January, 2012 – Draft Bylaws

These Articles & By-Laws are referred to

in the Branch/Network Manual

Alberta Institute of Agrologists

Networks and Branches

Articles and By-Laws

These articles and by-laws constitute the minimum level of structure required by the Institute to establish an Agrology Network or Branch. It is the intent of the institute to minimize the amount of time and effort required by members to organize and run an effective Network or Branch. However, it is not the intent of the Institute to curtail the degree of sophistication of governance or structure that may be required for the optimal functioning of larger Agrology Networks or Branches.

Guide to the Following Articles and By-Laws

Those Articles and By-Laws that are bolded and italicized are mandated by the Institute.

Those Articles and By-Laws that are in plain font are to be considered descriptive, suggested or examples that could be included at the discretion of the individual Networks or Branches.

Part I – Articles:

1.1.0Name of Network or Branch:

This Network or Branch shall be known as the ______Network or Branch (herein-after referred to as the Network or Branch) of the Alberta Institute of Agrologists (A.I.A.).

1.2.0The Objectives of this Network or Branch:

1.2.1To further the ends of the A.I.A. (and identify specific Ends of focus)



1.3.1All members of good standing of A.I.A.

1.4.0Membership Boundaries:

1.4.1Branch to include this section if appropriate

1.5.0Officers and Executive of the Network or Branch:

1.5.1The officers of the Network or Branch shall be a President/Chair, and a treasurer

1.5.2The Network or Branch Administrative Committee shall consist of:

  1. Administrative Committee/Network or Branch Chair
  2. Administrative Committee/Network or Branch Treasurer

1.5.3Such other officers or directors as the Network or Branch feel necessary.

1.6.0Term of Office:

1.6.1The term of office of the executive shall be (January 1 – December 31)

1.6.2State length of terms of office, and if there are limitations respecting sequential terms

1.6.3 List offices and lengths of terms and years to conclude.


1.7.1There will be no Network or Branch membership fees.

1.8.0Non-Profit Organization

The business of the Network or Branch shall be carried on without the purpose of monetary gain for its members, and any profits to the Network or Branch shall be used in promoting the AIA ends. No executive of the Network or Branch shall receive compensation for performance of the duties as herein provided other than for reasonable expenses necessary in the performance of such duties.

Part II – Network or Branch By-Laws

2.1.0Privileges of Membership:

2.1.1The privileges of membership in a network or branch shall be equal for all members in good standing within the A.I.A.

2.2.0Duties of the officers of the Network or Branch:

2.2.1The President /Chair and other officers shall perform the usual duties of their respective office.

2.2.2The Chair shall be responsible to:

a.Chair meetings of the branch and the Network or Branch Executive

b.Ensure that the Annual Business Plan is submitted on a timely basis

c.Schedule and call meetings****

2.3.0Nomination and Election of Network or Branch Executive:

2.3.1An election shall be held each year to fill vacant Executive positions –

2.3.2Include nomination and voting procedure as determined by the Network or Branch

2.4.0Vacancies on the executive

2.4.1Any vacancies occurring in the Executive, or committees, during their term of office may be filled by an appointment made by the Executive for the remainder of that term.

2.5.0Committees and Groups

2.5.1The Network or Branch or the Executive may appoint such committees or groups from time to time as may be considered necessary to carry on the business or activities of the Branch.

2.6.0Meetings of the Network or Branch

2.6.1General Meetings:

Notification of place, date, notices of motion and agenda apart from those of a routine nature shall be sent to each member at least xydays in advance of any meeting.

2.6.2 Annual Meeting:

The Annual Meeting of the Network or Branch shall be held on or before November 30 of each calendar year and the date shall be set by January 1 of each year.

The date and place of the Annual meeting shall be decided by the Executive.

2.6.3Extraordinary General Meetings

Extraordinary general meetings shall be called by the Network or Branch Executive at the reasonable written request of ten members of the Network or Branch.

2.6.4Executive Meetings:

Executive meetings shall be held at the call of the President or designate, or at the written request (specifying reasons for the request)of four executive members.


2.7.1A majority of the Executive members shall constitute a quorum at a duly called meeting of the Executive.

2.7.2Level of quorum for general meetings of the Network or Branch membership shall be determined by the Network or Branch members and stated in this article...

2.8.0Order of Business

2.8.1The business at the Annual Meeting of the Network or Branch shall include, but is not limited to:

Reports regarding the achievements of the Network or Branch

Financial reports

Election results

2.8.2Copies of the Annual Report includingfinancial statements and Annual Meeting minutes must be forwarded to the CEO of A.I.Ano later than January 31st (pertaining to the previous fiscal year) to allow inclusion into the Institute’s annual report.

2.9.0Fiscal Year

2.9.1The Fiscal year of the Branch shall be from January 1 – December 31 of each calendar year.

2.10.0Bank Account

2.10.1The Treasurer shall be empowered by motion at an executive meeting to operate an account established by the Institute office(Alberta Treasury Branches to be used as Institute uses this bank) in the name of the Network or Branch, to deposit all funds therein, to issue cheques and pay all accounts subject to approval of the Executive. Signing authority for all cheques will consist of the signature of the Treasurer and one other elected member of the executive as may be designated by the Executive.[1]No cheques shall be signed by anyone who is a recipient of a cheque.

2.11.0Financial Records:

2.11.1All finances will be managed and recorded in a manner consistent with Institute policies, procedures, and formats.

2.11.2 Funds shall be forwarded to the branches by the Institute CEO at the start of each fiscal year as available in the Institute budgets. No branch shall keep funds in excess of $3000 at the end of each fiscal year. Any funds over this amount at the end of each fiscal year in branch bank accounts shall be returned to the Institute CEO.


2.12.1The Treasurer shall submit to the CEO of AIA a complete statement of the finances of the Network or Branchby January 31stfollowing the close of the fiscal year for purposes of the Institute’s annual financial review.

2.13.0Changes of the Articles and By-Laws of the Network or Branch

2.13.1No changes of the Articles and By-Laws of this Network or Branch shall be enforced or acted upon until ratified by the CEO of A.I.A.

2.13.2The Articles and the By-Laws of this Network or Branch may be replaced, amended, or added to by the Affirmative vote of two – thirds of the members present at any general meeting provided that due notice of 30 days has been given to Network or Branch members.

2.14.0 Dissolution:

2.14.1Network or Branch members may request that the Institute Council dissolve this Network or Branch by a minimum of 2/3 of voting Network or Branch members in attendance at a meeting of the general Network or Branch membership in which a quorum is established and at least one month’s notice of meeting, including the intended resolution to dissolve the Network or Branch, has been given.

2.14.2 Upon dissolution, the outgoing Network or Branch Administrative Committee shall ensure that all debts and assets are placed with the Institute office within 60 days.

2.15.0Overarching Principles:

2.15.1 If anything in these Bylaws contradicts the Agrology Profession Act, the Regulations, and/or the Institute policies, the conflicting Network or Branch Bylaw(s) shall be null

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[1] Networks may opt to have the CEO manage funds on behalf of the Network in which case this clause may be omitted.