100.Who was enrolled in the NFA?

a. / Boys enrolled in agriculture education courses in a urban/city setting / c. / African-American boys enrolled in agriculture education courses
b. / Females enrolled in agriculture education courses / d. / African-American boys and females enrolled in agriculture education

____101.What is the official name for FFA camp?

a. / Tennessee FFA Leadership Training Camp/ Camp Clements / c. / FFA Leadership Camp Clements
b. / Camp Clements Leadership Training Camp / d. / Camp Clements

____102.How many taps of the gavel indicated to be seated?

a. / 1 / c. / a series of taps
b. / 3 / d. / 2

____103.Where is the Tennessee Commissioner of Agriculture’s office?

a. / Ellington Agricultural Center / c. / Lane-Agri Park
b. / State Capitol Building / d. / Andrew Johnson Tower

____104.Where is the National FFA Convention currently held?

a. / Indianapolis, IN / c. / Louisville, KY
b. / Washington D.C. / d. / Kansas City, MO

____105.What are the official FFA colors?

a. / national blue and corn gold / c. / national blue and corn yellow
b. / American blue and corn gold / d. / royal blue and corn yellow

____106.What are the four regions of the FFA?

a. / Southern, Mid-Western, Northern, Western / c. / Western, Mid-Western, Southern, Northern
b. / Western, Central, Southern, Eastern / d. / Southern, Northern, Central, Northeastern

____107.Who is the TAAE President?

a. / Pam Farmer Walker / c. / Jason Kemp
b. / Terry Shartzer / d. / Ann Johnson

____108.What is the American degree made of?

a. / silver / c. / gold
b. / bronze / d. / copper

____109.When did National FFA Week begin being celebrated?

a. / 1948 / c. / 1988
b. / 1937 / d. / 1992

____110.When did the FFA receive its Federal Charter?

a. / 1952 / c. / 1970
b. / 1950 / d. / 1989

____111.Who is the Governor of the state of Tennessee?

a. / Bill Haslam / c. / Jim Loftis
b. / Julius Johnson / d. / Kevin Huffman

____112.Where is Tennessee FFA’s State Convention held?

a. / Memphis / c. / Gatlinburg
b. / Murfreesboro / d. / Nashville

____113.Who was the first advisor for the Tennessee FFA?

a. / Dudley M. Clements / c. / K.K. Mitchell
b. / Leslie Applegate / d. / Henry Groseclose

____114.How many chapters are there in Tennessee?

a. / 239 / c. / 188
b. / 112 / d. / 95

____115.How often is the FFA New Horizons published?

a. / 12 times a year / c. / 4 times a year
b. / 6 times a year / d. / 8 times a year

____116.How many chapters are in the National FFA Organization?

a. / 7,598 / c. / 4,569
b. / 7,489 / d. / 6,091

____117.What is the State degree made of?

a. / bronze / c. / gold
b. / silver / d. / copper

____118.What do the letters CDE stand for?

a. / Career Development Event / c. / Contest Demonstration Event
b. / Competition Development Event / d. / Career Demonstration Event

____119.When did the NFA and FFA consolidate?

a. / 1988 / c. / 1965
b. / 1969 / d. / 1970

____120.When were the FFA colors adopted?

a. / 1929 / c. / 1928
b. / 1933 / d. / 1945

____121.How much are State FFA dues?

a. / $4 / c. / $10
b. / $7 / d. / $5

____122.Who was the first Star Farmer of America?

a. / Carlton Patton / c. / Edward Drace
b. / Fred McClure / d. / Ken Dunagan


Match the Tennessee FFA State Officer position with the FFA member who holds it.

a. / President / e. / Secretary
b. / West Tennessee Vice President / f. / Treasurer
c. / Middle Tennessee Vice President / g. / Reporter
d. / East Tennessee Vice President / h. / Sentinel

____123.Hannah Dugger

____124.John Adam Turner

____125.Stephen McBride

____126.Mitch Baker

____127.Maryanna McClure

____128.Grant Saum

____129.Christy Chicas

____130.Jessie Campbell

Ceremonies CDE Test Bank

Answer Section



































































































































