Minutes of the East Clandon Parish Council Meeting

held in the Village Hall on Thursday 8th September 2005

Present Adrian Thompson (Chairman), Cathy McMullan, Alison Woolgar, Mary Leech (Clerk), Cllr Jen Powell,

4 members of the public.

Apologies Roger Nickolds, County Cllr David Davis, Cllr Jenny Wicks, Cllr Andrew French

Declaration of personal or prejudicial interests registered:

Alison Woolgar :trees bordering the Recreation Ground and Briony Cottage

8 Sept 2005 page 1
8 Sep
2005 page 2
8 Sept 2005 page 3 / Resignation from the Parish Council of Andrew Hogarth.
The Council has received a written letter of resignation from Andrew Hogarth, who has served on the parish council for over ten years. Adrian has written to Andrew expressing grateful thanks for his great service to the village during this time.
The necessary 14 day notice of vacancy on the council is posted on the village hall notice board. Beth Cooper has offered to be co-opted as a councillor. Adrian thanked Beth for her offer and welcomed her to the meeting.
Minutes of the meeting of Thursday 7th July 2005.
These were signed by the Chairman as correct.
Matters arising
Item 1573/1565 tennis court. There is a new padlock on the gate. Julian Woolgar will be refurbishing the bench, with Roger’s help if necessary.
Item 1573/1568 Playground annual inspection by RoSPA. The Report has been received. Roger will assess costs and recommend actions and priorities to the next meeting.
Item 1573/1571 (c) The hedge has now been cut back.
Item 1574(b). Bank Mandates. This will be held over to the next meeting, when it is hoped to have a new Councillor co-opted.
Item 1574(d) Trees in the boundary hedge between the playground and Briony Cottage. Roger will be asked to discuss this with the Woolgars in the light of potential damage to the foundations of Briony Cottage.
Item 1574 (d) tree roots on the tennis court. Roger has inspected these roots and will be asked for his opinion.
Item 1578. Risk Assessment. Mary has not yet sent copies to councillors, but will do so before the next meeting.
Item 1580 (b) and (c). Hatchlands. The verge was trimmed during August. The £100 has now been received.
Financial Business
(a) Adrian informed the Council of its current financial situation. Copies of the accounts were distributed to each councillor.
current account: £633
reserve account: £2522
Adrian noted that this year’s income from the tennis court is £100 down on the previous year and that Liz Ross has suggested that charging structure should be reviewed for 2006/7.
(b) concurrent functions grant for the coming year.(See also item 1588 below.)
The Application document from GBC has been received and requires response before Tuesday 4th October. Following discussion on a number of suggested priorities, it was agreed that a small sub-committee would meet as soon as possible to decide upon our application. Mary will prepare a brief agenda for this meeting, to be attended by Adrian, Roger and Mary and the date advised to Cathy and Alison.
Planning Reports
(a)  Applications. Councillors were brought up to date with all planning
applications since the previous meeting.
Clandon Manor Farm. The Appeal by the developers of this property against the enforcement notice will be heard in October. Alison agreed to review and update our previous submission on 19th July and will draft the council’s response.
(b)  Enforcement. None pending
Conservation Area Review
Appreciation was expressed by Adrian to the GBC Conservation Team for the detailed research put into the draft Report. The Appraisal will be very influential on future planning policy for the village and includes proposals to extend the Conservation area and sets out those village characteristics that Guildford planners believe should be protected or respected in future.
On behalf of the Council, Adrian will be submitting its comments to the Conservation Team, focussing particularly on the following issues:
·  the extent of the conservation area
·  the optimal use of our open spaces (particularly Tunmore field)
·  the suggested street lighting appraisal.
However, individual comments from residents (no later than next Friday) are also sought and Adrian will send a reminder round the village email.
Back Lane Pond
The council agreed to accept the Estimate received by TJ Hunt, for £1236, with the dredgings to be placed on the adjoining strip of wide verge. Mary will contact the contractor and arrange for a date to begin work.
Churchyard yew trees
Following somewhat unsatisfactory visits by three tree surgeons to discuss the needs of these trees and also of the Turkey Oak which has a TPO, Mary will contact the GBC Tree Officer, Adam Owen, and arrange for him to visit the churchyard to provide advice.
It was decided to discuss setting up a ‘Village Tree Project’ for inclusion within the Concurrent Functions Grant application. (see item 1584b). Mary will contact Tim Yorath our tree officer to ask if he can provide any suggestions.
Advice was given by Cllr Jen Powell that we also contact Kay Munt who is SCC Landscape Architect, for advice about the open aspect of the village and maintaining its views, in relation to any new tree planting.
Clandon Police Forum
(a)  Notes taken by Adrian who attended the Forum had been circulated and were received, with some discussion. It is expected that Roger will be attending the forthcoming PCPG next week.
(b)  Surrey Crime Stoppers. Deferred to next meeting.
Meetings in 2006
It was decided to plan all meetings for Thursdays, which is the most convenient day for parish councillors, although it does mean that it is usually not possible for Jenny Wicks or Jen Powell to attend. Adrian and Mary will provide a timetable of meeting dates before the next meeting.
Any other business
(a) Audit. The arrival of the completed Audit was noted, and will be formally accepted at the next meeting. Mary agreed to post the necessary notice on the village hall noticeboard, complete the necessary returns as drafted by Adrian and include this item as an agenda item for the next meeting.
(b) Anne Randall expressed concern about the state of the path which continues beyond Snelgate onto the A246, which is nearly impassable. Mary will try to find out who is responsible for clearing it.
(c) Anne Randall told the council about the visit to residents of Snelgate from an un-named person accompanied by a WPC, ordering them not to park their cars along the offside verge. No written communication had been received, and the person was not identified, nor the WPC’s number noted. Anne was asked to report back to the residents that there is no need to comply with this directive unless it comes with official backing, but requested to try to secure identification details if there was a return visit.
(d) A large quantity of rubble has been dumped inside the field gate opposite Home Farm Buildings (along the Ripley Road). Mary will contact the Enforcement Officer requesting investigation.
Date of next meeting:
Thursday, 20th October 2005 at 7:45 pm
Mary Leech, Parish Clerk
19th September 2005 / Action
Adrian /