
Dr Gale Solomon-Henry



Nokha Dakroub


Edenwood Middle School

6770 Edenwood Drive

Mississauga, ON L5N 3B2

t 905.824.1020

f 905.824.9987


George Soultanidis


Raquel Walker

Office Manager/Assistant:

Carlene Charlton, Brenda Crowe

October23, 2017

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

As an extension of the curricular program, Edenwood is planning an overnight excursion to Québec Cityfor 4 days and 3 nights. The trip is open to all Grade 7 and 8students. The important details are as follows:

Trip Dates: / Tuesday, May 29 – Friday June 1, 2018
Tour Company: / Brightspark
Cost: / $725
Cost includes: / Transportation via air-conditioned highway coach
Night security
Accommodations at Hôtel le Voyageur
3 Breakfasts, 1 lunch, 3 dinners
Admittance to all activities
Activities: / Walking tours of Upper and Lower Town
Sound and light show at Musée du Fort
Historical re-enactment at aMartello Tower
Trip to an authentic French-Canadian cabane à sucre
Sight-seeing at Montmorency Falls
Copper-carving workshop at Atelier Albert Gilles
Hiking at Canyon Ste-Anne
Gala dinner and dance
Parent Information Meeting: / Thursday, October 26, 2017, 7:00pm
In the gymnasium
Registration Opens: / Friday, October 27, 2017
First Payment Due: / Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The excursion is an extension of the regular school program. Accordingly, expectations regarding student behaviour are the same as those for the regular school day. Specifically, the Board and School Codes of Conduct are in effect and apply to students at all times during the excursion. While we do not anticipate any problems, any serious breach of expected conduct on the part of a student may result in that student being sent home at the expense of the parent and further discipline being imposed.

Student information (parent contact information, medical information, emergency contact numbers) contained in your child’s records will be taken along on the excursion and used in the event of an emergency. Please ensure that all student information regarding address, phone numbers and relevant medical or health concerns is up-to-date.

Please be aware that excursions contain an element of risk and accidents may occur that result in injury and/or loss. It is recommended that you consider these risks and discuss these risks with your child. It is also strongly recommended that your child be a member of a medical insurance plan or that you secure additional medical insurance.

Trip Cancellations:

Overnight excursions may be cancelled by the Director of Education at any time. Cancellation insurance to cover circumstances as outlined in the excursion policy, such as a medical condition or ruling by the Director of Education is covered in the cost of the excursion. However, please be aware that, should you subsequently decide for alternative reasons that your child will not be attending the excursion, any deposit or part-payment made by you may be forfeited. In the event of cancellation, parent/guardian will be required to authorize the request for refund.

If you are interested in finding out more about the overnight trip,please attend the Parent InformationNightonThursday, October 26 at 7:00 pm in the Edenwood gymnasium. A representative from Brightspark will provide you with all necessary trip details and information. If you are interested in having your child participate in this amazing opportunity, we will be accepting registrations online startingFriday, October 27, 2017.

Yours truly,


Mr. G. Soultanidis - PrincipalMmeJ. Jackson -Trip Coordinator