KVK, __Jaintia Hills______

Guidelines for filling up the Proforma:

1. This Proforma can also be downloaded from the website www.icarzcu3.gov.in Don’t type the Proforma again.

2. Don’t change the page setup of this Proforma under any circumstances. Use the same proforma provided.

3. The Proforma has to be filled up strictly in Arial font 8 point size in single spacing. Don’t use bold and italics anywhere in the text.

4. The Proforma given below has to be filled up in full and no column should be left vacant.

5. If any column appears not applicable to your KVK then it may be filled as ‘NA’. Don’t use any other abbreviations in such cases.

6. Enter data strictly confirming to the units specified in the Proforma. (Ex: ha, kg, qtl etc) Don’t enter data in units such as acres or bighas.



1. General information about the KVK

Name and address of KVK with Phone, Fax and E-mail*

Complete postal address with Pin Code / Telephone / Fax / E mail
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jaintia
Government of Meghalaya,
Department Of Agriculture,
P.O. Rymphum, Jowai
District-Jaintia HillsMeghalaya- 793150 / 0365-222-3343 / 0365-222-3343 /

Name and address of host organization with Phone, Fax and E-mail*

Complete postal address with Pin Code / Telephone / Fax / E mail
Director of Agriculture,
Lower Cleve Colony,
District-East Khasi Hills
Meghalaya Pin-793003 / 0364-2223228(DA)
0364-2227434(DH) / 0364-2223228(DA)
0364-2227434(DH) /

Name of the Programme Coordinator with Landline & Mobile No*

Name of PC / Contacts
Residence / Mobile / E mail
Shri G.Dohling / 9856741824 /

Year of sanction of KVK:2004

Scientific Staff Position* (As on 31st January, 2012)

No. / Sanctioned posts / Name of the incumbent / Designation / Discipline / Date of joining / Permanent
1 / Programme Coordinator / Shri G.Dohling / DDA(agron) i/c PC / Agronomy / 13.01.2011 / Temporary
2 / Subject Matter Specialist / Vacant / SMS(Agron.) / Agronomy / Vacant
3 / Subject Matter Specialist / Vacant / SMS(Hort.) / Horticulture / Vacant
4 / Subject Matter Specialist / Shri D.Lamar / SMS(PP) / Pathology / 1.05.2010 / Temporary
5 / Subject Matter Specialist / Vacant / SMS(Extnsion)) / Extension / Vacant
6 / Subject Matter Specialist / Vacant / SMS(H.Sc)) / H. Science / Vacant
7 / Subject Matter Specialist / Vacant / SMS(AH&Vety) / AH & Vety. / Vacant
8 / Programme Assistant / Vacant / Programme Assistant(PA) / Vacant / Vacant
9 / Computer Programmer / Vacant / Computer Programmer(CP) / Vacant / Vacant
10 / Farm Manager / Vacant / Farm Manager(FM) / Vacant / Vacant
11 / Accountant / Superintendent / Vacant / Accountant / Superintendent / Vacant / Vacant
12 / Stenographer / Vacant / Grade III / Vacant / Vacant
13 / Driver / Vacant / Driver (Power Tiller) / Vacant / Vacant
14 / Driver / Vacant / Driver(Vehicle) / Vacant / Vacant
15 / Supporting staff / Vacant / Grade IV / Vacant / Vacant
16 / Supporting staff / Vacant / Grade IV / Vacant / Vacant

* = The scientific staff position should reflect in the quantity and quality of all programmes proposed by KVK in the action plan

Total land with KVK (in ha): 10.5 ha

No. / Item / Area (ha)
1. / Under Buildings / NA
2. / Under Demonstration Units / NA
3. / Under Crops / NA
4. / Orchard/Agro-forestry / NA
5. / Others / NA

SAC meetings proposed for the year:

No. / Proposed Date/Month / Expected Participants / Salient Action Points
1 / 22.03.2012 / 1. Zonal Project Director, Zone III
2..Jt. Director of Agriculture (A & A) & Member Secretary, KVK, Meghalaya
3.Representative from ICAR, Research complex for NE Region
4. District Agricultural Officer, Jaintia Hills Dist.
5. District Hort. Officer, Jaintia Hills Dist.
6. District Vety. Officer, Jaintia Hills Dist.
7.Divisional Soil & Water conservation Officer(T),Jaintia Hills Dist
8.Divisional Soil & Water conservation Officer(CC),Jaintia Hills Dist
9.E.E (Irrigation), Jaintia Hills Dist
10.General Manager DIC, Jaintia Hills Dist
11. Dist Social Welfare Office,Jaintia Hills Dist.
12.DFO(SF).,jaintia Hills Dist.
13. Superintendent Of Fisheries, Jaintia Hills Dist.
14.District Sericulture Officer, Jaintia Hills Dist.
15. AGM, NABARD Jaintia Hills Dist.
16. P.M, MRDS Jaintia Hills Dist.
17.Programme Coordinator, KVK Jaintia Hills
18.All Subject Matter Specialists
15. Farmers Representative from the adopted villages / 1.Report on the Progress of the K.VK
2.Presentation on the Annual Action Plan 2011-12
3.Others viz. Land acquisition etc
2. / 12.09.2012 / 1. Zonal Project Director, Zone III
2..Jt. Director of Agriculture (A & A) & Member Secretary, KVK, Meghalaya
3.Representative from ICAR, Research complex for NE Region
4. District Agricultural Officer, Jaintia Hills Dist.
5. District Hort. Officer, Jaintia Hills Dist.
6. District Vety. Officer, Jaintia Hills Dist.
7.Divisional Soil & Water conservation Officer(T),Jaintia Hills Dist
8.Divisional Soil & Water conservation Officer(CC),Jaintia Hills Dist
9.E.E (Irrigation), Jaintia Hills Dist
10.General Manager DIC, Jaintia Hills Dist
11. Dist Social Welfare Office,Jaintia Hills Dist.
12.DFO(SF).,jaintia Hills Dist.
13. Superintendent Of Fisheries, Jaintia Hills Dist.
14.District Sericulture Officer, Jaintia Hills Dist.
15. AGM, NABARD Jaintia Hills Dist.
16. P.M, MRDS Jaintia Hills Dist.
17.Programme Coordinator, KVK Jaintia Hills
18.All Subject Matter Specialists
15. Farmers Representative from the adopted villages / 1.Half yearly progress report
2.Review on the progress of OFT & and FLD

Details of district (2011-12)

Major farming systems existing in the district* (based on the study made by the KVK)

No / Farming systems identified
1. / Agri + Hort +AH +Fishery
2. / Agri + Hort +AH +Seri
3. / Agri + Hort +AH

* = the programmes proposed by KVK should be matching with the identified farming systems

Description of Agro-climatic Zone (based on soil and topography)

No / Agro-climatic Zone / Characteristics
1. / Temperate and sub-alpine zone / This Zone confined in the Central plateau of the District in an area around Jowai, part of Thadlaskein Block. Climate: The rainfall in this Zone is around 2800 - 6000mm which is well distributed. It is Humid and moderately warm and severe winter. The dominant geographic unit is upper and middle plateau. Soil: soil is Red to sandy soils, with varying texture and depth. Cropping pattern: The main crops grown in this zone are paddy, potato. Vegetables like Tomato, bean, radish, carrot is also grown wherever irrigation facility is available.
2. / Sub Tropical Hill Zone / This zone spread over the Northern Part of the District. i.e. (Laskein, and part of Thadlaskein,) are under this Zone. Climate : The average rainfall of this zone ranges from 1270- 2032 mm received in 150 days, about 70-80 % of annual rainfall is received during Monsoon period( June –September. The Maximum temperature of this Zone goes up to 20-27 0 C during April-May while minimum temperature is 6-9 0 C during December-January. It is humid and Warm. Soil: Soil co lour varies from Red to Sandy soil. Land use pattern: One of the characteristic of this zone is high percentage of cultivable land. The dominant geographic unit Hills is rolling and undulating piedmont Cropping Pattern: Major crops grown in this Zone are Paddy and Maize.
3. / Mild Tropical Hill Zone / This zone situated in the south western part of the district. Climate: Humid and warm, Very high rainfall which ranges from 4000 - 10000 mm mostly covered by semi deciduous forest. The maximum temperature ranges from 25-30 0 C and minimum temperature ranges from 8-10 0 C. The dominant geographic unit is severely dissected and undulating low hills, gentle to steep slope. Soils: The land is mostly covered with forest, land sometimes acidic in nature having poor fertility. Due to steep and undulated topography with high rainfall, soils are more prone to erosion leading to heavy degradation. The soil type varies from red to loamy. Cropping pattern: This zone has most of the forest area of the District .The population of this region depends on Natural resources and forest products like broomsticks etc. The main crops grown in this zone are areca nut, Betel leaf, banana, and fruits.

Description of major agro ecological situations (based on soil and topography)

No / Agro ecological situation / Characteristics
1. / AES – I / The Situation is prevailing in the parts of Amlarem & Khliehriat Block of the District, having an Altitude of 0-600 m with very high and heavy rainfall. Areas. The crops grown in this situation are Paddy, Areca nut, Betel leaf, oranges etc. wherever supplemented by drip irrigation
2. / AES-II / The situation is spread over the entire District covering all the Blocks viz. Amlarem, Laskein, Thadlaskein, Khliehriat and Saipung Dev. Block of the District, having an altitude of 600-1200 m with high and low rainfall areas. The crops grown in this situation are paddy, maize, turmeric, ginger, and mulberry.
3. / AES –III / The situation is prevailing in the part of Laskein, Thadlaskein Khliehriat and Saipung Dev.Block of the District, having an Altitude of 1100 m and above with uniform rainfall areas. The crops grown in this situation are paddy, Maize etc.

Details of Operational area / Villages

No / Taluk / Name of the block / Name of the village / Major crops & enterprises / Major problem identified / Identified Thrust Areas /
1. / Laskein / Laskein / Mukhap-Mootyrchiah / Paddy
Fishery / 1.Low production of crops as the farmers are still adopting the traditional practices of cultivation ,imbalance application of fertilizers, non replacement of seeds etc,
2. Productivity per unit area is low and declining due to mono cropping system.
3.Pest and diseases incidence
4. Soil erosion and declining fertility of the soil due to acidity.
5. Rain fed agriculture dependent on rain water and lack of conservation measures
6.Dearth of draught animal,
7. Local breed with slow weight gain, low eggs production, High mortality, low conception rate etc
8.Mostly marginal farmers having Low family income & lack in skills / 1. Crop Production through adoption of proven production technology and uses of improved ,HYV and hybrid seeds, balanced fertilization etc
2. Diversification and intensification of existing farming system through adoption of multiple cropping, organic farming, crop rotation and proven technology like INM, Bio-fertilizers, etc.
3.Plant protection through Integrated Pest & Disease management practices and uses of Bio-agents and Bio-pesticides
4. Soil & water conservation measures, agronomic practices, crop rotation, liming etc.
5.Promotion for insitu conservation of water like dug out ponds, tanks ,mulching etc
6. Popularizing mechanization
7. Introduction of improved breed of livestock for commercial rearing
8. Promotion for creating revolving fund & educating them on improved management practices etc. /
2. / Laskein / Laskein / Mulum-Mookyndeng / Paddy
Fishery / -Do- / -Do- /
3. / Laskein / Laskein / Kyndongtuber / Paddy
Fishery / -Do- / -Do- /
4. / Thadlaskein / Thadlaskein / Niriang-Larnai
wahiajer / Paddy
Fishery / -Do- / -Do- /
5. / Thadlaskein / Thadlaskein / Pynthornein-Pynthorwah / Paddy
Fishery / 1-Do- / -Do- /

Priority thrust areas (prioritized in sync with thrust areas identified and given above)

Rank / Thrust area
1. / Plant protection through Integrated Pest & Disease management practices and uses of Bio-agents and Bio-pesticides
2. / Crop Production through the adoption of the proven production technology eg. SRI and uses of improved ,HYV and hybrid seeds, balanced fertilization etc
3. / Diversification and intensification of existing farming system through adoption of multiple cropping, organic farming, crop rotation and proven technology like INM, Bio-fertilizers, etc.
4. / Soil & water conservation measures, agronomic practices, crop rotation, liming etc.
5. / Popularizing mechanization
6. / Introduction of improved breed of livestock for commercial rearing
7. / Promotion for insitu conservation of water like dug out ponds, tanks ,mulching etc
8. / Promotion for creating revolving fund & educating them on improved management practices etc.



2. Technical activities proposed

Abstract of interventions to be undertaken during 2012-13 (Target)

No / Thrust area / Crop/
Enterprise / Identified Problem / Interventions (if any) /
Title of OFT / Title of FLD / Title of Training / Title of training for extension personnel / Extension activities / Supply of seeds, planting materials /
1. / Plant Protection / Rice / High
incidence of
stem borer and
folder / Management of stem borer and leaf roller by augmentative release of Trichogramma egg parasitoids viz.,T.japonica T.chilonis@ 50000-10000/ha /10 days for 5 times starting from 30 DAT / IPM through FFS
Pre sowing treatment of nursery bed/Seed treatment/Seedling root dip/Application of soil pesticides before transplanting/Weed management/Collection of egg masses and larvae of pest/Installation of pheromone traps/Augmentation release of Biocontrol agents/Need based application of pesticides
Var- chahsarang / Integrated Pest & Disease Management in Rice / Integrated Pest & Disease Management in Rice / Filed day
Folder on IPM in Paddy
Radio talk / 1.Seeds
3.Bio-agents /
2. / Plant Protection / Tomato / High Incidence of bacterial wilt / Management of bacterial wilt in tomato : i. Seed treatment with Biofor Pf (1 gm/10 gm of tomato seed) & ii. Root treatment with Biofor Pf (1 kg in 2 litre of water for 1000 seedlings) & iii. Soil application with Biofor Pf (10 g mixed with100g dried dried cowdung / Integrated Pest & Disease Management in Tomatoes / Integrated Pest & Disease Management in Tomatoes / Folder on IPM in Tomato
Radio talk / 1.Seeds
3.Bio-agents /
3. / Plant Protection / Brinjal / High incidence of Fruit & Shoot Borer / Management of EFSB using(1) lucilure sex heromone@100traps/ha at 20-25 DAT(2) BT var kurstaki spray @ 500g/ha / Integrated Pest & Disease Management in Brinjal / Integrated Pest & Disease Management in Brinjal / Folder on IPM in Brinjal
Radio talk / 1Seeds
4.Traps /
4. / Plant Protection / Ginger / High incidence of soft rot disease / Management of rhizome/soft rot of ginger by (1)seed application of Trichoderma harzianum@20-25 g of Trichoderma in 1 litre of water for 1 kg or appropriate nos. of rhizomes (2) Soil drenching @20-25 gm of Trichoderma in 1 litre of water for spot application by jerry cane or sprayer whenever felt necessary(3)Soil application @ 5kg Trochoderma +Cowdung+ Oil cake / Integrated Pest & Disease Management in Ginger / Integrated Pest & Disease Management in Ginger / Folder on IPM in Ginger
Radio talk / 1 Seeds
3.Bio-agents /
5 / Plant Protection / Maize / IPM through FFS
Seed treatment/Application of soil pesticides before sowing/weed management/ collection of egg masses and larvae of pest/Use of pheromone traps/Augmentation release of Bio control agents/Need based application of pesticides/rodent control
Var- Vijay composite / Integrated Pest & Disease Management in Maize / Integrated Pest & Disease Management in Maize / Folder on IPM in Maize
Field day
Radio talk / 1 Seeds
5.Bio-agents /
6. / Agronomy / Paddy / SRI through FFS
•  Seed rate- 2kg/acre
•  Nursery area-1cent/acre
•  Age of seedlings-8to 12 days
•  Spacing- 25x 25 cm
•  Plants/hills- 1
•  Hills/sq meter- 16
•  Weeding- mechanical
•  Water management- keep soil moist till PI stage / System of Rice Intensification / System of Rice Intensification / Folder
Field day
Publication of
literature and news
paper coverage
Radio talk / 1Seeds
4.Weeder /
7. / Agronomy / Maize / Low productivity of local yellow and local white / Evaluation on the performance of QPM varieties viz., vivek 9 against local check / Demo on cropping system for crop production & economic advantage through Intercropping of Maize with Soybean 2:1
•  Maize Var. Vijay- 2 rows
•  Soybean var. Bragg-1 row
•  Spacing-
•  Maize-45x20cm
•  Soybean-40x10cm
•  Fertilization
-Soybean-45:250:35kg/ha(urea/SSP/MOP) / Diversification, and Integrated Farming in Maize based cropping system / Diversification, and Integrated Farming in Maize based cropping system / Field day
Folder on
production and
technology on Maize
Radio talk / 1.Seeds
3.Pesticides /
8. / Agronomy / Ground nut / Non-traditional crop / Evaluation on the Performance
of JL-24 varietiey of Groundnut / Production and management technology in Groundnut / Production and management technology in Groundnut / Folder on
production and
technology on Grount nut
Radio talk / 1.Seeds
3. Pesticides /
9. / Agronomy / Sesamum / Non-conventional crop / Performance of TKG-22 and TC-25 against local check(White/black) / Production and management technology in Sesamum / Production and management technology in Sesamum / Folder on
production and
technology of sesamum
Radio talk / 1.Seeds
3. Pesticides /
10. / Agronomy / Soybean / low productivity of local variety / Performance of Bragg against local check / Production and management technology in Soybean / Production and management technology in Soybean / Folder on
production and
technology on Soybean
Radio talk / 1.Seeds
3. Pesticides /

Notes (to be strictly followed in formulation of OFTs):