Figure 10.1: Model of the democratic deficit
Table 10.2: Correlations between contemporary governance indices and democratic orientations
Democratic aspirations, 2005-7 / Democratic satisfaction, 2005-7 / Democratic deficit,2005-7
Contemporary Indicators / Source, date
Liberal democracy / Freedom House, 2006 / .225 / .257 / .130
Constitutional Democracy / Polity IV, 2006 / .066 / .066 / .013
Voice and accountability, / Kaufmann-Kraay, 2006 / .258 / .362 / * / .229
Political stability / Kaufmann-Kraay, 2006 / .395 / * / .475 / ** / .283
Government effectiveness / Kaufmann-Kraay, 2006 / .356 / ** / .447 / ** / .266
Regulatory quality / Kaufmann-Kraay, 2006 / .336 / * / .360 / ** / .184
Rule of law / Kaufmann-Kraay, 2006 / .390 / * / .459 / ** / .264
Corruption perceptions / Kaufmann-Kraay, 2006 / .385 / ** / .419 / ** / .226
Summary good governance / Kaufmann-Kraay, 2006 / .395 / ** / .443 / ** / .246
Gender empowerment / GEM, UNDP, 2006 / .456 / ** / .529 / ** / .363 / *
Physical Integrity Rights / CIRI, 2006 / .435 / ** / .323 / * / .089
Political Imprisonment Rts / CIRI, 2006 / .275 / .231 / .089
Empowerment Rights / CIRI, 2006 / .131 / .319 / * / .276
Freedom of the press / Freedom House, 2006 / .241 / .365 / ** / .239
N. nations / 50 / 49 / 49
Note: The correlations are measured at macro-level.
Source: World Values Survey 2005-7
Table 10.3: Correlations between lagged governance indices and democratic orientations
Democratic aspirations, 2005-7 / Democratic satisfaction, 2005-7 / Democratic deficit,2005-7
Lagged Indicators / Source, date
Liberal democracy / Freedom House, 1996 / .309 / * / .364 / * / .185
Historical democracy index / Freedom House, 1972-06 / .330 / ** / .371 / ** / .196
Constitutional Democracy / Polity IV, 1996 / .111 / .167 / .102
Voice and accountability, / Kaufmann-Kraay, 1996 / .227 / .296 / * / .173
Political stability / Kaufmann-Kraay, 1996 / .294 / * / .430 / ** / .270
Government effectiveness / Kaufmann-Kraay, 1996 / .397 / ** / .500 / ** / .302 / *
Regulatory quality / Kaufmann-Kraay, 1996 / .244 / .539 / ** / .417 / **
Rule of law / Kaufmann-Kraay, 1996 / .346 / * / .451 / ** / .271
Corruption perceptions / Kaufmann-Kraay, 1996 / .398 / ** / .444 / ** / .246
Summary good governance / Kaufmann-Kraay, 1996 / .529 / ** / .489 / ** / .304 / *
Gender empowerment / GEM, UNDP, 2000 / .692 / *** / .562 / *** / .241
Physical Integrity Rights / CIRI, 1996 / .243 / .290 / .163
Political Imprisonment Rts / CIRI, 1996 / .077 / .157 / .117
Empowerment Rights / CIRI, 1996 / .162 / .298 / .236
Freedom of the press / Freedom House, 1996 / .320 / * / .315 / * / .139
N. nations / 50 / 49 / 49
Note: The correlations are measured at macro-level. The historical experience of democratization is measured by the cumulative Freedom House index for political rights and civil liberties 1972-2006, standardized to a 100-point scale.
Source: World Values Survey 2005-7
Figure 9.3: Democratic experience strengthens democratic attitudes
Note: Attitudes towards democracy and autocracy were monitored using the following four combined items: V148-V151: “I'm going to describe various types of political systems and ask what you think about each as a way of governing this country. For each one, would you say it is a very good, fairly good, fairly bad or very bad way of governing this country? Having a democratic political system; Having a strong leader who does not have to bother with parliament and elections; Having experts, not government, make decisions according to what they think is best for the country; Having the army rule.” For comparison, all indicators have been standardized to 100-points. The table describes the proportion expressing very strong approval of democratic values and rejection of autocracy (scoring 70 and above on the 100-point scale) by nation. For the survey items contained in each indicator, see Table 3.2 and Technical Appendix A.
Source: World Values Survey 2005-7
Figure 9.4: Democratic experience strengthens democratic aspirations
Note: “How important is it for you to live in a country that is governed democratically? On this scale where 1 means it is “not at all important” and 10 means “absolutely important” what position would you choose?” For comparison, all indicators have been standardized to 100-points. The table describes the proportion saying that democracy was very important (scoring 70 and above on the 100-point scale) by nation. For the survey items contained in each indicator, see Table 3.2 and Technical Appendix A.
Source: World Values Survey, 2005