Bilateral delegate HR handbook Annex 4.1 Recruitment


Job description

Job title

Economic Security Delegate – Team Leader Barda, Azerbaijan

Reporting to

BRCS Recovery Programme Manager

Responsible for / Programme officer (x2)
Location / Barda, Azerbaijan (with frequent travel to field sites)
Contract length / 12 months
Job purpose
The Economic Security (EcoSec) Team Leader is responsible for implementation of a BRCS / ICRC Integrated Partnership (IP) EcoSec programme in Azerbaijan. S/he is responsible for the Economic Security activities within the Barda sub-delegation, as per the planns and the framework of established guidelines. S/he must develop sound understanding of the programmes; contribute to the development of objectives and programme related activities under her/his responsibility. The position requires preparation of the SOP and programme tools for implementation of various EcoSec programmes. The position requires management of resources: human, financial, and technical.

Duties and responsibilities of the EcoSec Delegate

1.  Manages the EcoSec operation, micro enterprise initiatives projects, Vocational Training, possibly cash for work projects as well as the monitoring & assessment activities in the Western Azerbaijan.

2.  Manages human, financial and technical resources, coordination with Logistics, Administration, and WatHab departments (i.e. infrastructure related projects) and with the main humanitarian actors in the area.

3.  Monitors and assesses the economic security situation at sub-delegation level understanding the evolution of the economic situation at sub-delegation level;

4.  Organises and carries out economic and programme related assessment, interprets the economic data to identify vulnerable areas and problems at sub-delegation and district and village level and identifies, together with the Head of SubDelegation and the WatHab delegate, appropriate responses within the framework of the EcoSec programmes;

5.  Together with ICRC management and in consultation with the Regional EcoSec Coordiantor defines possible interventions and contributes to preparation of procedures and plans of implementation;

6.  Is responsible for implementation and monitoring of the EcoSec programmes implemented within the Barda sub-delegation;

7.  Follows the sub-delegation's strategy, looks for potential link/integration in projects, and ensures that the EcoSec activities contribute to the overall strategy of the sub-delegation;

8.  Participates, in collaboration with the HoSD and in consultation with the Regional EcoSec-Co, on the EcoSec strategy, priorities, objectives, and activities, identifying priority areas for the implementation of projects and participating in development of plans of action and priorities on sub-delegation level;

9.  Oversees the implementation of the EcoSec activities according to agreed plans of action in collaboration with the Head of SubDelegation and in consultation with the Regional EcoSec Coordinator proposing and implementing necessary adjustments to programme designs in the light of monitoring and the situation development;

10.  Participates in the ICRC annual planning process and produces specialized reports when relevant ensuring that the appropriate distribution statistics are reported ;

11.  Coaches, supports and supervises the EcoSec Field Officers and AzRCS volunteers under her/his responsibility in planning and implementing projects in priority areas based on the economic and protection analysis;

12.  Together with ICRC management assesses and analyses the humanitarian situation in the event of major internal clashes, and/or major natural disaster proposing and managing the appropriate response

13.  Maintains and develops the network of interlocutors involved in the relief sector and economic sector in her/his area of responsibility;

14.  Participates and represents the ICRC in relevant relief and economic meetings and seminars/workshops with other humanitarian international and national actors.

15.  Implements and follows the Security Rules and the Contingency Plan

16.  Is responsible for the financial management of the EcoSec budget and contributes to its definition through the annual planning process

17.  Plans and/or organises seminars, workshops or trainings related to EcoSec activities.

Duties applicable to all staff

1.  To work towards the achievement of overall programme goals through effective managerial and lateral relations and team work.

2.  To ensure that programme activities are consistent with the Red Cross Code of Conduct and BRCS policies and to uphold the Fundamental Principles of the RC/RC Movement.

3.  In conjunction with relevant programme staff, maintain an effective monitoring and evaluation system.

4.  To promote and facilitate the capacity building and development of staff and volunteers.

5.  To ensure that knowledge transfer within the programme, and the Movement is achieved, by documenting best practice/lessons learned as appropriate for the current programme and for future use.

6.  To perform other work related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Head of Mission.

Person Specification

General Required Preferred

In good mental and physical health / X

Experience/knowledge/ professional skills (professional mastery)

Knowledge of the Movement and/or ICRC / X
Experience working with National Societies or local partners / X
Experience with community based intervetions / X
Cash transfer programming / X
Agricultural experience / understanding of agricultural and livestock programmes (preferably large scale) / X
Central Asian former Soviet republic experience / X
Languages required: English / X
Languages that would be an asset: Turkish, Azery, Russian / X
Programme management experience / X
Capacity building training skills (training) / X
Monitoring and evaluation / X
Protection / X
Coordination, planning, able to work at different levels. / X
Finance expenditure / X

General competencies

Understands the RC’s Fundamental Principles/mandate / X
Good team working skills / X
Strong communication skills / X
Good planning/analytical skills / X
Adaptable/flexible / X
Accountable/ able to make decisions / X
Sensitive to diversity/ can work cross culturally / X
Able to problem solve/take the initiative / X
Good security awareness / X

Management competencies

Able to lead/direct people and programmes / X
Able to manage resources (people, financial, physical) / X
Strategic thinking skills / X
Risk management skills / X
Able to develop security plans/guidelines / X