Present at the meeting:

Kevin Marshia

Stan Brinkman, Chair

Wendy Forbes, Acting Sec

Kate Willard

Chris Sargent, TROC

Eric Flanders

Neil Kennedy

7:08 meeting called to order.

Neglected to approve Minutes from last month’s meeting.

Stan reported that the Select Board was not willing to adopt Interim Zoning for the two proposed amendments to the Bylaws: 1. To give more authority to the Zoning Administrator and, 2. To eliminate the set-back waiver. The Select Board wants the PC to warn a public hearing so that the town can decide whether to adopt these changes.

Chris asked if there were questions about the sample Flood Ordinances he handed out at the last meeting. Ned Swanberg and Millie Archer from River Management at ANR will attend our September meeting to make a presentation on their findings regarding fluvial erosion in Chelsea. They will provide technical information and make recommendations.

Pete and Kevin from TROC and Preston Bristow have made suggestions for changes to the Model 3 Flood Ordinance. This model is the least restrictive of the ones we reviewed. It meets the minimum requirements of FEMA but adds in fluvial erosion requirements. Pete and Preston have suggested modifications as a result of their experience administering Model 3. Discussion ensued.

Chris will ask Ned at TROC to go through our existing Flood Ordinance and make a chart comparing it to Models 3 and 5.

There was general discussion of the sand-pile situation with nothing definite to report.

The Economic Development section of the Town Plan was discussed. We will need to include a section on the current economic and business development situation in Chelsea as well as proposed location, type and scale of future development.

There was discussion as to what type of construction (rebuild only versus new development) the revised Plan should allow in which areas of town.

Chris will draft as much of the revised Plan as possible and email the draft to all of us ahead of time so that we can go through it with him line by line at our October meeting.

Stan will forward the proposed amendments to the Bylaws to us.The Planning Commission will speak with Mike Button and any other interested DRB members about the proposed amendments before we hold our Public Hearing.

Next meeting is September 20th at 7pm in the school library. River Management will make a presentation. Chris will invite Preston to attend. Stan will invite the DRB and Select Board to attend.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15.