This list was originally created as a partial summary of published work on the WMT, MSVT, NV-MSVT and MCI for people attending seminars on these tests to be given by Dr. Paul Green in Portland, Oregon, Wuertzberg, Germany and Scottsdale, Arizona in 2013. It consists of two parts;

Part 1: Bibliography of work with Paul Green as author or co-author (pages 1 to 8)

Part 2: Papers by independent authors on WMT, MSVT, NV-MSVT & MCI (pages 9 to 13)


Part 1: Bibliography


Green and Flaro (2015 a, in press). Results From Three Performance Validity Tests (PVTs)

in Adults With Intellectual Deficits. Applied Neuropsychology, Adult.

Green and Flaro (2015 b, in press). Results From Three Performance Validity Tests in Children With Intellectual Disability. Applied Neuropsychology, Child.

Armistead-Jehle, P. & Denny, R. (2014, in press). The Detection of Feigned Impairment Using the WMT, MSVT, and NV-MSVT. Applied Neuropsychology, Adult.

Armistead-Jehle, P. , Green, P. & Gervais, R (2014, in press). The Examination of the Word Memory Test as a Measure of Memory. Applied Neuropsychology, Adult.


Carone, D.A., Green, P. & Drane, D.L. (2013) Word Memory Test Profiles in Two Cases with Surgical

Removal of the Left Anterior Hippocampus and Parahippocampal Gyrus. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, 21 (2) 155-160


Armistead-Jehle, P., Gervais, R.O. & Green, P. (2012) Memory Complaints Inventory results as a function of symptom validity test performance. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 27, (1) 101-113

Armistead-Jehle, P., Gervais, R.O. & Green, P. (2012b) Memory Complaints Inventory and Symptom Validity Test performance in a clinical sample. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 27, (7) 725-734

Harrison, A.G., Green, P. & Flaro, L. (2012) The importance of symptom validity testing in adolescents and young adults undergoing assessments for learning or attention difficulties. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 27 (1) 98-113


Green, P. (2011) Comparison between the Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM) and the Non-Verbal Medical Symptom Validity Test (NV-MSVT) in adults with disability claims. Applied Neuropsychology, 18, 18-26

Green, P., Montijo, J. & Brockhaus, R. (2011) High specificity of the Word Memory Test and Medical Symptom Validity Test in groups with severe verbal memory impairment. Applied Neuropsychology, 18 (2) 86-94


Green, P. (2009) Questioning common assumptions about depression. In J.E. Morgan & J.J. Sweet (Eds). Neuropsychology of Malingering Casebook. London, Psychology Press.

Flaro, L., Green, P. & Blaskewitz, N. (2009) Die Bedeutung der Beschwerdenvalidierung im Kindesalter. In T. Merten & H. Dettenborn (Eds). Diagnostik der Beschwerdenvaliditat. Berlin, Deutscher Psychologen Verlag GmbH

Singhal, A., Green, P., Ashaye, K.,Shankar, K. & Gill, D. (2009) High specificity of the Medical Symptom Validity Test in patients with very severe memory impairment. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 24 (8), 721-728

Green, P. Flaro, L. & Courtney, J. (2009) Examining false positives on the Word Memory Test in mild traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 23 (9) 741-750


Green, P. (2007) Manual for the Green’s Non-Verbal Medical Symptom Validity Test for Windows. Green’s Publishing, Edmonton, Canada

Green, P. (2007) Spoiled for choice. In K. Boone (Ed.) Assessment of Feigned Cognitive Impairment: A Neuropsychological Perspective. New York, Guilford Publications.

Green, P. (2007) The Pervasive Influence of Effort on Neuropsychological Tests. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, 18 (1), 43-68.

Flaro, L., Green, P., & Robertson, E. (2007) Word Memory Test failure 23 times higher in mild brain injury than in parents seeking custody: The power of external incentives. Brain Injury, 21 (4), 373-383

Gervais, R., Ben-Porath, Y., Wygant, D. & Green, P. (2007) Development and Validation of a Response Bias Scale (RBS) for the MMPI-2. Assessment, 14 (2), 196-208.

Gill, D., Green, P., Flaro, L. & Pucci, T. (2007) The Role of Effort Testing in Independent Medical Examinations. Medico-Legal Journal, 75 (2) 64-71


Richman, J., Green, P., Gervais, R., Flaro, L., Merten, T., Brockhaus, R. & Ranks, D. (2006). Objective tests of symptom exaggeration in independent medical evaluations. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 48 (3), 303-311


Green, P. (2003, updated 2005) Manual for the Word Memory Test for Windows. Green’s Publishing, Edmonton, Canada.

Green, P., (2005) The pervasive influence of effort on neuropsychological test scores. International Journal of Forensic Psychology.

Merten, T., Green, P., Henry, M., Blaskewitz, N. & Brockhaus, R. (2005). Analog validation of German language symptom validity tests and the influence of coaching. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 20, 6, 719-726.

Green, P., Gervais, R. & Merten, T. Das Memory Complaints Inventory (MCI): Gedächtnisstörungen Beschwerdenschilderung und Leistungsmotivation [The Memory Complaints Inventory (MCI): Memory impairment, symptom presentation, and test effort]. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 2005, 11, 139-144.


Green, P. (2004) Manual for the Medical Symptom Validity Test for Windows. Green’s Publishing, Edmonton, Canada

Green, P. (2004) Testmotivation und ihre Messung. Reportpsychologie, 29, 5, 303-308

Gervais, R., Rohling, M. Green, P. & Ford, W. (2004) A comparison of WMT, CARB and TOMM failure rates in non-head injury disability claimants. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 19 (4) 475-487.


Green, P. (2003) Welcoming a paradigm shift in neuropsychology. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 18 (6) 625-627

Lees-Haley, P.R., Green, P., Rohling, M.L., Fox, D.D. & Allen, L.A. (2003) The lesion(s) in traumatic brain injury: implications for clinical neuropsychology. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 18 (6) 585-594

Green, P., Rohling, M.L, Iverson, G. & Gervais, R. (2003) Relationships between olfactory discrimination and head injury severity. Brain Injury, 17 (6) 479-496

Green, P. & Flaro, L. (2003) Word Memory Test performance in children. Child Neuropsychology, 9 (3) 189-207

Green, P. (2003) “The patient seemed to be making an effort … but the results were not valid”. Invited article, The Canadian Neuropsychologist, The Canadian Psychological Association Section 23 – Clinical Neuropsychology, Newsletter, May 2003, 6-12

Green, P., Lees-Haley, P.R. & Allen, L.M. (2003) The Word Memory Test and the validity of neuropsychological test scores. In J. Hom & R.L. Denney (Eds) Detection of Response Bias in Forensic Neuropsychology New York, Haworth Medical Press

Williamson, D., Green, P., Allen, L. & Rohling, M. (2003) Evaluating effort with the Word Memory Test and Category Test – Or not: Inconsistencies in a compensation-seeking sample. Journal of Forensic Neuropsychology, 3 (3), 19-44

Ferrari, R., Obelieniene, D., Russell, A.S., Darlington, P., Gervais, R.O. & Green, P. (2003) Laypersons’ expectation of the sequelae of whiplash injury. A cross-cultural comparative study between Canada and Lithuania. Journal of Rheumatology, 30, 1880

Allen, L.M., Iverson, G.L. & Green, P. (2003) Computerized Assessment of Response Bias in forensic neuropsychology. In J. Hom & R.L. Denney (Eds) Detection of Response Bias in Forensic Neuropsychology New York, Haworth Medical Press


Green, P., Lees-Haley, P.R. & Allen, L.M. (2002) The Word Memory Test and the validity of neuropsychological test scores. Journal of Forensic Neuropsychology, 2, 3 / 4, 97-124

Allen, L.M., Iverson, G.L. & Green, P. (2002) Computerized Assessment of Response Bias in forensic neuropsychology. Journal of Forensic Neuropsychology, 3, 1 / 2, 205-225

Rohling, M.L., Green, P., Allen, L.M. & Iverson, G.L. (2002) Depressive symptoms and neurocognitive test scores in patients passing symptom validity tests. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 17 (3), 205-222

Green, P. & Josey, F. (2002) The use of an earplug to increase speech comprehension in a subgroup of children with learning disabilities: an experimental treatment. Applied Neuropsychology, 9 (1) 13-22

Rohling, M.L., Allen, L.M. & Green, P. (2002) Who is exaggerating cognitive impairment and who is not? CNS Spectrums, 7 (5), 387-395

Iverson, GL, Lange, RT, Green, P & Franzen, MD. (2002) Detecting exaggeration and malingering with the Trail Making Test. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 16 (3) 398-406

Ferrari, R., Obelieniene, D., Russell, A.S., Darlington, P., Gervais, R.O. & Green, P. (2002) Laypersons’ expectations of the sequelae of whiplash injury. A cross-cultural comparative study between Canada and Lithuania. Medical Science Monitor, 8 (11), 728-734

Allen, L., Rohling, M., Dunn, T. & Green, P. (2002) Effect size comparisons between analogue simulators and patients failing CARB or the WMT effort measures. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 17 (8), 856

Allen, L., Rohling, M. & Green, P. (2002) Failure rates on the CARB in 32 North American assessment practices. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 17 (8), 857

Allen, L., Rohling, M. & Green, P. (2002) Beyond symptom validity: accounting for domain-specific variance amid the ruins of your post 9-11 test data. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 17 (8) 857

Allen, L.M. & Green, P. (2002) Equivalence of the computerized and orally administered Word Memory Test effort measures. WebPsychEmpiricist,


Green, P. & Iverson, G.L. (2001) Effects of injury severity and cognitive exaggeration on olfactory deficits in head injury compensation claims. Invited article for Neurorehabilitation, 16, 237-243

Green, P. (2001) Comment on article “Does pain confound interpretation of neuropsychological test results?” Invited article for Neurorehabilitation, 16, 305-306

Green, P. (2001) Why clinicians often disagree about the validity of test results. Invited article for Neurorehabilitation, 16, 231-236

Gervais, R.O., Russell, A.S., Green, P., Allen, L.M., Ferrari, R. and Pieschl, S D. (2001) Effort testing in patients with fibromyalgia and disability incentives. Journal of Rheumatology, 28, 1892-1899.

Green, P, Rohling, ML, Lees-Haley, PR & Allen LM. (2001) Effort has a greater effect on test scores than severe brain injury in compensation claimants. Brain Injury, 15 (12) 1045-1060

Green, P., Gervais, R. & Allen, L.M. Word Memory Test in normal controls and clinical cases simulating impairment. . Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2001, 16 (8), 849-850.

Green, P., Rohling, M.L. Lees Haley, P. & Allen, L.M. Exaggeration affects test scores far more than severe brain injury. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2001, 16 (8), 751.

Allen, L.M., Rohling, M.L. & Green, P. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis of symptom validity failure using six cognitive domains. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2001, 16 (8), 846-847.

Gervais, R., Green, P. & Ford, W. Age effects on WMT performance in disability-related assessments. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2001, 16 (8), 809.

Lange, R.T., Iverson, G.L., Green, P., & Franzen, M.D. Clinical base rates on the Trail Making Test in a TBI sample: examination of the malingering hypothesis. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2001, 16 (8), 852.

Green, P. and Iverson, G. (2001) Validation of the Computerized Assessment of Response Bias in litigating patients with head injuries. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 15 (4), 492-497.

Green, P. (2001). “The patient seemed to be making a valid effort” Yes, but were the results valid? Psychologists’ Association of Alberta Psymposium, 11 (2), 23-27

Iverson, G.L. & Green, P. (2001) Measuring improvement or decline on the WAIS-R in inpatient psychiatry. Psychological Reports, 89, 457-462

Ferrari, R., Obelieniene, D., Russell, A.S., Darlington, P., Gervais, R.O. & Green, P. (2001) Symptom expectation after minor head injury. A comparative study between Canada and Lithuania. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 103, 184-190

Gervais, R., Green, P., Allen, L.M. & Iverson, G. Effects of coaching on symptom validity testing in chronic pain patients presenting for disability assessments. Journal of Forensic Neuropsychology, 2001, 2 (2), 1-19.


Slick, D.J., Iverson, G.L. & Green, P. California Verbal Learning Test indicators of suboptimal performance in a sample of head-injury litigants. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 22 (5) 569-579, 2000.

Slick, D.J., Iverson, G.L. & Green, P. California Verbal Learning Test indicators of suboptimal performance in a sample of litigating patients. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, February 2000, Vol. 6, No. 2.

Iverson, G., Woodward, T.S., & Green, P. Base rates of WAIS-R VIQ-PIQ differences in 1,593 psychiatric inpatients. Submitted to the Journal of Clinical Psychology., 2000

Green, P. & Allen III, L.M. Patterns of memory complaints in 577 consecutive patients passing or failing symptom validity tests. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2000, 15 (8), 844-845

Green, P., Berendt, J., Mandel, A. & Allen III, L.M. Relative sensitivity of the Word Memory Test and Test of Memory Malingering in 144 disability claimants. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2000, 15 (8), 841

Allen III, L.M. & Green, P. The utility of response consistency on the Word Memory Test as a method of identifying suboptimal effort. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2000, 15 (8), 839

Rohling, M.L., Green, P. & Allen III, L.M. Comparisons between a logistic regression formula for the CVLT and the Word Memory Test as indicators of suboptimal performance in a sample of litigants. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2000, 15 (8), 839-840

Flaro, L., Green, P. & Allen III, L.M. Symptom validity test results with children: CARB and WMT. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2000, 15 (8), 840

Gervais, R., Green, P., Russell, A.S., Pieschl, S. & Allen III, L.M. Failure on symptom validity tests associated with disability incentives in fibromyalgia patients. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2000, 15 (8), 841-842

Rohling, M.L., Green, P., Allen III, L.M. & Lees-Haley, P.R. Effect sizes of impairment associated with symptom exaggeration versus severe TBI: an analysis of a sample of 657 patients and counting. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2000, 15 (8), 843

Williamson, D., Green, P., Allen III, L.M. & Rohling, M. Who’s exaggerating? The Category Test and Word Memory Test give different answers. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2000, 15 (8), 845


Iverson, G., Green, P. & Gervais, R. Using the Word Memory Test to detect biased responding in head injury litigation. The Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation, 17 (2), 4-8, 1999

Green, P., Iverson, G. & Allen, L. Detecting malingering in head injury litigation with the Word Memory Test. Brain Injury, 1999, 13 (10) 813-819

Iverson, G., Turner, R.A. and Green, P. Predictive validity of WAIS-R VIQ-PIQ splits in persons with major depression. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 1999, 55 (4), 519-524

Flaro, L., Green, P., Allen, L. & Gervais, R. Normative data on the Emotional Perception test with 794 Children. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 1999, 14 (8), 718

Green, P., Allen, L.M. The differential effects of depressive symptoms on self-report and performance–based neurocognitive measures in patients demonstrating good effort during assessment. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 1999, 14 (8), 741-742