RoomMaster Inside Availability Data Formats

Galileo International
Leisure Rates

Phase 2

AFE NUMBER: 003319

Data Formats
For Inside Availability and Rules

May 8, 2006

Version 3.15

Galileo International Confidential












ATTACHMENT A – Bedding Types and19

Rate Categories

ATTACHMENT B – OTA Room View Codes20

OTA Tax / Fee Codes

ATTACHMENT C – HOC Request Sample21

HOC Response Sample22

ATTACHMENT D – HOV Request Sample25

HOV Response Sample26


Date / Page / Update
3/29/06 / 17 / Replaced “1Z’/’Z1’ with ‘0Z’/’Z0’ delimeters indicating start /end of meal plan groups in HOV response.
9/15/05 / 5,9,13,17 / Changed the field type of ‘VR’ and ‘NR’ data items to “A” (applicable) to accommodate an additional level of vendor’s participation when a vendor doesn’t support new pricing qualifiers but can return new HLR2 fixed format fields.
7/15/2005 / 22,26,27,28 / Changed the list of possible rate category values in Attachment A, updated HOC and HOV samples with this change, updated comments for Rate Category field.
7/14/2005 / Changed Field Type for TS, SC, NC, DG, XC, XM, XE, XD, XB
Added clarification to MQ for # adults, # children, rollaway adult/child and crib
7/13/2005 / 25,26 / Added “MC” data item to the HOC request sample. Updated request/response version number in the HOC samples. Updated guarantee data items in the HOC samples.
7/08/2005 / 25-31 / Updated HOC/ HOV request and response samples
6/28/2005 / 8 / Substituted the blank for a “U” code to indicate unknown number / type of beds in HOC response.
6/27/2005 / 8,9 / Added new code “U” match qualifiers may be set to in HOC response.
6/24/2005 / 15 / Added a blank as a possible value match qualifiers can be set to in HOV response.
6/24/2005 / 8 / Added a blank as a possible value Number of Children Match Qualifier can be set to in HOC response.
6/24/2005 / 8,16 / Added Meal Plan field
6/24/2005 / 7,22 / Changed the format of Rate Category Data Item.
4/28/05 / 9,10 / Added After Booking / Before Arrival Indicator
3/28/2005 / 5 / Added indicator to allow or prevent the return of multiple currency codes.
3/07/2005 / Modified all formats to reflect requirements from the Functional Descriptions dated 2/2/2005.


This document details the changes to the data records passed between Galileo International Global Distribution System (GDS) and a Hotel Reservation System (HRS). These formats presume that the HRS has already implemented the Inside Availability product.

These changes are to upgrade the Galileo hotel requests and the HRS responses for phase 2 of the Leisure Rates project.


Unless otherwise indicated, EBCDIC Hex values are listed for text characters. In some instances a different special character may be sent due to Communications software translation issues. The endi-item character (Cross-of-Lorraine or vertical bar) has EBCIDIC value hex 4F. It translates to ASCII value 5C or the backslash (\).

Use 3 character currency codes when displaying values in text (i.e. 30.00 USD). Avoid imbedded $'s.

Header Information has fixed length data fields. Specific Information has variable length data fields. Maximum length of variable length fields is provided. Variable length fields may have less information than the guideline.

On subsequent pages, the field types are:

Field Type / Definition GDS to HRS / Definition HRS to GDS
M - Mandatory / Field sent in every request. / Field must be returned or processing will error.
R - Required / N/A / Field contains required data, however processing will complete if not supplied.
A - Applicable / Field sent when information is available or if it applies to the request. / Field returned when information is available or if it applies to the request.


The Application Header Information section of HOC and HOV transmissions is separate from the Communications Header. The Application Header from/to the GDS has a fixed length of 46 bytes and always precedes the "MS" field of the Specific Data section. The format for all transmissions is the same. All fields are Mandatory. The contents of the Specific Data Count field will vary according to the length of the message.

Header Information (Fixed):


26Galileo International ADE Header (See below.)


3HRS (2 char Hotel Chain Code, blank 3rd character)

2Source System

1V - Apollo GDS

1G - Galileo GDS


4Specific Data Count

Includes the number of characters from the start of the Specific Data Count field through the end of the last variable length field in the Specific Data section. Does not include End-of-Message or End-of-Transmission.

Galileo International Application Data Exchange (ADE) Header Format:

The contents of the ADE header are for the GDS's use. The HRS should return the ADE header intact.


2Length of ADE header26



2Unique Key01

1Request Type (Requester/Server)R

2Request Version Number00

1Response Type (Requester/Server.)R

2Response Version Number00

4Length of Data, not including ADE header0000

8Data Exchange NameHOCbbbbb or HOVbbbbb, "b"= blank.


Internal RoomMaster Dsect: HODHO

Specific Data (Variable):

The format for each field is Length (2 bytes), ID (2 bytes), and Data (variable length). "MS" must appear after the Specific Data Count in the fixed header section. Other fields are expected in the following order.

For sample messages, see AttachmentC.



5MMSAction Code

"HOC" - Hotel Complete Availability Request

2AVRVersion number for the HOC being requested

3MBDDestination System (Same as HRS in Header)

5MPNProperty Number

3ACTAgent's City Code

2ACOAgent's ISO Country Code

19ABSBooking Source (ARC/IATA Number)



1MNONumber of Adults

25ACDCorporate Discount Number (Max 4)

30AMIMore Information Storage

3MCCCurrency Code Requested

1RMCMultiple Currency Codes can be returned to the subscriber

Y = Multiple currency codes are acceptable

N = Do not respond with multiple currencies

23ASQSearch Qualifiers (Max 15)

1ANRNumber of Rooms – each room will have the same occupancy / bedding

as follows.

1ANCNumber of Children

0AZ0This is a new grouping delimeter. It will have no content, but marks the

beginning of a group. This is the beginning of the Ages of Children group.

2AACAge of Child / Children – this field will appear once for each child

specified in the NC field

0A0ZEnd of Ages of Children group.

1ARANumber of adult rollaways being requested as extra bedding.

1ARCNumber of child rollaways being requested as extra bedding.

1ACRNumber of cribs being requested as extra bedding.


Internal RoomMaster Dsect: HOAHO

Specific Data (Variable):

The format for each field is Length (2 bytes), ID (2 bytes), and Data (variable length). "MS" must appear after the Specific Data Count in the fixed header section. Other fields are expected in the following order.

For sample messages, see AttachmentC.



5MMSAction Code

"HOCER" - HOC Availability Returned

2MVRVersion number for the HOC response

30N/AMIMore Information Storage

3MCCCurrency Code for Rates.

1MDPDecimal Places for Rates (Values are 0-3.)

36AMMMarketing Message

** The following two fieldsonly exist for Inside Shopperparticipants**

19AFEInvalid Frequent Guest Number (Max 1)

10AIEInvalid Special Identification Numbers (Max 1)

Rate item fields may occur multiple times and must appear in this order:

0MZ0This is the beginning of the Booking Code/ Room Occupancy / Bedding


7MRRAlphanumeric Booking Code.

3ACCCurrency Code for Rates. This is not a new field. It has been repeated

to allow a different currency for each rate.

1ADPDecimal Places for this currency (Values are 0-3.) This is not a new field.

It has been repeatedto allow a different currency for each rate.

0MZ1Beginning of Rates group. This group will repeat once for every different

rate that is incurred during the entire stay.

2APTPricing Type indicactor for the following rate(s). At this time, the only

allowed value is as follows:

PN = Per night

9MRERate Amount (Does not include decimal, i.e. "05RE19500".)

2RNDNumber of nights this rate applies.

0M1ZEnd of Rates group.

8ABIBooking Code Indicators.

Char 1 - Rate Changes during Stay (Y/N)

Char 2 - Rate Available via I.A. Only (Y/N)

Char 3 - Invalid CD # Stored in RoomMaster (Y/N)

Char 4 -6 - Spares

Char 7 - Room Type on Request

Char 8 - Spare

2APTThe following Rate Amount (TR) is a subtotal. Total options are as


ST = Total of all nightly rates without taxes and surcharges. This will only be needed if there are multiple nightly rates.

9ATRSubtotal Amount (Does not include decimal, i.e. "05TR24800".)

2MPTThefollowing Rate Amount (TR) is a total. Total options are as follows:

AP = Approximate Total Plus isfor one room including taxes,

surcharges and extra charges

AT = Approximate Total is for one room including taxes and surcharges

9MTRTotal Amount (Does not include decimal, i.e. "05TR19582".)

25ACDMultilevel ID and Rate Access Code (Max 1).

** The Rate Category and the CD field are mutually exclusive**

3MRYRate Category that applies to this rate. It will contain one of the rate

categories currently used by Galileo. The format will be the same format used in the rate category request. It will consist of an alpha code followed by a two position number. For example, a corporate rate will be C02, a senior rate will be S06 and a government rate will be G03. See Attachment A for the existing rate categories.

47MRDRate Description (Max 3)

** The following two fields only exist for Inside Shopper participants**

19AFGFrequent Guest number to be used to obtain this rate (Max 1)

10AIDSpecial Identification number to be used to obtain this rate (Max 1)

9REXExtra Adult charge

9RECExtra Child charge

9RRAAdult Rollaway Charge

9RRCChild Rollaway Charge

9RCRCrib Charge

9ATSTotal Taxes and Surcharges for the Stay (Does not include a decimal

point, i.e. “04TS8593”.) This field is to be used by hotel vendors that can not separate the total surcharges from the total taxes.

**If the preceeding field is present, the following twoneed not be **

9RTATotal Taxes for the Stay (Does not include a decimal point)

9ASCTotal Surcharges for the Stay (Does not include a decimal point)

0AZ1This is the beginning of the Tax Break-Out group. This can be repeated

up to 4 time for a total of 5 tax break-outs.

9ATBTax break-out amount (Does not include a decimal point)

2ATXDescription of above tax in OTA codes. See Attachment B.

0A1ZThis is the end of the Tax Break Out group.

1ACMIndicates if the rate is commissionable.

Y = Commissionable

N = Not commissionable

Blank = Unknown

1ASMIndicates if the room is non-smoking or smoking.

Y = Smoking

N = Non-smoking

Blank = Unknown

2ARVView from the room expressed in OTA codes. See Attachment B.

3AMLThis will indicate any meal is included in the rate. Each meal will be

provided daily.

Char 1 -Breakfast is included (Y/N)

Char 2 -Lunch is included (Y/N)

Char 3 - Dinner is included (Y/N)

0AZ1Start Meal Plan Group.

2AMP Meal plan expressed in OTA codes. See Attachment B.

This can be repeated up to 4 times for a total of 5 meal plans.

0A1ZEnd Meal Plan Group.

8MMQMatched Qualifiers Indicators. These indicate which of the requested

qualifiers the hotel matched, was not able to match, offered a substitute

for or informed the agent they exceeded a maximum.

Char 1 - Rate Category. The rate category can be found in the

preceeding RC field.

Y = This rate is for the requested rate category.

N = This rate is not for the requested rate category. The

previous RC field will contain a substituted rate category.

Blank = A rate category does not apply to this rate. If

this is blank, there will be no RC field for this rate.

Char 2 - Number of Rooms

Y = The number of rooms requested are available.

N = The number of rooms requested are not available.

This number available is listed in the followingNR field.

M = The number of rooms requested exceeded the

maximum allowed. This maximum is listed in the followingNR field.

Char 3 - Number of Adults

Y = This number of adults requested are allowed for the

number of bedding types/rooms requested and included in nightly rate.

N = This number of adults requested are not allowedfor

the number of bedding types/rooms requested. The maximum allowed is listed in the followingNO field.

Char 4 - Number of Children

Y = This number of children requested are allowed for

the number of bedding types/rooms requested and included in nightly rate..

N = This number of children requested are not allowed

for the number of bedding types/rooms requested. This maximum allowed is listed in the following NC field.

Blank = Number of Children was not requested.

Char 5 - Bedding Types

Y = The number and type of beds requested are

available for this rate. If no bedding type was requested, this will default to Y.

S = A substitute has been offered for the originally

requested number and/or type of beds. The following BT field will reflect what is offered as the substitute.

U = Number and/or type of beds at this particular

property is unknown.

Char 6 -Adult Rollaways Requested

Y = The number of adult rollaways requested are available and included in nightly rate..

N = The number of adult rollaways requested are not available

U = Number or availability of adult rollaways at this property

is unknown.

Blank = Adult Rollaway is not requested.

Char 7-Child Rollaways Requested

Y = The number of child rollaways requested are available and included in nightly rate..

N = The number ofchild rollaways requested are not available

U = Number or availability ofchild rollawaysat this property

is unknown.

Blank = Child Rollaway is not requested.

Char 8-Cribs Requested

Y = The number of cribs requested are available and included in nightly rate..

N = The number of cribs requested are not available

U = Number or availability of cribsat this property is


Blank = Crib is not requested.

1ANRNumber of Rooms. If the original number of rooms requested exceeded

what was available at that time, this will contain the number that are

available. Or if the maximum number of rooms that can be requested has been exceeded, this will contain the maximum number.

1RNONumber of Adults. This is not a new field. It has been moved to be part

of a group. If the original number of adults requested exceeds the maximum allowed for the number of bedding types/rooms requested, this will contain the maximum number of adults allowed.

1ANCNumber of Children. If the original number of children requested

exceeds the maximum allowed for the number of bedding types/rooms requested, this will contain the maximum number of children allowed.

3ABTBedding Type – this field will contain the bedding type associated with

this rate. It could be the requested bedding type or a substitute. It will be in the same format as the bedding type in the request, e.g. A1K, *2Q, B2D, A1*. For substitute bedding,the firstcharacter of the bedding type will always be the default of an asterisk.

The bedding types used are listed in Attachment A.

1ACLCredentials are required for booking (Y/N)

1RDGDeposit / Guarantee / Prepayment required for booking

D = Deposit required

G = Guarantee required

P = Prepayment is required

0RZ1Start Credit Cards Group. This will be present only if a guarantee,

deposit or prepayment is required.

2RCTThis will contain one 2-character ID of one of the acceptable credit cards,

e.g. AX for American Express, VI for Visa, etc. This field will berepeated for each acceptable credit card.

0R1ZEndCredit Cards Group.

13AGAThe date and time before a deadline for a payment goes into effect. It

is expressed in the date/time at the property’s location. The time will be in a 24 hour clock format. A character T is used as a delimeter between the date and the time. The format for this is CCYYMMDDTHHMM, e.g. 20050122T1800, 20051101T0700.

2 A GD This will indicate how the following unit of time Off-set is applied to the

above date.

AB = After bookingindicator

Indicates that the above date is the booking date and the following unit

of time Off-set is used to calculate the actual deadline for a

payment after the booking date.

BA = Before arrival indicator

Indicates that the above date is the arrival date and the following unit

of time Off-set is used to calculate the actual deadline for a payment

in advance of the arrival.

6AGOThis is the optional units of time Off-set before or after the date/time that

apply to the deadline. If the above date is the arrival date, these units are used to calculate the actual deadline for a payment in advance of the arrival. If the above date is the booking date, these units are used to calculate the actual deadline for a payment after the booking date. The format is YR-###, MO-###, DY-### or HR-###, where ### is the number of units. For example, if the preceding date is the arrival date and this field contained DY-002, the actual deadline for a payment is two days before the arrival date. If the preceding date is the booking date and this field contained MO-003, the actual deadline for a payment is three months after the booking date.

5AGHThe time expressed as HH.MM that the room will be held up until this

time after initial booking without a guarantee.

9AGMThis will contain the amount of guarantee / deposit / prepayment that is

required by the above mentioned date.

1ANFStay is non-refundable

Y = Partially or totally non-refundable

N = Partially or totally refundable

Blank = Unknown

13AXCLast date and time the reservation can be canceled without penalty

expressed inthedate/time at the property’s location. The time will be in a 24 hour clock format. A character T is used as a delimeter between the date and the time. The format for this isCCYYMMDDTHHMM, e.g. 20050122T1800, 20051101T0700.

2 A XO This will indicate how the following unit of time Off-set is applied to the

above date.

AB = After booking indicator

Indicates that the above date is the booking date and the following unit

of time Off-set is used to calculate the actual cancellationdate after

the booking date.

BA = Before arrival indicator

Indicates that the above date is the arrival date and the following unit

of time Off-set is used to calculate the actual cancellation date in

advance of the arrival.

6AXTThis is the optional units of time Off-set. It can only be used if the

preceeding cancel date is the booking date or the arrival date. If the cancel date is the arrival date, these units are used to calculate the actual cancellation date in advance of the arrival. If the cancel date is the booking date, these units are used to calculate the actual cancellation date after the booking date. The format is YR-###, MO-###, DY-### or HR-###, where ### is the number of units. For example, if the preceding cancel date is the arrival date and this field contained DY-002, the actual cancellation date is two days before the arrival date. If the preceding cancel date is the booking date and this field contained MO-003, the actual cancellation date is three months after the booking date.