Deep Bench 2007

Questions by Jeremy Hixson

Edited by Rob Carson and Andrew Hart

Singles and Doubles Packet Tossups

1. In Gallic myth, Taranis was responsible for this, while Aboriginal myths held that Mamaragan controlled it. The double axe on the Yoruba god Shango’s forehead was said to represent this, and in the Andaman Islands, this phenomenon is represented by Biliku’s thrown pearl shells.In Taoist mythology, it was first created when the Jade Emperor was beaten in a game and resulted from the striking of the yin and the yang, while victims of its best-known mythological representation include Capaneus, Semele, and Asclepius. FTP, name this meteorological phenomenon, which is better known as the weapon forged by the Cyclopes for use by Zeus.
ANSWER: Lightning or Thunderbolt

2. Hiram Runnels, Robert J. Walker, and other politicians were implicated in scandals involving the purchase of land from this tribe in Yalobusha County. Those purchases were tied to treaties signed by leaders of this tribe, including Hat-choo-tuck-nee, also known as Peter Pitchlynn, and Pushmataha. Two treaties secured their removal to Indian Territory, first at Doak's Stand in 1820 and then at Dancing Rabbit Creek in 1830, while 1837's Treaty of Doaksville granted the Chickasaw some of their lands. FTP, name this Native American tribe, whose language provided the name for the state of Oklahoma, and which was the first of the "Five Civilized Tribes" to be relocated to there.
ANSWER: Choctaw or Chahtas

3. Apollonius, citing a lost work by Aristotle concerning this person’s followers, claims that while in Tuscany, this man once killed a snake by biting it. In his Triads, Ion of Chios claims that this man forged several works ascribed to Orpheus, whilehis theory of "eternal recurrence" was mentioned in the works of his pupils Eudemus and Hippasus, who was also credited with discovering the fundamental musical ratios. His postulation of metempsychosis led his followers to abstain from beans and meat. FTP, name this Pre-Socratic philosopher with a namesake theorem regarding the hypotenuse of right triangles.
ANSWER: Pythagoras

4. Robert Yerkes utilized these to collect data on 1.75 million US soldiers during World War I, using the method devised by Henry Goddard as well as his own "alpha" and "beta" versions. Wilhelm Stern devised the modern method for calculating results for these, improving on the ambiguities of the subtraction method first used in 1908. The most famous example of these was adapted by Lewis Terman, a professor at Stanford, from work done by a French psychologist. FTP, name this examination to determine mental ability, first successfully developed by Alfred Binet.
ANSWER: IQ Test or Intelligence Test (accept similar answers)

5. As many as seven of the choreunts are named in this playwright's fragmentary Ichneutae, which Dana Sutton uses to argue that satyric drama is not a direct descendant of tragedy. In one of his complete plays, the character of Iole is mute and one main character, Deianira, is never on stage with the protagonist Heracles at the same time. In another play, Chrysominthus urges her sister to accept the murder of her father as the easier course of action. Author of Trachiniae and Electra, this is, FTP, what ancient Greek playwright, best known for the plays grouped by modern scholars as the Theban Cycle, including Antigone and Oedipus the King?
ANSWER: Sophocles

6. The genus Phacops is noted for being the only group of these with schizochroal eyes, as opposed to their typical holochroal variety, a fact which has served as a major argument for punctuated equilibrium. Members of the family Olenidae made use of chemoautotrophic ectosymbionts to process sulphides into usable nutrients, a process which resulted in the first hard evidence of their biramous limb structure, as discovered in 1893 by C.E. Beecher in his namesake "beds" of Utica shale. FTP, name this class of early arthropods, ubiquitous in the fossil record, whose closest living relatives are thought to be horseshoe crabs.
ANSWER: Trilobites or Trilobita

7. Passage of this law led to the Wais Act in Spain, and Robert Pastor has argued that the passage of this bill represented enactment of an age-old Republicanplatform plank. JamesBonbright of Columbia organized a petition against the signing of this legislation featuring over 1000 signatures from economists. It followed 8 years after the Fordney-McCumber Act, which one of its sponsors, a Republican Senator from Utah, had actively supported in 1922. FTP, name this 1930 tariff, which, due to its excessively high duties, exacerbated the Great Depression.
ANSWER: Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act of 1930 or Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 or US Tariff Act of 1930

8. This album contains a song in which the singer claims "I feel hung up but I don't know why," and another song deals with a title physician who will let you "Take a drink from his special cup." The U.S. release omitted a song in which the singer pleads "please don't spoil my day, I'm miles away," while both the British and stateside versions lead off with a track that chides Mr. Wilson and Mr. Heath and claims the title figure allows "one for you, 19 for me." Notable lyrics on this album include "I was alone, I took a ride, I didn't know what I would find," and "Ah, look at all the lonely people." FTP, name this album that contains the tracks Good Day Sunshine and Eleanor Rigby, the 1966 follow-up to Rubber Soulby the Beatles.

9. The image of the "crystal palace" in this work echoes a concept discussed in the author’s article "Winter Notes on Summer Impressions." That concept is derived from a section of N.G. Chernyshevsky’s novel What Is to Be Done?, to which this entire novel is aresponse. The narrator recalls being rejected by Olympia, whom Zverkov claims he will have after a dinner party held in his honor by Ferfichkin, Trodolyubov, and Simonov moves to a local brothel. In the end, the nameless narrator insults and is rejected by the prostitute he meets there, Liza, despite having made overtures to "save" her. FTP, name this novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
ANSWER: Notes from Underground or Notes from the Underground or Letters from the Underworld or Zapiski iz Podpolya

10. The United Nations Mission to this country is known as MONUC, and recently urged all troops here to join the country's army in a process known as "brassage." In 2003, Patrick Masunzu led members of its Banyamulenge minority in an uprising in this country’s South Kivu province. Its 2003 transitional constitution provides for an unusual executive branch, headed by a president and four vice presidents. On July 30, 2006, this nation held its first multi-party election since independence, with Jean-Pierre Bemba taking second in the subsequent presidential runoff. Bemba lost to current president Joseph Kabila in, FTP, what large Central African nation?
ANSWER: Democratic Republic of the Congo or Congo-Kinshasa or Dr. Congo (prompt on Congo or Zaire; do not accept or prompt on Republic of the Congo)

11. In 2007, a team at Harvard demonstrated that a slow light pulse could be stopped and stored in this, and it can be used to measure magnetic fields that are 50 million times weaker than the Earth's. A single-dimension variety of this material is called Tonks-Girardeau Gas. An example of this was formed in 1995 at the University of Colorado by using a laser to cool rubidium-87 atoms to below 170 nanoKelvin. FTP, name this
phase of matter, predicted by an Indian and a German in the 1920s, in which many bosons occupy the same quantum state.
ANSWER: Bose-Einstein Condensate or BEC

12. John A. Miles claims that the psalm in the second chapter of this man's namesake book in which the title figure claims weeds were wrapped around his head is a parody of Psalms. In Matthew, Jesus refuses to give a sign, claiming that only this man's sign will be given, and in Luke, Jesus claims that he is fulfilling a role analogous to this man's role in Nineveh. His namesake book ends with the appearance and then destruction of a castor oil-plant, and he attempts to flee from Joppa to Tarshish before the crew casts him overboard. FTP, name this later prophet from the Old Testament who was swallowed by a "great fish."
ANSWER: Book of Jonah

13. One man by this name served as satrap over Lydia, Phrygia, and Cappadocia during the Peloponnesian War, and funded the Spartan fleet. That same man was also accompanied by Xenophon and 10,000 Greek mercenaries in his attempt to overthrow his brother Artaxerxes. Another man by this name was a king of Anshan and the grandson of Achaemenes. Following the fall of the Assyrian empire, that man’s kingdom fell under the sway of the Medes, a position which it held until the rise of his grandson. FTP, what is this name, which was also held by that man’s grandson, the "great" founder of the Persian Empire?
ANSWER: Cyrus (accept "Cyrus the Younger" until "Another man…")

14. Much of the geology of this area is evidence of the Variscan orogeny, including its "North Variscan Foredeep" which dates to approximately 415 million years ago. Its highest point is Brown Willy, which is located in Bodmin Moor, the tors of which are evidence of the earlier mountain building episode. The Lizard forms its southernmost point and is also the only location of exposed oceanic crust in Great Britain. The Islands of Scilly are located off of its western tip, while the River Tamar forms much of its eastern border with Devon. FTP, name this region, the westernmost English county, which is home to Land’s End.
ANSWER: Cornwall

15. This novel’s protagonist has the peculiar habit of picturing his deceased dog, Rex, while he masturbates with a rubber glove. He once saw his favorite lumber jacket stolen while he was using a public restroom, an event so traumatic that he has not left his home city since. George is the courier for Lana Lee, distributing porn to local children. In the end, Lana is arrested, leading to a front page article in the newspaper which leads to Jones getting a job, and forces the protagonist to go on the lam with his only friend, Myrna Minkoff. FTP, name this novel that earned John Kennedy Toole a posthumous Pulitzer.
ANSWER: A Confederacy of Dunces

16. In IR spectroscopy, these can be differentiated from other similar compounds by their unique adsorption at 1735 inverse centimeters. Nitriles and an alcohol are combined to synthesize these in the Pinner reaction, and the Baeyer-Villiger oxidation is another synthesis reaction of these compounds. Like carboxylic acids, they can be reduced using lithium aluminum hydride to give primary alcohols. The beta-keto variety of these are created in the Dieckmann and Claisen condensations. FTP, name this type of compound that often have distinctive smells, which contains a carbonyl group adjacent to an oxygen which is bound to another organic group.
ANSWER: esters

17. It was followed by similar pronouncements from the Italian ambassador Marchese Imperiali and Jules Cambon, secretary-general of the French Foreign Ministry. Its exact meaning was clarified in Churchill's White Paper of 1922 and it was in conflict with earlier agreements, such as those expressed in the McMahon-Husayn Letters and the Sykes-Picot Agreement. Nahum Sokolov is credited with securing the inclusion of the term "homeland," a reference to Theodore Herzl’s speech in 1897 at the First Zionist Congress. FTP, name this letter that announced British support for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.
ANSWER: Balfour Declaration or Balfour Letter

18. This musical work consists of ten numbered movements and five shorter interludes. The sixth movement depicts an argument between two men, one represented by a high, insistent solo trumpet, and the title of the ninth movement refers to the home of the witch Baba-Yaga. In addition to those movements, "Samuel Goldenburg and Schmuyle" and "The Hut on Fowl's Legs," this work includes "The Old Castle" and the majestic finale, "The Great Gate of Kiev." FTP identify this suite, inspired by the art and premature death of Victor Hartmann, orchestrated by Maurice Ravel, and originally composed for piano by Modest Mussorgsky.
ANSWER: Pictures at an Exhibition

19. This team sucked under its second and third head coaches, Leeman Bennett and Ray Perkins, neither of whom lasted for more than two years. Its first draft pick, a defensive end out of Oklahoma, teamed with his brother, Dewey, the team's third pick, for seven sacks in their first season. That player, Lee Roy Selmon, became their first ever selection to the NFL Hall of Fame. Behind such players as Chidi Ahanatou, John Lynch, and Warren Sapp, this team became the template for the Cover 2 defense under Tony Dungy, before his move to the Colts. FTP, name this NFC South team, which Jon Gruden led to its first Super Bowl victory over the Oakland Raiders in 2002.
ANSWER: Tampa BayBuccaneers (accept either; prompt on "Bucs")

20. It is precipitated by the advance of a Kelvin wave, which disrupts Walker circulation. It has been linked with the Madden-Julien Oscillation, which occurs in the ICZ, and, with the disruption of Ekman Spiral-induced upwelling, may also be associated with the longer period Pacific Decadal Oscillation. It produces higher rainfall in the southwestern United States and is also associated with fewer hurricanes during the following Atlantic hurricane season. It is part of the constantly alternating pattern known as Southern Oscillation. FTP, name this oceanic-atmospheric phenomenon, which takes its name from its usual appearance in December.
ANSWER: El Niño (accept ENSO before "Southern Oscillation")

21. George Arms compares the title figure of this poem to Tennyson’s SirGalahad from Idylls of the King. The protagonist identifies two of his predecessors, Giles and Cuthbert, whom we are left to presume "view the last of [him]" arranged around the hills "in sheets of flame" as the protagonist arrives at the titular location. Its 13th stanza speaks of a "hateful cripple" who was called a "hoary cripple, with malicious eye" in the first stanza. It closes with its own title, which in turn comes from a line in King Lear. FTP, name this poem by Robert Browning that ends with the title character blowing his horn.
ANSWER: "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came"

22. When displayed at the Salon of 1872, a statue of this turbaned figure earned Antonin Mercié the cross of the Légion d'Honneur. Another statue of this figure, by Nicholas Cordier, can be found in the Borghese Chapel of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore. Verrocchio’s statue of him reportedly used Leonardo da Vinci as a model. He’s caught in the midst of motion in Bernini’s depiction, whilethe first unsupported standing bronze of the Renaissance, a work of Donatello, sees him holding the sword of his enemy and standing on that enemy’s head. FTP, name this biblical figure, the best known depiction of whom was a large nude with his sling by Michelangelo.
ANSWER: Davids

TB. The speaker posits that elves are likely to be offended by the title action, but the fact that there are no cows leads him to question its effectiveness. A character in this poem is described as a "old-stone savage" who "moves in darkness." One place in this poem is described as "all pine" and is contrasted with an apple orchard. The title action is called an "out-door game" played between two owners of New England farms, who are performing maintenance after winter and hunters have damaged the title entity. FTP, name this poem that concludes "Good fences make good neighbors," a work of Robert Frost.
ANSWER: "Mending Wall"