/ Revision Date: 6/24/15
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______Tracking Number
On-Farm Security Review
Validus Verification Services, LLC
P.O. Box 14586
Des Moines, IA 50306
Phone: (515) 278-8002
Program Manager
Validus Verification Services, LLC
Phone: (515) 278-8002
On-Farm Assessment Date:
Farm Name:
Assessor/Phone Number:
a. Fill in the blanks, indicating the approximate weather conditions at the start of the assessment:
Temperature (degrees Fahrenheit)
Relative humidity (percent)
______Sky condition (cl=clear, oc=overcast, pc=partly cloudy, r=raining)
b. Fill in the blanks, indicating the weather conditions over the last 30 days:
Average temperature (Fahrenheit)
Average rainfall
______Average daily high temperature
______Average daily low temperature
c. Identify the nearest weather station: ______.
(1) Is this information available on the web? _____ Y _____ N
GOAL: To minimize the risk of disease exposure from incoming animals.
A. Incoming Heifer/Cow Management & Control
(1) Are grower heifers owned or purchased from an outside source? ____ Owned ____ Purchased
(a) If owned, but raised off-site, is control over management maintained? ____Y ____N ____NA
(b) If owned, but raised off-site, are they co-mingled with heifers from other farms? ___Y ___N __NA
(2) Are any lactating cows purchased from an outside source? ____Y ____N ____NA
(3) Are any dry cows purchased from an outside source? ____Y ____N ____NA
(4) Are health and genetic records (vaccinations, de-worming, milk cultures, CMT, SCC, etc.) available on purchased animals from suppliers? ____Y ____N ____NA
(a) If records are available, observe & record testing done on each group:
Grower heifers: ______
Springer heifers: ______
Lactating cows: ______
Dry cows: ______
(5) Are new arrivals processed (deworming, vaccinations, etc.) prior to herd entry?
Heifers: ____Y ____N ____None purchased
Lactating cows: ____Y ____N ____None purchased
(6) Is milk cultured from each quarter of purchased animals prior to entering into bulk tank?
Fresh heifers/cows: ____Y ____N
Lactating cows: ____Y ____N
B. Returning Cows (Hospital & Dry)
(1) Are sick cows moved off-site? ____Y ____N ____NA
(a) If yes, when do they return? ______
(b) Is management personnel of the dry cow facility shared with the primary facility? __Y __N __NA
(2) Are dry cows moved off-site? ____Y ____N ____NA
(a) If yes, what is the distance of the dry cow facility from the primary facility: ______(mi / ft)
(b) Is access to the dry cow facility shared with the primary facility? ____Y ____N ____NA
(c) Is management personnel of the dry cow facility shared with the primary facility? __Y __N __NA
(d) Timeframe when dry cows return to the primary facility: ___ 1-4 wks prior to expected calving date
___ At first detected sign of calving
___ Day of calving
___ Post-calving
___ Other (______)
C. Replacement Bulls
(1) Are replacement bulls purchased from an outside source? ____Y ____N ____NA
(2) If owned, but raised off-site, do you have control over bull management? ____Y ____N ____NA
(3) If owned, but raised off-site, are they co-mingled with bulls from other farms? ____Y ____N ___NA
(4) If purchased, at what age do they enter the breeding herd? ______
(a) How many bulls are on the farm? ______
(b) What purpose are they used for? ____ Primary breeding ____Clean-up bulls
____ Heat detection ____ Other (______)
(5) If purchased, are they virgin bulls? ____Y ____N ____NA
(6) If purchased, are genetics known? ____Y ____N ____NA
(7) If purchased, are bull screened for known genetic diseases? ____Y ____N ____NA
(8) If bulls are purchased, are health records (vaccinations, de-worming, etc.) available from suppliers?
____Y ____N ____NA
i. If records are available, list testing done: ______
(9) Is there a Breeding Soundness Exam conducted prior to herd entry? ____Y ____N ____NA
i. If yes, does this include testing for sexually transmitted diseases (vibrio, trich, etc.)? ____Y ____N
(10)Are new arrivals processed (deworming, vaccinations, etc.) prior to herd entry? ____Y ____N ___NA
(a) If yes, list processing: ______
GOAL: To minimize the risk of disease exposure to resident animals.
A. Quarantine Area _____ NA
(1) Is quarantine area available? ____Y ____N ____NA
(a) If yes, how often is quarantine area used? _____ Routinely for all incoming cattle
_____ Periodically
_____ Other (______)
(2) Distance of the quarantine facility from the nearest animal on the primary facility: ______feet / mile
(3) Is equipment access to the quarantine facility shared with the primary facility? ____Y ____N ____NA
(4) Is management personnel of the quarantine facility shared with the primary facility? ___Y ___N __NA
(5) Average time of animals spent in quarantine prior to herd entry: _____ less than 1 week
_____ 1 week
_____ 2 weeks
_____ 3 weeks
_____ longer than 3 weeks
B. Facility Access
GOAL: To implement an Access Control Plan that includes a daily traffic log, planned traffic patterns, entrance access levels, and employee training in non-farm personnel control; the plan should be repeatable daily.
(1) Traffic Patterns
(a) Is signage present to direct all incoming traffic (milk trucks, feed trucks, manure trucks, animal trucks, etc.)? ____Y ____N ___NA
(b) Is a log maintained of all incoming visitors (including vet, nutritionist, hoof trimmer, sales reps, AI technicians, milk testers, milk inspectors, equipment repair technicians, environmental regulators, etc.)? ____Y ____N ____NA
(c) Is dead stock storage and removal at a remote point (recommendation of 100 feet) on the farm?
____Y ____N ___NA
(d) Are market animals loaded at a remote location (away from primary animals)? ___Y ___N ___NA
(2) Contract / Regular Personnel and Visitors
(a) Are regular incoming people (contract employees, including the vet, nutritionist, hoof trimmer, sales reps, breeders/AI technicians, milk testers, milk inspectors, environmental regulators, etc.) classified by level of access (office only, restricted to certain areas, facility freedom)? ____Y ____N ___NA
i. Is this log current and available? ____Y ____N ___NA
(b) Are uniforms and boots provided to the employees to wear at the dairy only (changing upon entry and exit)? ____Uniforms ____ Boots ____ Both ____ None provided
(c) Identify protective measures for personnel and animal contact (boots, coveralls, gloves, etc.):
(d) Identify protective measures for visitors and animal contact (boots, coveralls provided, etc.):
C. Vector Control
(1) Wildlife
(a) Does management attempt to control access of large wildlife (coyotes, wild dogs, etc.) to herd?
_____Y _____N
i. If yes, identify: _____ Fences _____ Surveillance _____ Other (______)
(2) Vermin
(a) Does management attempt to control vermin (birds, skunks, raccoons, rats, etc.)? ___Y ___N __NA
(3) Domestic Animals (i.e. dogs, cats, pigs, horses, etc.)
(a) Are domestic animals isolated from farm animals? ____Y ____N ___NA
(b) Are domestic animals (dogs & cats) vaccinated for rabies as per state laws? ____Y ____N
(4) Insects
(a) Is a fly and external parasite control program implemented? ____Y ____N ___NA
D. Site & Location
(1) Is there a tree line or wind break between you and the neighboring farm (someone else’s animals)?
____Y ____N ___NA
(2) What is the distance between you and the neighboring farm (someone else’s animals)? ______
GOAL: To provide a clean, viable feed supply for all cattle.
A. Purchased
(1) Are any feeds purchased or stored off-site? ____ Forages ____ Concentrates ___None
(a) If yes, identify which feeds are off-site: _____Forages (wet) _____Forages (dry)
_____ Concentrates _____Other (______)
(2) Are any purchased feeds tested (aflatoxin, mycotoxins, etc.) prior to or at receiving? ____Y ____N
(a) If yes, to what extent: ____ by load ____ by field ____ random ____ other (______)
(b) If testing occurs, when? ____ Prior to receiving ____ At receiving ____No testing done
(c) If testing occurs, identify what is tested for: ______
(3) Do you know if manure/manure water was applied to ground where feeds were harvested? __Y __N _NA
(a) If yes, is manure applied from any other farms? ____Y ____N ___NA
(b) If yes, how is manure applied? ____ surface application _____ injected
____ irrigation / pivot _____other (______)
(c) If yes, identify what types of feeds are grown on this ground: ______
(d) If yes, what is approximate interval between application and harvest: ______
(4) Are samples of all purchased feed retained? ____N ____1 month ____6 months ____over 1 yr
(5) Are records of all feed purchased kept (including seller contact information, testing, etc.)?
____N ____1 month ____6 months ____over 1 yr
(6) Does facility policy specifically exclude prohibited ruminant proteins in purchased feeds? ___Y ___N
B. Home-grown
(1) Are any feeds grown on-site? ____ Forages ____ Concentrates ___None
(2) Is a custom harvester used for home-grown feeds? ____Y ____N ___NA
(3) Is manure / manure water applied to ground where feeds are harvested only from home farm?
____Y ____N ___NA
(a) If yes, how is manure applied? ____ surface application _____ injected
____ irrigation / pivot _____other (______)
(b) If yes, identify what types of feeds are grown on this ground: ______
(c) If yes, what is approximate interval between application and harvest:______
(4) Are home-grown feeds tested at harvest (nitrates, aflatoxin, etc.)? ____Y ____N ___NA
(a) If yes, how often: _____ by load _____ by field _____ random ____ other (______)
(b) If yes, identify what is tested for: ______
(5) Are records of all home-grown feeds (including harvest location, testing, etc.) maintained?
____N ____1 month ____6 months ____> 1 yr ____ Other (______)
(6) Are samples of all home-grown feeds retained for 1 year? ____Y ____N ___NA
(1) Is the TMR or any component of the TMR mixed off-site? ____Y ____N ___NA
(a) If yes, which components are purchased or mixed off-site? ___ Forage ___Concentrate
___ Mineral ___ Other (______)
(b) If TMR is purchased or mixed off-site, is it under management control (ingredient choice, mixing, etc.)? ____Y ____N ___NA
(2) Has the facility fed any ruminant proteins (except milk proteins) in the past 5 years? ___Y ___N __NA
(a) Are there control measures (document control chain, etc.) in place to ensure banned ruminant proteins are not fed currently? _____Y _____N _____NA
i. If yes, identify measures: ______
(3) Are stored feeds protected from weather? ____Y ____N ___NA
(4) Are stored feeds protected from wildlife / domestic animals? ____Y ____N ___NA
(5) How are feeds stored? _____ Commodity shed (___ with roof _____no roof)
_____ Bunkers (___ covered _____no cover)
_____ Piles (___ covered _____no cover)
_____ Silos (___ covered _____no cover)
_____ Bags
(6) Are feeds (including minerals) stored clearly separated from chemicals (cleaning, fertilizers, etc.)?
____Y ____N ___NA
(7) Can purchased feeds be stored by lot? ____Y ____N ____NA
(a) Can an ingredient be condemned and segregated? _____Y _____N _____NA
(8) Can home-grown feeds be stored by field or harvest (traceability)? ____Y ____N ___NA
A. Colostrum
(1) Collection
(a) Are cows screened prior to colostrum collection? ____Y ____N ____NA
(b) Are teats sanitized prior to colostrum collection? ____Y ____N ____NA
(c) How long is the calf left with the cow? ____less than 1 hr ____1-3 hrs ____4-24 hrs
____Other (______)
(2) Is colostrum assessed for quality prior to feeding? ____Y ____N ___NA
(a) If yes, how? _____ Colostrometer (____used correctly ____ not used correctly)
_____ 18-lb Rule
_____ Visual evaluation
_____ Other (______)
(3) Is fresh colostrum allowed to sit at ambient temperature more than 1 hr prior to being fed or processed?
____Y ____N ____NA
(4) Is colostrum processed (pasteurized, etc.) prior to being fed? ____Y ____N ___NA
(5) Is colostrum pooled prior to being fed? ____Y ____N ___NA
(6) Are colostrum supplements used? ____Y ____N ____NA
(a) If colostrum supplements used, identify types: ______
(7) Is colostrum stored protected from wildlife, domestic animals, rain, weather, etc.? ___Y ___N ___NA
(8) Is colostrum clearly identified (other milk, etc.)? ____Y ____N ___NA
B. Hospital & Waste Milk
(1) Is hospital or waste milk fed to calves? ____Y ____N ___NA
(a) If yes, is it pasteurized prior to feeding? ____Y ____N ____NA
(2) Is hospital or waste milk stored protected from wildlife, domestic animals, rain, weather, etc.?
____Y ____N ____NA
(3) Is hospital or waste milk clearly identified (colostrum, other milk, etc.)? ____Y ____N ___NA
C. Milk Products
(1) Are milk replacer or milk products stored feeds protected from wildlife, domestic animals, rain, weather, etc.? ____Y ____N ___NA
(2) Are milk replacer or milk products stored clearly separated from chemicals (cleaning, fertilizers, etc.)? ____Y ____N ___NA
GOAL: To minimize the risk of disease exposure and spread within herd animals.
5.1 ANIMALS (Matrix A must be filled out and attached to this form)
A. Pre-Weaned Calf Management
(1) General management
(a) Transport (visually verify)
i. Are calves moved with a trailer or walked to the next housing area? _____ Trailer / calf cart
_____ Walked
ii. If walked, are calves moved around pens housing older animals? ____Y ____N ____NA
iii. If walked, is it around ground with manure contamination? ____Y ____N ____NA
iv. If a trailer is used, is it different from that use with older animals? ____Y ____N ____NA
v. If a trailer is used, is it cleaned: ____ between uses ____ frequently ____ when needed __NA
(b) Do Johne’s positive cows calve in a separate pen from non-Johne’s cows? ____Y ____N
(c) Is there an employee dedicated to calf care? ___Y ___N ___NA
(d) Does this employee share responsibilities in any other group of animals? ___Y ___N ___NA
(e) Are other employees shared with responsibilities to any other group of animals? __Y __N __NA
(f) Are employees caring for pre-weaned calves trained in recognizing pertinent contagious diseases (recognition and treatment)? ___Y ___N ___NA