AlexJacobson Welcome back. Your mission was a success -- just about the only bright side of the operation, unfortunately. Report to Manderley for a briefing.

This guy is an MiB, a la the Matrix.

Getting JC's attention, from a distance of about 10 feet.

Bodyguard Mr. Denton.

JCDenton Yeah?

Bodyguard The prisoners on Level 3 are a sensitive matter. Leave the interrogations to Mr. Simons. You are authorized to receive your orders from Joseph Manderley, after which you will return to the helipad.

JCDenton Simons... You guys from D.C.? What agency?

Bodyguard Please proceed to Manderley's office. We will expect to see you shortly.

Bodyguard I do not understand the reason for your delay.

Bodyguard Do not question the prisoners yourself.

Bodyguard We will be waiting.

Bodyguard Interesting behavior, Mr. Denton.

Scott Manderley said he's busy but to wait outside his office.

AnnaNavarre I was here first.

JaniceReed Mr. Manderley is in a meeting, JC. You'll have to wait.

JCDenton I was told to report for a debriefing.

┌AnnaNavarre A debriefing. Do not worry. You passed every test. You │will be a most effective weapon for the Coalition.

├AnnaNavarre A debriefing. Do not worry. We are satisfied. But I │will mention in my report that you mistake yourself for a man of │steel.

├AnnaNavarre A debriefing. Do not worry. I will state in my report │that I was satisfied with your performance.

│┌AnnaNavarre A debriefing. Let me see... In my report, I will tell ││how you refused to help the NYPD locate a stolen barrel of Ambrosia.


─└AnnaNavarre A debriefing. Let me see... In my report, I will tell ──how you left civilian hostages in the Battery Park subway station.

─JCDenton I chose to focus on the primary objective.

─AnnaNavarre Let us hope for your sake that Mr. Manderley sees it that ─way.

AnnaNavarre Be quiet. I am trying to listen.

WaltonSimons Just fire the arrogant son-of-a-bitch.

JosephManderley I wasn't exaggerating. He's our best agent.

WaltonSimons We don't need him. We've got his brother, and more are on the way.

JosephManderley He knows nothing.

WaltonSimons I think he does. You should never have sent him to Hong Kong.

JosephManderley Let's be sensible. We have to look at the whole record.

WaltonSimons Look, I understand. He was your pet project. But it's out of my hands. Now that the shipment's been lost...

JosephManderley I know. I know; I will comply with the order.

WaltonSimons That's all that I ask. Carry on. I'm going downstairs to interrogate the prisoners.

AnnaNavarre I cannot wait forever.

JaniceReed He will see you when he’s ready

JaniceReed Mr. Manderley can see you now.

JCDentonAgent Denton, at your service.

WaltonSimons Denton... Yes, I hear you're turning out to be quite an asset to the Coalition.

JCDenton Doing my best, sir. Forgive me, but I don't believe I know your name.

WaltonSimons We aren't ready for an introduction yet. No, it's not time... Just keep your nose to the pavement. You will be well rewarded. Trust me.

─┌JosephManderley Hello, JC. Come in. Clerical tasks first. Your op ─│bonus is split between the Castle Clinton and warehouse objectives, ─│500 each. You get the full 1000 -- plus 200 for how you handled the ─│hostage situation in the Battery Park subway station. Good work ─│across the board.


│└JosephManderley Hello, JC. Come in. Clerical tasks first. Your op │─bonus is split between the Castle Clinton and warehouse objectives, │─500 each. You get the full 1000. However, you could have performed │─better in the Battery Park subway station; there won't be any bonus │─for rescuing the hostages.

│JCDenton Thank you, sir. Who was that you were meeting with?

│┌JosephManderley Hello, JC. Come in. Clerical tasks first. Your op ││bonus is split between the Castle Clinton and warehouse objectives, ││500 each. You only get the 500 for the warehouse. I'm somewhat ││reassured by how you handled the hostage situation in the Battery ││Park subway station -- and you'll get a 200-credit bonus for that -- ││but Agent Navarre is your immediate superior, Agent. You will follow ││her orders as though they came from me.


─└JosephManderley Hello, JC. Come in. Clerical tasks first. Your op ──bonus is split between the Castle Clinton and warehouse objectives, ──500 each. You only get the 500 for the warehouse -- and you can ──forget about any kind of bonus for how you handled the hostage ──situation in the Battery Park subway station. Agent Navarre is your ──immediate superior, Agent. You will follow her orders as though they ──came from me.

─JCDenton Yes, sir. I won't let you down again. Do you mind if I ─ask... who was that you were meeting with?

JosephManderley Politics. Bureaucracy. Mismanagement. JC... I've got some bad news. The mission failed.

┌JCDenton I'd hoped to turn up some information at the warehouse, but I │didn't even learn who was running the place.

│JosephManderley A punk named JoJo. He slipped out before you even got │to New York. No big deal.

└JCDenton I would have taken out that JoJo punk, but he wasn't in the ─warehouse.

─JosephManderley Never mind that. He slipped out before you even got ─to New York.

JCDenton What about the shipment?

JosephManderley I'm just going to say it straight, JC. Your brother screwed up. We got nothing, and he's taking the heat this time. The Coalition is letting him go.

JCDenton What went wrong?

JosephManderley We don't know. He hasn't reported back. The rest of the strike force says he lost his nerve.

┌JCDenton I can't believe that. Paul's a good agent.

├JCDenton I believe it. In Hell's Kitchen, he was pushing restraint │when clearly I had no alternative but to use lethal force.

└JCDenton I think he was trying to avoid casualties. In Hell's ─Kitchen, instead of clips for the troops, he was issuing tear gas.

JosephManderley Whatever the case, now it's your turn. We've got one more chance to retake that shipment.

JCDenton Has it been located?
JosephManderley Get any equipment you need from Carter, then take the chopper back to the city. We know they plan to put the Ambrosia on a plane, but we don't know which airfield.

JCDenton Where should I start?

JosephManderley Take the chopper back to the city. We know they plan to put the Ambrosia on a plane, but we don't know which airfield.

JCDentonWhere should I start?

JosephManderley If I were the NSF, I'd be moving it through the subways, the abandoned parts of the infrastructure.

JCDenton I'll check out the subways.

│JosephManderley And stay away from the press this time, especially the │tabloids. Do I need to quote the manual? "Secrets are lives.

│JCDenton Yes, sir.

││JosephManderley I don't even want to know what happened in the bar. ││We'll take the heat off you -- this time.

││JCDenton Yes, sir. I can explain...

││JosephManderley But that will NEVER happened again. NEVER kill a ││civilian unless you are ordered to do so.

││JCDenton Yes, sir.

││JosephManderley All right. Now get moving.

JosephManderley Our pilot Jock is waiting for you at the helipad.

JosephManderley If you see your brother, send him my way. He didn't report back.

JosephManderley Don't forget to check in with Carter and Reyes.

JosephManderley You have your orders.

JosephManderley Let me get back to work.

JosephManderley I said carry on.

AnnaNavarre I have been waiting for twenty minutes.

JosephManderley Sorry, Anna. What is it?

┌AnnaNavarre I would like to be reassigned to Agent Hermann.

│JosephManderley Why? Is Agent Denton...?

│┌AnnaNavarre He completed his objective, but our tactics are ││incompatible.

││JosephManderley In other words, he didn't kill everything in sight.

││AnnaNavarre He could have made a more thorough search for NSF ││targets, yes.


│└AnnaNavarre He did not even complete the first mission objective.

│─JosephManderley Cut the boy some slack. It's his first day.

│─AnnaNavarre I would be more comfortable with Agent Hermann.

JosephManderley Hmmmm.

│JosephManderley Let's not be hasty. He will improve.

│AnnaNavarre That's what you said about his brother.

│JosephManderley Let me say this once: that's a sore spot, and you know │it.

│AnnaNavarre You should have listened to me.

│JosephManderley Ah-ah -- End of meeting. You have a lot to teach JC, │and that's why you're his partner.

│AnnaNavarre Nevertheless, I will submit my concerns in writing to │Walton Simons, as I did regarding Paul.

└AnnaNavarre A new assignment. I think Agent Denton should handle the ─assassination.

─JosephManderley Is there a problem? You lost your appetite?

─AnnaNavarre His enthusiasm in Battery Park was exceptional. The ─courtyard of Castle Clinton was a graveyard.

─JosephManderleyHmmmm. As a kind of exercise, you mean?

─AnnaNavarre I think he will make a good assassin. We should give him ─the opportunity.

─JosephManderley Hmmmm.

─This branch disabled.

─JosephManderley I'll definitely consider it, but first we've got to ─find Lebedev.

─AnnaNavarre I am anxious to see one of the experimental agents ─perform.

─JosephManderley You aren't alone, Anna.

─AnnaNavarre And do not worry about Lebedev. We will find him.

─JosephManderley We will, yes...

─(to the player)

─JosephManderley ... if the esteemed Agent Denton would get his ass to ─New York.

JaniceReed Good luck, JC.

WaltonSimons Carry on, Agent.

WaltonSimons We're looking to you to set an example.

WaltonSimons I have an important matter to attend to.

Prisoner1 I'm telling the truth.

Prisoner1 If you got interrogated, you wouldn't have any answers, either. We both just follow orders.

Prisoner1 They already grilled me.

Prisoner2 I can sum it all up in one word: self-reliance. That's what we stand for.

JCDenton How about you tell me where that shipment is being taken.

Prisoner2 UNATCO assumes that people are incapable of protecting themselves and therefore should submit to surveillance and intimidation by an outside force. We won't do it!

JCDenton The governments of the world believe an average citizen should not face the threat of terrorism alone.

Prisoner2 We don't need your help. The technology exists today for an individual to protect his property against explosives, firearms, surveillance, intrusion, contamination...

JCDenton 350 million fortresses is not my idea of the "land of the free."

Prisoner2 It's better than one big fortress constructed by a corrupt government against its people.

Prisoner2 It's simple numbers. Big companies pay like two percent tax, while you and me, we pay like fifty. It's the tax code that makes sure big bureaucracy gets bigger and people have no power.

JCDenton Let's get back to the subject of the missing vaccine.

Prisoner2 All taxes are social engineering. That's always been their real purpose.

JCDenton I'm not going to stand here and listen to you badmouth the greatest democracy the world has ever known.

Prisoner2 What happens is that politicians get money from big companies, so all the social engineering is for making big companies. Like I said, it's simple numbers.

Prisoner2 A government shouldn't have to occupy its own country with troops.

Prisoner2 If there wasn't organized oppression, there wouldn't be organized resistance, and what you call terrorism would not exist.

Prisoner2 You can lock me up, but you can't lock up the truth.

WaltonSimons Get the hell out of here, Denton!

WaltonSimons I have one question.

Prisoner1 They already asked. I DON'T know.

WaltonSimons One must admire a man who can keep a secret, because he has value. What you know more than others makes money and gives you a measure of power.

Prisoner You Walton Simons? You think I can be bribed?

WaltonSimons Margaret Forsythe, under NSF protection in Queens. Your son Richard, attending Bronx Science. You see, I have a few relevant facts myself. Care to make a trade?

Prisoner1 You wouldn't dare...

WaltonSimons I'll give you two seconds to decide.

(yelling through a glass wall)

WaltonSimons Get out of here, Denton. This is none of your business.

WaltonSimons Time's up. Where is the NSF taking the Ambrosia? Prisoner1 They asked me already. I DON'T know.

WaltonSimons Need I remind you that in the case of a national emergency FEMA has a list of six million Americans who will be transported to detention centers? Your tabloids call it RX 84.

Prisoner1 Yeah, including the President, Congress, and the Supreme Court.

WaltonSimons In my position, I find it very easy to add names to that list.

Prisoner1 Go to hell.

Prisoner1 The United States government has had "emergency powers" since World War II. We've never left a state of war.

WaltonSimons Speak for yourself. The federal government is just responding to a threat.

Prisoner1 A government should be about more than self-perpetuation.

WaltonSimons You will confess, by the way. I don't like to dirty my hands with that sort of thing, but you will confess.

WaltonSimons Certain intellectual properties, aside from the quantities of vaccine, concern me deeply. Has the NSF made any attempt at reverse-engineering?

WaltonSimons If you wanted to save people, you could have unloaded the whole shipment in Manhattan. Why the airlift?

Prisoner1 You said it yourself: secrets are power.

WaltonSimons We have less civilized ways of making you talk.

Prisoner1 Leave me alone.

WaltonSimons I am a patient man.
Prisoner1 Ask me if I care.


WaltonSimons But not that patient.

┌WaltonSimons You saw nothing, Denton. Report to Manderley.

└WaltonSimons You saw nothing, Denton. Report to the helipad.

WaltonSimons Your turn. See what you can find out in Manhattan.

WaltonSimons The real plague, eating at the minds of the American people, is secessionism, regionalism, this new arrogance and sense of entitlement.

WaltonSimons Once the bug bites, you've already lost the patient.

WaltonSimons Do you have even a passing interest in doing your job?

WaltonSimons Leave, dammit!

WaltonSimons You aren't needed, Agent.

WaltonSimons Manderley will give you your orders.

WaltonSimons I must attend to a sensitive matter.

The player has killed the prisoners Walton was interrogating.

WaltonSimons Jesus Christ, Denton!

WaltonSimons Get your ass back to the helipad.

WaltonSimons I was trying to conduct an investigation here.
WaltonSimons Move out! That's an order.

WaltonSimons I can have you shut down. I just have to give the word.
WaltonSimons This will go on your record.

┌SamCarter Agent Denton. Marvelous. In addition to an accuracy weapon │modification, I've got some 7.62 mm rounds and a couple of multitools.

│JCDenton Mr. Carter, I can't tell you how great it is to be a part of │UNATCO. You should have seen the fighting in Castle Clinton.
│SamCarter Yeah?

│JCDenton I cleaned the place out.

│SamCarter Went in shooting, huh? I guess that's what this agency is │known for.

│JCDenton I never thought I'd see this much action in one mission.

│SamCarter In my day international peacekeepers were citizens first and │soldiers second. You can forget about that extra ammo. I'm only │going to give you the multitools; I think you should concentrate more │on mission objectives and less on the enemy body count.

│SamCarter Try to remember: people have rights. Don't just shoot │everything that moves.

│SamCarter My unit killed a bunch of Afghans one time, but we weren't │proud of it. In fact, our liaison at the UN went to the funeral.

└SamCarter Agent Denton. Marvelous. In addition to an accuracy weapon─modification, I've got a couple of multitools.

─JCDenton Mr. Carter, can I ask you a question?
─SamCarter Certainly.
─JCDenton I'm getting the impression that UNATCO is focused more on ─military operations than law enforcement.

─SamCarter The focus has shifted lately. I agree.
─┌JCDenton The only way Anna would have been satisfied is if I'd ─│executed every terrorist in Castle Clinton. The standing order seems ─│to be "shoot to kill.

─└JCDenton Agent Navarre said something about wanting to exterminate ──the terrorists in Castle Clinton, so I skipped that objective. I ──can't work with someone like her.
─SamCarter Direct intervention is always part of the game. In my day ─we were just more civilized about it.

─JCDenton Civilized. That's the word. I guess I was expecting a ─little more class from the world's anti-terrorist organization.

─SamCarter We just have to strike a balance. Why don't I throw in an ─extra clip with those multitools. I trust you will be able to judge ─when one or the other is appropriate for achieving mission objectives.

─SamCarter I'm sure you'll do a good job.

─SamCarter We need more agents who ask those questions.

─SamCarter My biggest complaint in the old days was that we were never ─allowed to use force. Now it's precisely the opposite.

SamCarter You've got your equipment. Now move out.

│JCDenton I can't carry anything else right now. Hold on.
│SamCarter Ready to load up?

│JCDenton Yes, sir.

InjuredTrooper1 I knew what I was getting into when I joined up.

InjuredTrooper1 Better I take a bullet than an innocent civilian.

InjuredTrooper1 You might talk to my friend. He's a little down.

InjuredTrooper1 Thanks for talking to my friend. He admires you.

Deleted. JC is not supposed to talk and non-cinematic mode.

JCDenton Thanks for the help out there.

InjuredTrooper1 Just doing my job, sir.

InjuredTrooper2 I took a few hits tonight. The Doc had to operate.

JCDenton Well, get well soon, soldier.

InjuredTrooper2 Yes, sir.

InjuredTrooper2He also said I lost my spleen.

InjuredTrooper2 Dr. Reyes said they took the bullet out, but I still feel it in my stomach.

InjuredTrooper2 It's like a piece of ice.

┌JaimeReyes You certainly made an impression on the troops tonight.

│JCDenton Looks like it's going to be a late night for both of us.

└JCDenton Looks pretty bad down here.

JaimeReyes Keeps getting worse, too. It must be raining bullets out there.

JCDenton The NSF aren't kidding around. How are you holding up?

JaimeReyes Fine. I lost one of the privates because a refrigeration unit went down. That's always hard.

JCDenton You've got a lot on your hands. Don't beat yourself up over faulty equipment.

JaimeReyes By the way, we aren't in such a shambles that we can't spare a few medkits. Check the storage closet.

CorporalCollins Just filling out a report on the mop-up operation.